
5/30 Party Central forecast

Good morning!

First off, today is the Super D in Post Canyon, so all trails on the course are closed today. That includes the Bins Hill staging area, the top of two-chair, hidden trail, boundary trail, Antoine’s Ridge, Mitchell Ridge, and the G-out. You can still head up to watch, or even better, you can head to Double Mountain around two this afternoon to cheer for the winners and join in the afterparty.

On the river today, light westerlies are the call as low pressure off the coast keeps a significant pressure gradient from building across the Gorge. At best, we’ll see 15ish this afternoon from Stevenson down to Hood River, but you’re probably better off making other plans that windsports, at least this morning.

Memorial day will start off with no wind at all, as an upper low sits just west of Portland. Later in the day, that low slides across Washington, and the wind will pick up a bit. Expect 23-26 in the afternoon on Monday, possibly accompanied by a bit of rain.

If you’re a boater, the Hood’s at 4.0 feet, the White Salmon’s at 3.7 feet, and the Klickitat’s at 2300 cfs. The low-priced trips next weekend are booked for now, but there’s a kayak race next weekend at the White Salmon Riverfest. There are three races on Saturday, and it’s just $5 to enter each race. You can give Wet Planet a call for more information.

Don’t forget that tonight is Peace, Love and Chardonnay at 7pm at the Compound at 1220 Eugene, just east of 13th Street, two streets below the Hood River hospital. This is a benefit for Helping Hands, so kick down a few dollars and enjoy some good music, good shacks, and free Chardonnay.

Have a great day today!



5/29 forecast

Good morning!

West winds keep blowing all day long today. The early gradient was .09 from Portland to the Dalles and .08 out east. We’ll see 18-23 this morning from Lyle eastward. Winds pick up later, with 26-29, maybe even low thirties, from Rowena out to Arlington.

My pick for today is the Rufus stretch of the river for strongest, steadiest wind. And if for some reason that’s not working out, I pick the Lyle-Rowena stretch of River. Oh yay Rowena with your slippery rocks and slimy bottom. You make me so happy. Under the clouds in the western Gorge, winds blow in the 13-16 range.

Tomorrow starts off light, as high pressure fills in on both sides of the Cascades. We may see some light afternoon thermals in the 10-15 range, and then again, we might not. At this point, Memorial Day does not look windy, and that means your forecaster is looking forward to catching up on some sleep.

If you’re a kiter, check out the Ocean Rodeo demos down at the Sandbar today and tomorrow, along with a big party with live music tonight.

On to biking news, today is practice day on the Super D course in Post Canyon. That means uphill traffic is a very bad idea on the course. It’s probably pretty slick in there anyway after yesterday’s rain, and not a great day to canoodle with the trail whether you’re headed up or down. Tomorrow is the Super D, so the course will be closed unless you are competing. Today is your last day to sign up to race!

In boating world, it’s a good day to hit the rivers. The Hood’s at 4.0 feet, the White Salmon’s at 3.75 feet (well, it was as 6pm yesterday), and the Klickitat’s at 2300 cfs.

Have a great day today!
