Distance: 19.8 miles
Elevation Gain: 2279′
El Dorado mixed surface ride GPX file
You could just go to Post Canyon and ride your mountain bike. On the other hand, there’s something fun and refreshing about riding an old trail on a different steed. For this ride, you’ll start on blacktop, climb some killer singletrack, and finish on a combo of gravel and perfect paved downhill.
Start this ride anywhere you like. As always, I start near WalMart. For the shortest version, park at the corner of Country Club and Riorden Hill Drive. If you do that, you may regret the lack of warmup. Climb Riorden Hill Drive, about 2/3 mile of 10-14% grade. See – you’re warmed up now! Keep climbing until the end of the pavement. After the road turns left, you’ll see Seven Streams trail on the right. Hop on it.
Ride Seven Streams to Family Man. Cross the road and ride 8-Track over to the new climbing trail to El Dorado. Follow the signs to El Dorado and hit the gas pedal. You’ve got about 5.5 files of smooth singletrack to climb. The first long stretch of this trail winds through clearcuts, but there’s enough growth that you’ll be in the shade much of the time. Stop for the Mt. Hood Views. The last third or so of El Dorado climbs through mature forest before popping back into a short section of timber harvest. You’ll cross a spur road in the forested section. Keep going.
At the next road crossing, you’ll be looking straight ahead at a clearcut. Take a left on the road. Follow it until you reach the 160 trail. Go left and follow for a couple hundred yards to Binn’s Hill Staging Area. If you miss the trail, you’ll come to a major road intersection. Go left. Follow Binn’s hill (gravel for a mile or two, then excellent pavement) all the way back to Oak Grove. From here, you can choose your own adventure back to your car.