
Tuesday: one last day of Gorge westerlies. Spring skiing for Mt. Hood.

The best wind forecast for the Gorge. The best snow forecast for Mt. Hood. The best weather forecast for the Gorge.

Mt. Hood Snow Forecast – 5000′
Snow level 4a-8a 8a-12p 12p-4p 4p-8p 8p-4a

Mt. Hood Snow Forecast

Hi skiers and riders! Looks like spring skiing is here to stay – forecast models are very dry for the next ten days or so. After that, there’s more uncertainty about the lack of precip but no clear signs of precip. Generally speaking, after tomorrow, temps at 5000′ stay above freezing for the extended forecast. Add in clear sky, and we should see overnight radiational cooling freeze the snow. It’s all spring skiing, all the time.

For Tuesday, the day starts with some high clouds and turns clear. The free air freezing level will be 2500′ all day and will fall to 2000′ or less overnight. No precip. Wind will be WNW 20 all day and NE 10 overnight. Wednesday looks sunny in the morning with a few little fluffy clouds around 9000′ or so in the afternoon. The free air freezing level will be 2000′ in the morning, 4000′ in the afternoon, and 3000′ after midnight. Wind: NE 5-10 all day becoming E 15-20 overnight.

Thursday will be sunny. The freezing level starts at 3000′, rises to 5000′, and falls to 4000′ overnight. Wind will be E 20 all day rising to E 30 overnight. Friday looks sunny and windy with relatively strong east wind. This could have some impact over at Timberline. For whatever reason, easterlies really affect lifts there. Moving on to the weekend, we have quite a bit of uncertainty and no clear picture of the weather. It’ll probably be dry, but beyond that, we’ll have to wait until the models settle down. Have a great week of spring skiing!  

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Gorge Wind Forecast

Hi friends! Yesterday was an absolutely ginormous day for the Maryhill stretch of river. Good to see those of you who made it! We’ll have lighter westerlies today, and then we’ll switch to easterlies for the rest of the week. Strongest east wind day should be Friday, when we’ll have sunshine and temps in the mid 60’s. Model agreement falls apart on Saturday, so it’s uncertain what will happen for the weekend.

Tuesday starts with marine clouds past Hood River. 6am pressures were 30.39/30.31/30.25 for gradients of 0.08 and 0.06. Offshore high pressure is part of the fun today. The eastern Gorge will be your best bet today, but it won’t be nuking like yesterday. The day starts with (generally) 10-13 from Stevenson o Doug’s with 18-22 from Avery to Boardman. We should see a midday bump to 14-17 from Viento to Mosier (Stevenson 10-13) and 21-24 from Lyle to Rufus. Afternoon wind builds to 23-26 from Lyle to Rufus with 18-22 at Arlington. River gauge is 77.4′ at The Dalles, 75.84′ at Stevenson. River flow is 140-190kcfs. River temp is 50.36F. High temp forecast is 55F. (Maybe we should put all those into the wind chart when it returns for the season)

Wednesday starts with westerlies at 5-10 all the way from Stevenson to Arlington. Calm wind takes over by late morning. Enjoy the glass! Afternoon sees easterlies pick up to 5-10 at Iwash (Rooster) and Stevenson. High temp: 62F and sunny. Thursday is another easterly day. We starts with 25-30 at Iwash and 202-5 at Stevenson. You’ll have a few hours of that before the wind drops to 15-20 at both those launches. From Hood River eastward, the wind picks up to E 10-15. It’s worth mentioning that it’ll be windy at elevation as well, and that could knock down river speeds by 20-30%. Stronger easterlies are forecast on Friday, but again, they won’t be confined to the river. They should be enough to get you on the water. After Friday, there’s too much range in the models to forecast accurately. Enjoy the sunshine and easterlies this week!


Jones, Sauvie’s, Coast Forecast – On vacation ‘til summer unless otherwise noted


Very basic Hood River weather forecast. Don’t plan your life around this. You really should read Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook

Clouds this morning give way to partly cloudy sky. Temps start in the mid 40s and rise to the mid 50s. Moderate westerlies. 4% chance of rainbows. Wednesday will be clear then mostly clear. Temps start just above freezing and rise to the low 60s. Light westerlies early. Calm from mid-morning on. No rainbows. Thursday will be clear then mostly clear. Temps start in the mid 30’s and rise to the mid 60’s. Light wind early. Moderate easterlies later. No rainbows.  

