Mt. Hood Snow Forecast
I got a bit distracted this morning when I wandered over to Timberline’s website to see if going skiing might be a possibility. Instead of answering my question, I found the map of snow depths across the resort. Wow. That’s cool stuff, much cooler than a single snow stake. It leaves me wondering if the technology is available to calculate an minimal, maximal, and average snow depth using the information gathered from the cat drivers. Continued after the chart…
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4a-8a | 8a-12p | 12p-4p | 4p-8p | 8p-4a |
Thursday 13000′ |
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Friday 13000′->7000′ |
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Saturday 7000′->6000′ |
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Mt. Hood Snow Forecast, continued…
Moving on to the forecast, today’s Thursday, and it’s looking like a warm and sunny day on Mt. Hood. The free air freezing level will be 13,000′ all day. Wind will be in the SW 10-15 range.
Friday starts off clear, sunny and warm with the free air freezing level around 13,000. A weather system moves in sometime between 7pm and 10pm, bring rain to the slopes of Mt. Hood. The snow level will be around 10,000′ when the rain arrives and 7000′ when it finishes up. We’ll see .2-.3” of rain between 7pm Thursday and 4am on Friday. Wind on Thursday will be SW 20ish all day.
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Does this forecast save you time, gas money, or help you have more fun in your life? Make a donation to support continued forecasting, and get the forecast in your inbox each day. Click on the button to donate. The email subscription isn’t $99/year. Not $50/year. No, just $12.34 or more gets you on the list for 12 months. Don’t PayPal? Send a check to Temira @ PO Box 841 in Hood River. Thank you for your support and thank you for trusting my forecast.

Mt. Hood Snow Forecast, finished
Saturday starts off with a few sprinkles in the morning. The rest of the day looks partly cloudy or mostly clear. The snow level will be 7000′ early and 6000′ in the afternoon. Wind on Saturday will be WSW 20-25 early and SW 10 after noon.
Sunday looks like it’ll have periods of sunshine and periods of clouds followed by rain after 10pm. The free air freezing level will be 9000′-10,000′ in the morning and somewhere around 7000′ when the precipitation hits. As you may have guessed, that means the moisture will fall as rain. Expect 1.5-2.0” of rain between 10pm Sunday and 1pm on Monday. Wind on Sunday will be SW 10 in the morning, building to SW25 in the afternoon and evening. In the long-range forecast, there’s some hope for snow at 5000′ in a weather system forecast for Tuesday, but it’s only the tail end of the system that looks cold enough.
Winter Companion Rescue Series – Hood River
Winter Companion Rescue Series is targeted to those who travel in avalanche terrain. These sports take us far from help and into terrain that is high reward and high risk. You will learn basic use of your beacon, probe, and shovel. The rescue portion will follow American Avalanche Association guidelines for companion rescue. When an avalanche buries your backcountry partner, acting fast and knowing what to do will save a life. You will be taught American Heart First Aid and CPR/AED skills for remote wilderness settings. November 8 & 9 at 2nd Wind. $94.
Gorge Wind Forecast
It Thursday, and it’s another windy morning at Rooster Rock. Expect east wind at 35-40 this morning, fading to 20-25 this afternoon. Steven’s Locks should see 20-25 today, also fading in the afternoon. Friday looks like E 15-20 in the morning with light and variable wind in the afternoon. Saturday starts off with west 13-16 and backs off to W 5-10 in the afternoon.
Jones, Sauvie’s, Coast Beta Test Forecast
If you click right here , you’ll find NOAA’s coast forecast.
Random Morning Thoughts
One of the keys to having positive interactions with other people is to have an open heart. This cliché term needs a better definition, because it’s easy to say, “my heart is open” without actually having that be the case.
I’d propose that an open heart means you have the ability to let love come in and let love come out. An open heart manifests for many people as a warmth in the chest, relaxation in the body, and a grounded feeling that allows incoming words and ideas without defensiveness. If these things aren’t present, it quite likely your heart is only cracked open, or at best, half-way open with a screen door protecting it.
Conversations don’t always go our way, so it’s important to monitor where we’re at. Once anger, hatred, frustration, or defensiveness arises, is likely that we no longer have an open heart, despite our best intentions. At these moments, it’s worth taking a time out before reengaging with the task or conversation at hand. If we don’t, we’re likely to strike out from our pain, creating more pain in others.
Take a moment right now to check in. How open is your heart? Does love have a way in? Does it have a way out? See what you can do to open your heart and mind just a little bit more. These are tough times, and meeting others with anger and frustration won’t heal the divide. Love and openness has a much better chance of moving us forward in a positive way. Have an awesome day.
Disclaimer required by my grad school program: I am not your therapist (but I could be 51 graduate school credits from now). I am your weather forecaster. Take everything I say with a grain of salt, and consult with your actual therapist about your mental health issues. One other thing: I plan to keep doing this forecast indefinitely, even when I am a therapist.
Gorge Weather Forecast
First a forecast update for Wednesday: we had a 100% chance of rainbows. Now it’s Thursday morning and we just have some high clouds in a mostly blue sky. Expect a mostly sunny day today with temps in the mid 40’s early and the upper 50’s in the afternoon. East wind. No rainbows. Friday starts out sunny, turns cloudy in the afternoon and sees light rain in the evening. Temps will be in the mid 40’s early and the upper 50’s in the afternoon. Light wind. 4% chance of rainbows. Saturday looks sprinkly in the morning and sunny in the afternoon. Light west wind. 99% chance of rainbows.
For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.
White Sprinter Van of the Day
Road and Mountain Biking
I am sure the dirt is spectacular right now. Please go ride it for me! In road biking news, you’ll encounter some east wind today. Tomorrow may be rainy or showery in the morning, but we’ll have a sunny afternoon for riding. Saturday has light showers in the morning with light westerlies followed by sunshine in the afternoon.
Upcoming Events
Events tonight include community yoga at Samadhi at 6pm. There’s Tai Chi at Our Savior Church in Bingen at 6:30. Zumba happens at 6:30 at St. Francis House in Odell.
Coming up Tonight, it’s “Rooted”, a story slam with tales from our local community. You can catch the show at Columbia Center for the Arts at 7pm. The “Save Tilly Jane” fundraiser is at Double Mountain from 6:30 to close. The annual Gorge Gear Swap, also known as the Ski Swap, is at HRVHS on Saturday the 19th. That same day brings a work party in Post Canyon.
Have an awesome day today!