
Thursday. Regulated use closure starts tomorrow. Pray for rain (the wind will take care of itself).

A lack of strong wind on the Columbia this morning is lending a sense of relaxation to what could be called “Dawn Patrol time”. Enjoy your cup of coffee and get some things done this morning, because the wind will return (kinda) this afternoon. Our 7am gradients were down quite a bit from the last few days, but still strong enough to indicate wind waiting in the wings. Continued after the chart.

Today’s Gorge Wind – these are ranges for the average speed, not a predicted wind range. =)
Your favorite beach Dawn
Rooster’s Rocks blowing sands naked mans
Steven’s Locks 5-10 15-18 22-25 22-25
Hatchery/White Salmon Sandbar (minus a few for Hood River) 10-13 15-18 22-25
Doug’s, Lyle, Rowena 10-13 15-18 22-25
Rufus, etc. 10-13 10-13 16-19 16-19
Roosevelt, etc. 10-13 10-13 16-19 16-19


Gorge Wind Forecast, continued…
Coast Wind Forecast (when I remember).
Sauvie’s n’ Jones Beta Test Forecast

We had .09 (pdx-dls), .04 (dls-psc) and .31 (eph-dls). We’ll see 10-13 this morning through the whole Gorge, picking up to 15-18 by noon or so. As a weather system approaches the coast this afternoon, the wind will pick up to 22-25 everywhere for an hour or so (let’s say noon to 2pm as a specific guess), and then switch to Steven’s Locks and the Avery sections of river. The other beaches will see gusty 16-19, including Maryhill and Arlington.

Jones n’ Sauvie’s Beta Test Forecast: Jones, 22-25 (again). Sauvie’s, 9-12.


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That weather system swings through late tonight or early tomorrow morning, leaving us with 13-16 through the whole Gorge. We’ll see the wind pick up to gusty 22-25 late morning from Steven’s Locks to The Dalles. Swell, as usual, will die off mid-afternoon. Arlington and Maryhill should see 15-18 tomorrow for much of the day, but watch out for a midday lull at those beaches.

Saturday looks light and variable. Sunday starts off with E 15-18, goes calm by early afternoon, and switches to W 15-18 after 5pm. But then again, we’re a couple days out still, and that could change.

Out on the coast, here’s what you get (north/central/south). Today: 5-10/5-10/10-15, SW swell 2′ @ 13 seconds. Tomorrow: 5-10/10-15/20-25, SW 2 @ 12. Saturday: 15-20/15-20/25-30, SW 2 @ 12.

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bears - Copy

Thank you for using this forecast. Does it save you time, gas money, or help you have more fun in your life? Make a donation! Get your forecast here for free or donate and get on the mailing list for year-round wind forecasts and ski season snow forecasts. Just click on my photo to donate via PayPal or credit card. The email isn’t $99/year. Not $50/year. No, just $12.34 or more gets you on the list for 12 months, and sometimes there are cool prizes. Don’t PayPal? Send a check to Temira @ PO Box 841 in Hood River. Thank you for your support, and thank you for trusting my forecast.

Mt. Hood Snow Forecast

Nothing to say here today.

Random Morning Thoughts

I’m thinking a lot about expectations right now. That came up in response to a note from a person of authority in my life. In this note, she expressed her belief that I’m exceptional and extraordinary.

This scared the crap out of me. Why? When I hear praise like that, I feel compelled to try and live up to it 100% of the time. I feel like the person giving the praise expects me to be just-that-amazing all of the time. That’s problematic, because none of us can be exceptional and extraordinary all the time. (As a counterpoint, we are all exceptional and extraordinary and amazing some of the time, and we can totally own it when we are…)

So, I ask you, what (and whose) expectations are you trying to live up to? Are you trying to be the BEST kiteboarder, the FASTEST cyclist, the MOST loving mom, the MOST supportive friend, and are you trying to be that all the time?

Cut yourself some slack, my friends. You can’t be superlative, -EST, all the time. Give yourself permission to be a complete s***show slacker some of the time. Own it. ‘Cuz that’s what makes us human: the ebb-and-flow of our imperfections.

Gorge Weather Forecast

It’s partly cloudy out there this morning as a weather disturbance swings through. Expect more sunshine later and then more clouds this evening as another disturbance approaches. Temps will be in the mid 60’s early and the upper 70’s this afternoon. Increasing wind, no rainbows.

Expect a colorful sunrise tomorrow as that weather system clears the area. Temps will be near 60 early and in the mid 70’s in the afternoon. Increasing wind during the day, no rainbows. Saturday looks sunny. Temps will be in the low 50’s early and the low 80’s in the afternoon. Light wind. No rainbows.

White Sprinter Van of the Day


Road and Mountain Biking

Regulated use closure starts tomorrow morning. That means you can no longer ride dirt bikes or OHVs on Hood River County land. The exception to this is Post Canyon – those trails are still open to dirt bikes and will remain open until we go to IPL Level III. While we are at Level II, ALL vehicles (yes, that means you driving up to ride your bike) traveling on forest roads must carry a gallon of water and a shovel or a 2.5lb fire extinguisher.

In other words, pray for rain.

In other news, the Oregon Enduro Series is racing Post Canyon this weekend, and so is 12 Hours of Post. The other local trails will be vacant, so you may want to go elsewhere to ride. When you are done with your Saturday, head to Dirty Fingers for their anniversary party.

The Clymb: free membership. Cheap gear.
Temira approves. Click to join.


You’ve been in the river all day playing like a fish. You’re hungry. You want sushi. Hit up Sushi Okalani’s happy hour, Mon-Fri 5-6pm, and Sunday 5pm-9:30. You’ll find $5 rolls, specials on sake and beer, and edamame. You’ll also find a new chef who’s serving up specials like Korean brisket & seared scallops with a ginger-cream sauce and avo-wasabi puree. You can get sushi to go, and you can get to-go sake with that sushi. No open container law in HR means you can have a sushi-sake picnic. Yay!

Upcoming Events

There’s only one event on the schedule on Friday, and it’s an early one, the 7am coffee and donut run at Kickstand Coffee. Do the 4 mile run, and you’ll earn back the calories in the form of a free donut and coffee.

Tomorrow is the White Salmon Backyard Half Marathon, benefiting the White Salmon high school cross country team. Suggested donation is $20. Tomorrow’s also the Wheatacres Ranch Trail Challenge for equestrians. Mountain Bikers have the Oregon Enduro Series in Post Canyon this weekend, the 12 Hours of Post event, and on Saturday evening, the Dirty Fingers anniversary party with the theme “Black Tie, Leather and/or Toga”.

Also Saturday, it’s opening day of sailboat racing season in Cascade Locks with free sailboat rides from 11am to 4pm along with racing and bbq.

The last weekend in June is the CGWA beach bash, and they need volunteers. If the following appeals to you, click here to sign up to help. On Thursday night, it’s the Pray for Wind dinner at Stonehedge. Friday is a high wind demo and a concert. There’s a beach party Saturday, and Sunday is a swap meet followed by a bbq. You can get more info and hit the Facebook join button.

Have an awesome day today!


By Temira

Temira Lital is a recreation and travel weather forecaster based in Hood River, Oregon. Temira uses they/them pronouns. They're also a mental health counselor. Temira bikes, skis, windsurfs, paddles a SUP, swims in mountain lakes, and loves gardening. Most recently they've taken up SUP foiling. Temira is powered by La Croix, protein, and beets.