Local-ish Events

Please let me know of outdoor-related local-ish events. If you don’t tell me, I don’t know!

The opening date for the mini-Amayah’s cart in Hood River is April 5th. Fuchsia Saturday is 4/13 at Fred Meyer. Saturday, 4/13 is also the Run with Wild 5k fundraiser for wildland firefighters. This takes place at the Twin Tunnels trail, west side. The White Salmon – Bingen community-wide yard sale is April 19th and 20th. On April 16th at 6pm, Master Gardener Denis Carlson gives a talk at the Hood River Library on controlling rodents in your garden. The HRATS fundraiser is 4/20 at the Ruins. 4/20 is also a cleanup day at Jetty Island.

Regular weekly events:. NK Studio’s by-donation Tuesday morning yoga class is back. Ferment’s Tuesday night 4-mile walk/run is at 6pm. There’s meditation with monks at 5:15pm (an hour) and 6:30pm (30 minutes plus a talk) at Yoga Samadhi in White Salmon. The Tri Club is done for the season. At 7:15am on Wednesdays, there’s a run from the White Salmon Bakery. At 7am on Friday morning, there’s a run from Pine Street Bakery. On Fridays at 2:30pm, there’s a free meditation and stretching class at Yoga Samadhi. On Saturday at 9am, there’s a by-donation outdoor group fitness on the 2rd floor deck about Ferment Brewing.  


Cows are out on Hospital Hill. NO DOGS. That means you, all of you, even your dog that’s [insert adjective]. No dogs. Do not risk access for everyone. No parking at the corral. HRATS have a fundraiser on 4/20. Raffle tickets are on sale now. Buy some and support your trails organization. Definitely got a Tack Alert going on out there right now – lots of good dirt. Some areas of Post are still muddy (shady, cool areas), so consider choosing a different spot to ride. You’ll have Post all summer long! Sisterwives and Kleeway in Post Canyon are currently closed for rebuilding. It’s trail-building season. Get on the HRATS mailing list if you’d like to help out. If you’re parking at Post Canyon, you will need a parking pass. Those can be purchased at many local shops or online.  

Sprinter Van of the Week!

  Click here for the Sprinter Van map of the world!!!  

Have an awesome day!


Monday: very windy in the Gorge. Windy spring skiing on Mt. Hood. Good week of spring skiing coming up!

The best wind forecast for the Gorge. The best snow forecast for Mt. Hood. The best weather forecast for the Gorge.

Mt. Hood Snow Forecast – 5000′
Snow level 4a-8a 8a-12p 12p-4p 4p-8p 8p-4a

Mt. Hood Snow Forecast

Looks like spring is here to stay. In a fun twist, we won’t get much if any snow this week, but temps will drop low enough to make for some nice corn snow. That means it’s time to shift the forecast to the mornings (probably will make that shift on Wednesday) and highlight wind over snow. When will the snow forecast end for the season? Sometime between the 1st and 15th of May. In the meantime… it’s still ski season!

Sunday night into Monday will be mostly clear with a few high clouds. We should get at least a soft refreeze overnight. The freezing level drops from 10,000′ Sunday night down to 3000′ or so (it’s complicated) overnight. With cold air moving in from the west and lingering warm air aloft to the east, we’ll have warm pockets out and about. Anyway, Monday will be partly high overcast in the morning, clear in the afternoon, and partly high overcast overnight. The free air freezing level ends the day at 2500′ and falls to 1000′ (-6C at 5000′!) overnight. Wind: NW 40 in the morning, enough to cause some problems with lifts. WNW 30-40 in the afternoon, and NW 20-30 overnight.

Tuesday starts partly high overcast and turns clear. The snow will freeze hard overnight and turn to beautiful corn in the afternoon. The freezing level will be 1000′ early, 3000′ in the afternoon, and 1500′ overnight. Wind: NW 20-30 all day and light NE overnight. Clear sky continues on Wednesday with the freezing level no higher than 4000′. Wind will be less than 10mph. Clear weather continues through Friday, at least. Models are unclear about what will happen next weekend, so let’s leave it here for now. Enjoy the spring skiing!  

