
Tuesday: warm and sunny with a late burst of west wind. Spring snow on the slopes.

The best wind forecast for the Gorge. The best snow forecast for Mt. Hood. The best weather forecast for the Gorge.

Mt. Hood Snow Forecast – 5000′
Snow level 4a-8a 8a-12p 12p-4p 4p-8p 8p-4a

Mt. Hood Snow Forecast

One more warm and sunny day is forecast for Mt. Hood. After that? A return to winter. Models like the idea of 0.75” to 1.25” water equivalent through early next week, which gives us somewhere around half a foot to a bit more than a foot of new snow. Fingers crossed for that – the setup is a bit complicated for part of this upcoming period, and models are struggling to handle it. But first… a sunny day on Tuesday…

The free air freezing level on Tuesday will be 10,000′ all day. Expect sunny sky until early evening. As a cold front powers into the Northwest, the snow level crashes to 2000-2500′ after midnight. Snow starts up around 11pm; about 0.2” water equivalent (WE) falls by 5am Wednesday for 2” new at 5000′. Wind: W 10 in the morning, SW 15-25 in the afternoon, and WSW 30 after midnight.

Tuesday starts with light snow, turns clear in the afternoon, and ends up cloudy overnight. The snow level will be 2000′ in the morning, 3000′ in the afternoon, and down to 1000′ or less overnight. About 0.2” WE is forecast during the day for a couple inches of new snow. Wind: WSW 30 in the morning, NW 15-25 in the afternoon, and and the same overnight.

Clouds stick around on Thursday along with light snowfall in the afternoon. This is all thanks to a low sitting in the Columbia Basin. Its exact location will determine where moisture goes. For now, let’s call it a trace of snow during the day and a couple inches overnight. The snow level will be 1000′ early, 2000′ in the afternoon, and 1000′ overnight. Wind: NW 15-25 early, WNW 30-40 in the afternoon, and NW 20-30 after midnight. Clouds and light snow continue on Friday. There’s a chance of heavier snow on Saturday, but that’s a long ways out. Generally speaking, temps remain cold enough for snow at 5000′ (or less) until next Tuesday. After that: probably warmer, but there’s a huge amount of range in the ensembles. All-in-all, it looks like there are some good conditions coming. Enjoy!  

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Gorge Wind Forecast

Hi friends! That sure was a fun day on the water, and it was lovely to see so many people out on April 1st. Y’all are really into this wind-sporting! Would you like to do more of it? We can make that happen. Best chances are now Tuesday evening, Friday, and perhaps Saturday, depending on the timing of weather systems swinging through.

We’d initially thought Wednesday would be a big day, but the driving force will move through late Tuesday night. This does set us up for a better Tuesday, and a really warm one. The day starts with 5-10mph or less. We’ll see a slow build to 10-13 early afternoon from Stevenson to Viento and then 16-19 from Stevenson to The Dalles mid-afternoon. As colder air starts to push into Portland and heat hangs on in the desert, the Executive Session will rule the snow. Watch for 22-25 from Stevenson to Doug’s after 5pm with 16-19 from Avery to Arlington. River flow Monday was 114-159kcfs, river temp is 48.74F, and high temp forecast is… wait for it… 78F!

A very windy Tuesday night gives way to a rather lackluster Wednesday. And cold. The day starts with 7-10 under the clouds from Stevenson to The Dalles with 14-17 form Avery to Arlington. That holds through midday, as does the drizzle in Stevenson. Afternoon: 17-20 from Mosier to Celilo with not-enough to the east and west of that section of river. High temp: very sad – just 53F. Thursday sees a low settle in the Columbia Basin. While the wind will be onshore, intermittent rain will mess with things. Expect 14-17 from Stevenson to Arlington early, 17-20 from Stevenson to Mosier midday, and 21-24 from Hood River to Arlington late afternoon. Extended forecast: Friday – 22-25. Saturday – windy if the system moves through with the right timing. Sunday – calm. Let’s see how much of that stays the same as we get closer.  

