
7/10 forecast

Good morning!

The forecast this week is brought to you by the two talented tailors of sails at 13 Oak Street in Hood River (that’s the Gorge Surf Shop building). Break your sail one day and have it back the next morning. Wow… those guys must not sleep! Anyway, they can match just about any color, and the repairs are bomber. Give Olaf (aka Ovetchkin) a call at 806-3117 (HR area code) if you have any questions, or to arrange to drop off your sail.

Now, the forecast:

Today is Kiteboarding for Cancer at the Hood River Event Site, and Mother Nature is providing wind today. The 5am gradient was .11 from Portland to The Dalles, and that’s going to increase as a weak system drags more marine clouds inland later. We’ll see 19-23 this morning from Stevenson to Hood River, building to 24-28 this afternoon, and filling in as far east as Maryhill, and possibly Arlington. Remember, the Event Site is closed both today and tomorrow, but you can still sail out of the Hood River Waterfront Park and the Hook.

A deeper marine push happens tonight, setting up another west wind day tomorrow. We’ll start off with dawn patrol in the upper teens to low twenties near Hood River (probably from Swell to Mosier, but possibly from Hood River east), with a quick build into the 24-28 range by midmorning. The wind will hold into the afternoon, filling eastward .

The early call for Monday is more west wind. Actually, a lot more west wind. Maybe even nuclear force Corridor westerlies.

In biking news, it’s getting dusty out there, so slow down a little bit to save yourself from crashing on the ball bearings. In trail news, Gunsight is now clear of trees (thank you Mitchell), but there are 15-20 patches of deep snow, so your feet will get wet. Same goes for Plains of Abraham: the uphill/downhill is clear, but there are patches of cold, wet snow on the Plains. If you’re crossing your fingers for Jacoby, speaking of biking, his situation remained unchanged as of 5pm Friday. Come on Jacoby – we love you!

Boaters, the White Salmon’s at 2.7 feet and the Klickitat’s at 1530 cfs.

Today is the King Salmon road bike race in Hood River (Dock Grade is closed), and coming up tonight is the EpicSessions, Shadowbox Hood River Jumpoff Video and awards party at the Waucoma Club at 2nd and Cascade. If you think windsurfing was more fun to watch when people just went big instead of spinning around on flat water, this is the party for you. You’ll just see huge air and carnage, so come check it out. 9pm.

Also tonight, Hood River’s favorite band, Sunderland, has a cd release party at Dog River Coffee. It was going to be $5, but they announced on Facebook last night that they’ve dropped the cover charge. The show is free! And finally, Monsters Inc. plays on the big screen, outside, for Movies in the Park in Cascade Locks.

Whew. That’s a lot of fun stuff going on. Whatever you do today, have an awesome day!


p.s. If this forecast improves your life, saves you gas money, or you’d just like to support this website, please consider making a donation below. For a suggested donation of $10, I’ll add you to the email forecast list, where you can win cool prizes from the weekly sponsors. This week we’re giving away two sail repair gift certificates. Get in on it!


7/9 Forecast

Good morning!

The forecast this week is brought to you by the fine people who repair your windsurfing sails overnight at 13 Oak Street in Hood River (that’s the Gorge Surf Shop building). Drop off your clean, dry, broken, busted up sail by 5pm, and it’ll be ready for you by 9am the following morning. I don’t know how they do it, but it’s a great service. You will never again miss a day due to a hole in your sail. =) Give Olaf a call at 806-3117 (HR area code) if you have any questions, or to arrange to drop off your sail.

It’s going to be sweltering hot in the Gorge today, but studies show that if you think about cold things, you’re actually going to feel cooler. So, here’s something for you to think about: NOAA says La Nina is on its way, and that means next ski season will be a powder season! To read the update, head here:

Despite the blistering, sweltering, mind-numbing heat, heat-gun west winds return today as the thermal trough shifts east. Light wind this morning gives way to19-23 this afternoon. The wind will start in Stevenson and slowly make its way down to Hood River. To beat your friends on the water, head west to Stevenson. If you’re an Event Site user, remember that the Event Site is closed Saturday and Sunday. However, KB4C reserved it today too, and they’re going to keep it open to all users, so you don’t have to pay today. Instead, consider making a donation at

Coming up tomorrow we’ll have more west wind. The day kicks off with dawn patrol in the upper teens or low twenties, building to the 23-26 range, maybe stronger, maybe even a lot stronger, by midday, filling in all the way from Stevenson to Arlington. Sunday looks similar to Saturday.

There’s a party to benefit KB4C, featuring Tony Smiley, at the British Pub tonight starting at 8:30. Coming up tomorrow, the EpicSessions / Shadowbox Jumpoff Party happens at the Waucoma club. Come watch video of Hood River’s best windsurfers going as big as they can. That starts at 9. Also tomorrow, Monsters Inc. plays in Cascade Locks on the big screen, outdoors. The King Salmon road bike race is on in White Salmon (so Dock Grade will be closed during the race). On Sunday, there’s Kiteboarding for Cancer and Standup for Cancer, the Disco shop ride, and Gorge Barefoot Boogie at Cascade Acupuncture Center. Too many events… too much fun!

Finally coed touch rugby starts in Parkdale next Monday. You can register through Hood River community ed (or maybe just crash it?)…

Finally, everyone keep Mike Jacoby in your thoughts. He crashed his bike in Post Canyon yesterday (haven’t we all), and was found unconscious on the trail with a broken jaw. After being lifeflighted to Portland, he was placed in ICU, and as of 11pm last night, was still unconscious The doctors say there are encouraging signs. However, his family asks that we not call or visit until he’s out of the ICU. Mike is on Facebook, so feel free to head to his public profile here: and send him a message.

Have an awesome day today, and think good thoughts for Mike. We love you, Jacoby!


p.s. If this forecast improves your life, saves you gas money, or you’d just like to support this website, please consider making a donation below. For a suggested donation of $10, I’ll add you to the email forecast list, where you can win cool prizes from the weekly sponsors. This week we’re giving away two sail repair gift certificates. Get in on it!