
10/6 Forecast (night before)

Good morning everyone!

Oh my gosh. The pressure is on. I hear iWindsurf/iKitesurf is done with human forecasts for the season. I qualify as human, barely, making me the only one left forecasting at this difficult time of year.

So, please forgive all the hedging that goes along with the forecast this time of year. I have a theory that the higher speed fall jet makes surface winds inconsistent. I’m sticking with that theory, rather than admitting incompetence.

That said, today we’ll see a lot of nothing in the Gorge. Very light easterlies in the morning and very light westerlies in the afternoon, as high pressure builds off the coast.

That high pressure rests off the coast tomorrow. If this were summer, I’d predict a nuker of a corridor day. However, since it’s fall, a front is going to throw a wrench in this setup’s stability. Hopefully that won’t happen until evening, and since I’d like to sail (it’s been a while), I’m going with 22-25, maybe better, for much of the day. Just to be safe, get it early; As the front approaches, winds become gustier and gustier, until you give up and go mountain biking (it’s pretty epic out there right now, although I do have reports of minimal snow from Surveyor’s up).

It’s looking like high pressure will rebuild on Thursday, setting up light easterlies.

In other news, Jeri’s continuing free Crossfit workouts M-F. Details are at Note that the morning class is at 7:30 from now on, ‘cuz it’s way too dark at 6:30am.

There’s a bunch of other stuff going on this month, but you’ll have to check the events calendar to find out.


Monday forecast


Good morning everyone,

There isn’t much to report on the wind front for the next couple of days. We’ll see light east wind today as high pressure blankets Oregon and Washington.

That high pressure shifts far eastward tomorrow, late in the day, turning the flow onshore again. We’re not going to see strong west winds, but if we’re lucky, we’ll see 16-19 in the corridor for the after work session.

Thursday looks like light wind again.

There isn’t much going on at the coast either. Light northerlies are the call with a 5 foot swell at 9 seconds. Waves pick up a bit on Wednesday, with a 7 foot swell train headed this way.

With the light wind through the Gorge, we’ll see perfect weather for road biking and mountain biking. Post Canyon was still a little slick yesterday, but I think it’ll be perfect by this afternoon.

Save some space on your calendar on Saturday. There’s a weeding party at the Hood River Waterfront Park and a telemark movie at Dog River in the evening.

Basically, this week is looking like a good week for making pie.

Have a great day today!