
10/14 forecast

Good morning!

In case you hadn’t noticed, it’s raining. No, seriously. It’s wet out there. And this morning, it’s actually rain, not snow. (I’m hoping it will snow again)

I’m starting to think Mother Nature has something against me. I say it’s too warm to snow (it was 41 yesterday morning), and it snows. I say it’s going to be windy, and it’s not. All this denial makes me want to…

eat apple pie for breakfast! Yummy! Speaking of pie, swing by the senior center today and tomorrow to help us make pie for (super rainy) Harvest Fest.

Oh, I’m sorry. were you looking for a forecast? Your best chance for wind in the next few days is at the coast, where massive southerlies will let you set some speedsailing records today, tomorrow and Friday. For Gorge winds, watch the (rainy and cold) desert late today for 18-22 this afternoon. Honestly, I wouldn’t bother going out there unless you are really desperate.

If you’re a mountain biker, dress warmly and prepare for lots of mud. And let me know what you rode and how muddy it is.

Coming up this weekend is Harvest Fest and the Providence Harvest Dash, a costumed run/walk race, where you can practice your Halloween antics while jogging.

Have a great day today!


10/13 Forecast

Good morning!

I was really hoping for a few snowflakes this morning, but the weather gods didn’t dish up the white stuff, until much later. I had given up hope, really, and resigned myself to lots of rain.

Today is your last day for solid east winds for a while. Pair those easterlies up with already-falling rain, and you have a … lovely … day on the water.

We may see some 20ish mph westerlies tomorrow afternoon out in the desert, but it’s going to be gusty and rainy along with the wind. Keep an eye on Arlington for your best chance to get on the water. The direction will be very southerly, and that’s just not great for the Gorge.

South winds do work quite well on the coast, so this is your chance to try speedsailing. There are a few spots out on the Oregon coast. If you’re interested, contact Bill Kline via Facebook, and he can give you the details.

In mountain biking news, today and tomorrow may be your last day this season to ride good, tacky trails. We’re going to get a lot of rain this week, turning Post into a slippery mess. So, get out and ride today!

In non-sport news, you can help make pies at the Senior Center tomorrow and Thursday between 8-5. Give them a call at 386-2060 to sign up. If you’d rather eat pie, this weekend is Harvest Fest, where you can eat lots and lots and lots of pie.

Finally, the snow is starting to fly, so get your butt down to 2nd Wind and get some new skis (I did).

Have a great day!
