
10/30 Forecast

Happy Friday!

Today is the official beginning of winter. Sure, winter isn’t here on the calendar yet, but you can have your pass picture taken at the HR Ski/Gear swap today or tomorrow. As far as I’m concerned, ski season starts once my digital image is contained on a MHM hard drive.

Now for a shameless plug. While you’re up getting your picture taken, pick up a ticket for the Hood River Snow Show on November 21st. IPS, 2nd Wind, MHM, and I have put in a ton of work into putting this party together. We’ll have ski and snowboard movies, music by Area 54, and sick raffle prizes (Line skis, snowboard, season pass). All proceeds go to support local ski and snowboard youth teams. Tickets are $5, and if you don’t buy one and go to the party, you’ll have to deal with my wrath. =)

Speaking of wrath, Mother Nature’s is out of the picture today, as high pressure builds over the northwest. Clouds will burn back towards Portland today, leaving us with upper teen westerlies from the Corridor out to Doug’s this afternoon.

Tomorrow morning brings more rain, but clouds will break up in the afternoon. High pressure fills the coastal airspace by evening, giving us gusty westerlies in the mid-twenties. Sunday brings light wind and clear skies.

Have a great day today!


6.24 Forecast

Morning everyone! Geez… two days of sleeping in. I almost feel rested!

It’s another light start this morning, but it won’t last long. An upper level low off BC sends a burly cold front our way this afternoon. Timing is everything, but it looks like the cold air will hit Portland in time for daylight wind. Frontal wind progression is Stevenson, Hood River and then Arlington, so let’s go with that. Watch for 23-26 at Stevenson starting early afternoon. Then watch the corridor. Then watch the far east for 28-32 starting around 5pm and continuing all night long.

Thursday in the corridor starts out cold and grey, with a chance of sprinkles. Out east, west winds keep blowing, with 23-27 likely for the start of the day. As high pressure begins building over the Norhtwest during the day Thursday, winds shift back to the corridor.

High pressure builds off the coast on Friday, keeping Gorge westerlies in the 17-21 or better range, and sending coast winds into the 20-30 range from the North coast all the way to pistol river. Combine the beach breezes with a 9 foot swell and you’re looking at an epic day on the Oregon Coast on Friday!

Before you commit to a coastal weekend, listen to this list. On Saturday, we have a mountain bike work party at Cook Meadows. The Super-D and Windfest in Hood River. On Sunday it’s Windfest, a CGWA swap meet, and a Bionicon bikes demo day at Eightmile campground.

But that’s the weekend. Whatever you do today, have an awesome day.