
11/3/09 Forecast

The east winds take their sweet time to develop today, as high pressure takes its sweet time building in the desert. At this point, it looks like the strongest easterlies will wait until after dark to make there presence known through the Gorge. Even so, you’ll be on the water by afternoon if you want to, as gradients build and the windspeed climbs slowly toward 30-35.

Lingering east winds tomorrow morning will get you on the water if you so desire. I think 22-26 is the morning call, fading by evening.

Come Thursday, a powerful cold front heads our way, bring super strong southerlies (gusts to 50 or 60 seems reasonable). I’m sure you speedsailors don’t need me to tell you that this is going to be a good day out there, assuming the tides are right. Also, if you are insane or have a death wish, the south winds continue Friday, with a 26 foot swell.

In other news, reports of perfection are coming in from everywhere in the mountain bike world. The only exception is lower Post Canyon; where it’s still pretty slick. Most of Seven Streams, Mitchell Ridge and 8-Track are in great shape, however, and you really should ride up there (or anywhere) before the coming downpour and lowering snow levels this weekend.

Speaking of lowering snow levels, they are headed to pass levels this weekend, with a foot or so of snow predicted for this storm cycle. In celebration, you can watch the best ski movie ever, Every Day’s a Saturday, at the Ratskeller in Govy on Friday night. This show is free, and is supported by Skibowl, star of the film. Okay, there are some good skiers in there too….

Have a great day today!