
Foggy forecast 5/26

Good morning Gorge sports fanatics!

Please do me a huge favor so I can be the host of the internet TV show Clean Break: Go to, click on vote, select Hood River, and vote for my video, medium.mv4 (for some reason it didn’t accept the name “VoteTemira.” Thank you!

It’s a wet and foggy and downright dark and gloomy start in the Gorge today (I can’t see Underwood Mountain because the fog ate it), and if you’re a windsurfer or kiter, you’re probably thinking that the Gorge is broken. Don’t worry. It’s not.

Westerlies return this afternoon as a cold front pushes across the Gorge. We’ll see very gusty 15-19 late today from the Hatchery east to Arlington. It’s not going to be steady, but at least it’s wind… So, it looks like the Hood River Yacht club’s Wednesday night beer can race is going to happen.

Tomorrow starts off with light west winds, but high pressure building at the coast and a low moving into eastern Washington will cause westerlies to build through the day. By afternoon, winds should top out in the 25-29 range from Rowena to Arlington, with gustier upper teens to low twenties from Stevenson down to Mosier.

Friday is starting to look like a big day from the Hatchery out to Doug’s, and maybe as far as Maryhill.

If you’re a kind-hearted mountain biker, or just a nice person, Mitchell is still looking for shuttle drivers for Thursday for his Super D shuttle, assuming we don’t get rained out.. Volunteer your services by calling Dirty Fingers, and you’ll receive eternal gratitude, a cool t-shirt, and cold beverages. And speaking of mountain biking, the Hood River Super D is Sunday, and that means that practice day is Saturday. Avoid Mitchell Ridge and the rest of the Super D course both days. Please.

Boaters, the Hood’s at 4.04 feet, and the Klickitat’s at 1960 cfs, and I don’t have an accurate number for anything else today.

I’m hungry. And I need a cup of coffee.

Have a great day!



5/25 Forecast

Good morning!

It’s looking like a couple of light wind days in the Gorge, and that means that every upcoming event gets to use the report as a venue. Actually, we’ll probably see some west winds in the corridor in the 15-19 range tomorrow afternoon, but that’s about it for today, tomorrow and Thursday.

So, first, there’s a call for volunteers for the Mt. Hood Cycling Classic. You know you love this race, and you know you want it to succeed. So, drop a note to and let Julie know you want to help make the race a success.

If you want to go ride your bike today, the dirt is in near-perfect shape. If you want to ride, go before those yellow and green echoes on the radar image get here!

On Thursday, instead of the Post and Pint, Dirty Fingers is running a shuttle up to the top of the course. If you’re not interested in riding, but you’d like to help out a bunch of bikers, Mitchell’s looking for shuttle drivers. Volunteer, and you’ll be rewarded with a t-shirt and beverages. Give Dirty Fingers a call to offer your services.

Tomorrow is the Hood River Yacht Club’s Wednesday night race. If you’re an experienced sailor and you show up, you’ll likely end up with a spot on a boat… and just enough wind to fill the spinnaker

Boaters, my only confirmed numbers today are the Hood at 3.8 feet, and the White Salmon at 3.45 feet.

Have a great day today!
