
7/4 Forecast

Good morning and happy Fourth of July to everyone!

This week’s report is brought to you by 2nd Wind Sports at 210 Oak in Hood River. 2nd Wind isn’t just a used gear shop anymore. They’ve got everything, and you know variety is the spice of life. Along with having everything you might need to play in the Gorge, 2nd Wind has super knowledgable staff to help you pick the best gear – and they’re only going to sell you the right gear for your ability level. Swing by and say hello to the 2nd Wind crew today!

Next, I’d like to say thanks to Dean Wayne, for the following email sent last night at 9:24pm (Dean didn’t actually sign his name, but forgot that you can get anyone’s name if you have their email address) “Tamira,I’ve put up with your radio spots because Bart has quit and for now there is no other alternative. But today at the hatch I found your card on my window and this was the last straw… how much money did you ‘invest’ in those, it is not exactly a ‘green’ thing to do! and who would pay $10 for something they could get free in a couple of clicks. When do you sail anyway, you are like fat ol’ has-been Bingen Bart, never seen…
But yesterday was the worse, you failed to remind us of The Ultronz at the Double Mountain and I forgot and ended up at that stupid 2nd wind party watching this piss-poor video with a horrible sound track that was played at distortion level. Needless to say I left in 15 mins.
Maybe you should just concentrate on what you went to school for, you definitely ain’t cool…………… you suck!”

Thank you Dean, for the wonderful, constructive feedback. Dean, if you would like to meet me at Double Mountain, I’d be happy to buy you a beer because I forgot to let you know the Ultronz were playing. And p.s., my name is spelled “Temira.” =)

Anyway, on to the forecast.

This is a 9:30 update. After 5am, clouds pushed into Hood River, and the gradient took a jump to .15. Strongest wind this morning will be from Mosier to Maryhill, at 26-30. Winds will fill back to the Hatch in the 26-30 range later, and die at Maryhill, dropping to 23-26. The original forecast follows:

This is turning into a great long weekend of windsurfing and kiting. West winds were already blowing in the teens at 5am, and with the early gradient at .07 from Portland to The Dalles, and the cloud line at Hood River, it’s going to be another good day on the water. Morning winds will be in the 17-20 range from Viento down to Doug’s. By afternoon , we’ll see 22-25 at the Hatchery, Doug’s and Rowena, with a little less wind at the Viento, the Sandbar, and Lyle.

Westerlies continue on Monday, with another round of upper teen dawn patrol from Stevenson down to Hood River, with a chance of stronger wind until mid-morning. Get the wind early tomorrow, because high pressure is going to build quickly in the afternoon, causing the wind to drop and get gusty. By Tuesday morning, we’ll see easterlies through the Gorge with highs near 90.

If you’d like some waves with your wind, it’s blowing from Florence down now, and is going to keep blowing through Thursday, with 20-25 knots or more starting Monday, and 7 to 9 foot waves. Wavesailing sounds like a great way to beat the heat!

Boaters, the White Salmon’s just below 3 feet and the Klickitat’s at 1590 cfs.

Finally, the Maryhill festival of speed finishes up today, with street luge and downhill skateboarding by some of the world’s finest athletes on the world’s finest pavement, the Maryhill loop road.

That’s it for today. Whatever you do today, have an awesome day!


p.s. If you think this forecast is worth something (if it saves you gas money, for example), please take the time to make a donation below. For a suggested donation of $10, I’ll add you to the email list, where you can win lots of cool prizes from the sponsors. Thank you for your support!


7/3 Tomorrow we blow s$*t up. Today we play in the water.

Good morning!

This week’s report is brought to you by 2nd Wind Sports at 210 Oak in Hood River. If you haven’t been in for a few years, come check it out. It’s a whole new shop! 2nd Wind has the best staff; they’ve all lived in the Northwest long enough to know where to find the best hiking, biking, kiting and windsurfing, and they’re happy to hook you up with the 411 on the best places to go. Stop by 2nd Wind today and say hi to the 2 Claires and the rest of the gang!

West winds are going to hold through the weekend, which is great news for all the weekend warriors and out-of-town visitors here for the holiday. The early gradient was at .07 this morning, and westerlies were already in the upper teens from Viento down to the Doug’s, despite marine clouds over Hood River. Strongest, steadiest wind will likely be at Mosier until the clouds burn back, but the winds will hold from Viento out to Doug’s in the 17-20 range today, with a little less at the Sandbar.

Tomorrow looks like a repeat of today, with upper teens through the western Gorge all day. At this point, it looks like we’ll see a final west wind day on Monday, before high pressure fills in across the Northwest, temperatures skyrocket, and winds turn easterly.

Mountain bikers, I talked to the ranger station at Mt. St Helens yesterday, and they say people have been riding Plains of Abraham. Apparently there’s a little snow left, but Ape Canyon, Smith Creek and the Plains of Abraham are open! I haven’t talked to anyone who’s ridden it yet, but the ranger wouldn’t lie, right?

Boaters, the White Salmon’s just below three feet and the Klickitat’s dropping really quickly – it’s at 1640 cfs. If you want to watch some cool aerial boating moves tonight, there’s an informal get together at Top Drop, at the BZ Corners put-in, at 6:30, followed by boater social hour. We’re still planning on some sort of all-day boating extravaganza on Wednesday or Thursday, to beat the heat, so contact me if you’re interested.

Finally, the Maryhill festival of speed continues today, with street luge and downhill skateboarding by some of the world’s finest athletes on the world’s finest pavement, the Maryhill loop road.

That’s it for today. Whatever you do today, have an awesome day!


p.s. If you think this forecast is worth something (like it saves you time, gas or frustration), please take the time to donate below by clicking on the “donate” button. Or,] if you’d like to get the email version of this report, along with a chance to win some cool prizes from the sponsors, subscribe with a suggested donation of $10 or more.