
12/31 NYE Forecast

Good morning!

Snow, snow everywhere! There’s 3” at my house in Hood River, and there’s 7” up on the mountain.

7” probably isn’t enough to cover up the hard and variable off-groom at Meadows this morning, but it is going to be fun in the wind-favored areas. If you’re planning on going up, expect crowds, unless the road conditions scare people off. It’s winter break, and that’s peak time for skiing. So, get up there early, get your two hours of fresh tracks in, and then go home and do something else.

I’d say you should go for a bike ride after skiing, but the trails are covered in snow and the roads are covered in gravel. If you’re looking for an outside workout, you’re looking at the stairs or a road run today. Yucky!

Coming up tomorrow, a mess of a weather system plows into the Cascades around midday. Snow levels start out low and rise later, possibly as high as 6-7000 feet. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the precipitation stays snow, as I’d like to see a fun NYE at Meadows. Unfortunately, even if we see snow, we’ll see the wind pick up tomorrow afternoon in the mountains, hitting the 25+ range and holding in the moderate to strong range through Sunday.

Snow levels come back down for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, setting up a series of powder days.

Have a great day today!