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Gorge Wind Forecast

Hi friends! Hopefully you made it out there on Sunday. There sure were a lot of you, so probably you did. If Sunday didn’t work for you, maybe Monday will. It’s going to be another big one. But colder. Westerlies of some sort stick around Tuesday, Wednesday looks light/variable, and easterlies arrive Thursday and Friday and maybe longer. Deets are unclear for next weekend and beyond. Just vote for the deterministic GFS, okay? It’s windy, windy after the weekend, but totally not something we can rely on.

Okay. Monday. Dawn Patrol at 25-28+ form Stevenson to Arlington with 23-26 at Threemile. Midday wind rises to 27-31 from Mosier to Arlington with 22-25 at Swell and 22-25 at Threemile. Afternoon: 29-33+ from Lyle to Threemile (Boardman joins after 5pm) and gusty 16-19 west of Lyle. It’s worth mentioning that low clouds will hang out all day at least as far east as Hood River and potentially as far east as The Dalles. You’ll have the best results east of those low clouds. River flow Sunday was 131-181kcfs, river gauge said 74.90′, river temp is 50.90F, and high temp forecast for Monday is 56F in Hood River and 60F in Arlington. Also happening in Arlington Monday: a wind advisor and a patchy blowing dust warning.

High pressure and cooler air push inland on Tuesday. This results in a “light” start to the day. Midday wind rises to 14-17 from Stevenson to The Dalles. In the afternoon, areas west of Hood River drop to 11-14. Hood River to Celilo rises to 18-21. East of Celilo, the wind stays less than 15mph. High temp: 55F. Wednesday looks light and variable. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday bring east wind. After that, model agreement falls apart. Just vote for whatever model has the most west wind!


Jones, Sauvie’s, Coast Forecast – On vacation ‘til summer unless otherwise noted


Very basic Hood River weather forecast. Don’t plan your life around this. You really should read Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook

Low clouds Monday morning stick around all day. Temps start in the mid 40s and rise to the mid 50s. Strong westerlies in the morning. Moderate in the afternoon. No rainbows. Tuesday will be cloudy then mostly clear. Temps start in the upper 30s and rise to the mid 50s. Light westerlies early. Moderate westerlies in the afternoon. No rainbows. Wednesday will be clear then mostly clear. Temps start in the low-mid 30’s and rise to the low 60s. Light and variable wind. No rainbows.  

Local-ish Events

Please let me know of outdoor-related local-ish events. If you don’t tell me, I don’t know!

The opening date for the mini-Amayah’s cart in Hood River is April 5th. Fuchsia Saturday is 4/13 at Fred Meyer. Saturday, 4/13 is also the Run with Wild 5k fundraiser for wildland firefighters. This takes place at the Twin Tunnels trail, west side. The White Salmon – Bingen community-wide yard sale is April 19th and 20th. On April 16th at 6pm, Master Gardener Denis Carlson gives a talk at the Hood River Library on controlling rodents in your garden. The HRATS fundraiser is 4/20 at the Ruins. 4/20 is also a cleanup day at Jetty Island.

Regular weekly events:. NK Studio’s by-donation Tuesday morning yoga class is back. Ferment’s Tuesday night 4-mile walk/run is at 6pm. There’s meditation with monks at 5:15pm (an hour) and 6:30pm (30 minutes plus a talk) at Yoga Samadhi in White Salmon. The Tri Club is done for the season. At 7:15am on Wednesdays, there’s a run from the White Salmon Bakery. At 7am on Friday morning, there’s a run from Pine Street Bakery. On Fridays at 2:30pm, there’s a free meditation and stretching class at Yoga Samadhi. On Saturday at 9am, there’s a by-donation outdoor group fitness on the 2rd floor deck about Ferment Brewing.  


Cows are out on Hospital Hill. NO DOGS. That means you, all of you, even your dog that’s [insert adjective]. No dogs. Do not risk access for everyone. No parking at the corral. HRATS have a fundraiser on 4/20. Raffle tickets are on sale now. Buy some and support your trails organization. Definitely got a Tack Alert going on out there right now – lots of good dirt. Some areas of Post are still muddy (shady, cool areas), so consider choosing a different spot to ride. You’ll have Post all summer long! Sisterwives and Kleeway in Post Canyon are currently closed for rebuilding. It’s trail-building season. Get on the HRATS mailing list if you’d like to help out. If you’re parking at Post Canyon, you will need a parking pass. Those can be purchased at many local shops or online.  

Sprinter Van of the Week!

  Click here for the Sprinter Van map of the world!!!  

Have an awesome day!