Jones, Sauvie’s, Coast Forecast – On vacation ‘til summer unless otherwise noted


Very basic Hood River weather forecast. Don’t plan your life around this. You really should read TATAS

Clear sky Tuesday morning adds high clouds later. Temps start in the mid 40s and rise to the upper 70’s. Light west wind early. Moderately strong westerlies in the evening. No rainbows. Wednesday will be cloudy most of the day with intermittent maybe drizzle and a period of sun late afternoon. Temps start in the low 40s and rise to the low 50s. Light westerlies. 89% chance of rainbows. Thursday looks rainy. Temps start in the mid to upper 30s and rise to the upper 40s. Moderate westerlies. 95% chance of rainbows. Read Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook for a detailed forecast that may help you plan your day.  

Local-ish Events

Please let me know of outdoor-related local-ish events. If you don’t tell me, I don’t know!

Indian Bowl and Roll (the baby sis to Amayah’s) opens April 5th in Hood Rivert. The White Salmon – Bingen community-wide yard sale is April 19th and 20th. On April 16th at 6pm, Master Gardener Denis Carlson gives a talk at the Hood River Library on controlling rodents in your garden.

Regular weekly events:. NK Studio’s by-donation Tuesday morning yoga class is back. Ferment’s Tuesday night 4-mile walk/run is at 6pm. There’s meditation with monks at 5:15pm (an hour) and 6:30pm (30 minutes plus a talk) at Yoga Samadhi in White Salmon. The Tri Club is done for the season. At 7:15am on Wednesdays, there’s a run from the White Salmon Bakery. At 7am on Friday morning, there’s a run from Pine Street Bakery. On Fridays at 2:30pm, there’s a free meditation and stretching class at Yoga Samadhi. On Saturday at 9am, there’s a by-donation outdoor group fitness on the 2rd floor deck about Ferment Brewing.  


Definitely got a Tack Alert going on out there right now – lots of good dirt. Some areas of Post are still muddy (shady, cool areas), so consider choosing a different spot to ride. You’ll have Post all summer long! Sisterwives and Kleeway in Post Canyon are currently closed for rebuilding. It’s trailbuilding season. Get on the HRATS mailing list if you’d like to help out. If you’re parking at Post Canyon, you will need a parking pass. Those can be purchased at many local shops or online.  

Sprinter Van of the Week!

  Click here for the Sprinter Van map of the world!!!  

Have an awesome day!


Monday: warm, sunny weather and corn snow for Mt. Hood. Westerlies for the Gorge.

The best wind forecast for the Gorge. The best snow forecast for Mt. Hood. The best weather forecast for the Gorge.

Mt. Hood Snow Forecast – 5000′
Snow level 4a-8a 8a-12p 12p-4p 4p-8p 8p-4a

Mt. Hood Snow Forecast

A couple more sunny days are on tap for the mountain before we plunge right back into sub-freezing weather. Get the spring skiing while you can! There’s quite a bit of range in the precip forecast models for the next couple of weeks – they’re calling for anywhere from 1.0” to 3.0” water equivalent. Hard to say how much snow we’ll get given that range, but we will start with a few inches on Wednesday.

But first… a sunny Monday. The free air freezing level (FAF) starts at 9000′ and rises to 10,000′. It stays there overnight. Temps start near 40 and rise to 50 or so at 5000′. Despite the warmth, the snow should start hard-frozen. Get it before it turns to slush! Skaters: Meadows was 10/10 on Sunday and should repeat that on Monday. Wind will be N 25 in the morning, N 15 in the afternoon, and W 5 overnight. Thanks to radiational cooling, the snow should refreeze overnight despite the warmth. That’ll lead to corn snow on Tuesday. The FAF Tuesday will be 10,000′ all day and will fall to 4000′ overnight as the next system arrives. Wind: light westerlies early, SW 10-20 in the afternoon, and W 35 overnight.

Light snowfall is forecast Wednesday daytime. That’s followed by partly cloudy weather in the evening and a return to light snowfall (from the east, not the west!) overnight. The snow level will be 4000′ early, 3000′ in the afternoon, and 2000′ after midnight. About 0.3” water equivalent (WE) is forecast. Call that 3” of new snow. Wind: W 35 early, NW 10-15 in the afternoon, and light/variable overnight. Wraparound moisture on Thursday might bring in a few more inches of snow, but these situations are hard to predict. Looking longer-range, models keep temps at 850mb (5000′ or so) sub-freezing between this Wednesday and the next. All we need with that is some moisture! Enjoy!  

