
107 yesterday? Are you kidding me? 7/29

If you’d like to follow the heat in real-time today, check out Larry’s Hood River Weather website:

With the heat low centered over western Oregon, some light east gradients develop today. At 6am, we had 5 one-hundredths, giving us a light breeze in Stevenson. Windsport magazine is trying to throw a windsurfing un-contest today. Bring whatever gear you have: race gear, freestyle gear, retro gear, longboard gear… doesn’t really matter – events will be made up on the spot. if it picks up into the teens, head on down to Bob’s Beach

Light easterlies hold today and tomorrow. We’ll see a light breeze this morning, building to 15 or so later. Tomorrow looks like 15-18 or so in the morning, fading as the day goes on. West winds likely return Friday, with 15-18, maybe a little better, in the Corridor. Those Friday westerlies will be thunderstorm-dependent, meaning if you see big climbing clouds and a threatening sky, give up on the wind.

In an ironic twist, today’s most exciting event, the Hood River Weather Website potluck, has been cancelled due to excessive heat. You’d think the weather geeks (myself incluced) would want to celebrate the record high temps, but no…

If you’re looking to torture yourself tomorrow, you can forget about the Dirty Divas ride. It’s cancelled due to the heat. However, tomorrow is the hot, dusty and miserable Dirty Fingers Post and Pint ride. Mitchell says that only mutants and crazy people are welcome this week, due to excessive heat. If you come on this ride, something is clearly wrong with you (he had a specific suggestion, but I’m not going to include it here!). See you there! That same insane crowd is welcome at the Hood River Triathlon tomorrow night, and sane people can join the Big Winds’s standup paddle races tomorrow.

But whatever you do today, have an awesome day, and let’s enjoy record-breaking heat. (sorry, that’s the Japanese speaker in me coming out) If you figure out how to enjoy 107 degrees, let me know.


Hot Forecast 7/28

The heatwave continues today, with the mercury crossing the hundred degree line everywhere from Portland out to the desert.

If you’ve got a ski boat or a jetski, you’re going to be very popular today. You may want to take your phone off the hook to ward off the heat-crazed masses, who will all be calling you for a ride on the glassy Columbia.

If you don’t have a boat, think about a road bike ride this morning. I rode to Rowena yesterday morning with a friend of mine, and it was fabulous. There was no wind, except what we created with our speed, so we rode hard and fast. And it seemed like all of Hood River was on the same plan. We must have see 50 road riders on their way to Mosier. Other good rides this morning are Lost Lake and the Cooper Spur ride, where the higher elevation might just give you an extra hour in the saddle.

Desperate windsurfers and kiters can head to the coast. Today looks like 15-20 knots from Newport south with a 7 foot northwest swell. After today, coast winds shut off too, making for great surf weather.

However, the Gorge turns on tomorrow, with east winds in the 21-25 range providing a not-very-cooling breeze in the western Gorge.

If 5 o’clock this evening rolls around and you are feeling the need to get in the water, head to the Event Site for Big Winds’ ladies standup paddle club. Bring your own board or borrow one for $10. Standup is easy… even you can do it!

Whatever you do today, have an awesome day!