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Gorge Wind Forecast

Hi friends! Mother Nature’s dishing up some west wind this week. The first two days of it – warm and sunny – will spoil you for the rest (colder). Monday’s wind is brought to you by stable conditions, offshore high pressure, and a shift of the warmest temps to the east side. The day starts with 19-22 from Viento to Mosier with 11-14 at Stevenson and east of Mosier to Arlington. Stay close to Hood River. The wind rises to 24-27 from Stevenson to Mosier mid-morning with 14-17 from Lyle to Doug’s and 11-14 out east. Models knock the wind back down to 22-25 from Stevenson to Avery in the afternoon. East of there: 11-14 or less. River flow Sunday was 123-159kcfs, river temp is 48.38F, and high temp forecast is 70F. Nice!

Tuesday starts with light westerlies, less than 10mph. We’ll see a slow build to 13-16 from Stevenson to Mosier. In the evening, as temps drop on the west side and hold out east, westerlies pick up to gusty 20-23 from Stevenson to The Dalles for the Executive Session (after 5pm). East of The Dalles: 12-15 as far east as Amayah’s (or Rufus). High temp will be 77F. A cold front swings towards us on Tuesday night. The strongest dynamics, unfortunately, will happen while we’re all sleeping. That leaves us with 14-17 west of The Dalles Wednesday morning and 19-23 out east. Afternoon wind rises to 21-24 from Mosier to Rufus. West of there: 11-14. This could still change, but models have backed off. High temp: 50-55F. West wind sticks around through Saturday, at least. As of right now, models are very enthusiastic about Saturday, but that’s a long ways out to count on. We’ll keep an eye on it!  

Jones, Sauvie’s, Coast Forecast – On vacation ‘til summer unless otherwise noted


Very basic Hood River weather forecast. Don’t plan your life around this. You really should read TATAS

Monday will be sunny. Temps start near 40 and climb to 70 or so. Moderately strong westerlies. No rainbows. Tuesday will be mostly clear. Temps start in the mid 40s and rise to the upper 70s. Calm wind early. Moderate westerlies later. No rainbows. Wednesday will be high cloudy and then drizzly then mostly cloudy. Temps start in the low 40s and rise to the mid 50s. Moderate westerlies. 99% chance of rainbows. Read Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook for a detailed forecast that may help you plan your day.  

Local-ish Events

Please let me know of outdoor-related local-ish events. If you don’t tell me, I don’t know!

Indian Bowl and Roll (the baby sis to Amayah’s) opens April 5th in Hood Rivert. The White Salmon – Bingen community-wide yard sale is April 19th and 20th. On April 16th at 6pm, Master Gardener Denis Carlson gives a talk at the Hood River Library on controlling rodents in your garden.

Regular weekly events:. NK Studio’s by-donation Tuesday morning yoga class is back. Ferment’s Tuesday night 4-mile walk/run is at 6pm. There’s meditation with monks at 5:15pm (an hour) and 6:30pm (30 minutes plus a talk) at Yoga Samadhi in White Salmon. The Tri Club is done for the season. At 7:15am on Wednesdays, there’s a run from the White Salmon Bakery. At 7am on Friday morning, there’s a run from Pine Street Bakery. On Fridays at 2:30pm, there’s a free meditation and stretching class at Yoga Samadhi. On Saturday at 9am, there’s a by-donation outdoor group fitness on the 2rd floor deck about Ferment Brewing.  


Definitely got a Tack Alert going on out there right now – lots of good dirt. Some areas of Post are still muddy (shady, cool areas), so consider choosing a different spot to ride. You’ll have Post all summer long! Sisterwives and Kleeway in Post Canyon are currently closed for rebuilding. It’s trailbuilding season. Get on the HRATS mailing list if you’d like to help out. If you’re parking at Post Canyon, you will need a parking pass. Those can be purchased at many local shops or online.  

Sprinter Van of the Week!

  Click here for the Sprinter Van map of the world!!!  

Have an awesome day!