Mt. Hood Snow Forecast
There’s half a foot of snow at 5000′ right now, and that’s awesome. More awesome is the 10-12” of snow in Green Valley at Crystal Mountain, where someone (likely Jon Kircher) laid down a couple sets of tracks. He’s a good dude, that Jon guy. Anyway, here on Mt. Hood, that snowy blanket is about to encounter a wet blanket in the form of rain. The weather today (Wednesday) starts out sunny, turns cloudy after 2pm, and turns rainy after 10pm. The snow level will be 5000′ in the morning and 10,000′ when the rain hits. Expect .6”+ of rain between 10pm Wednesday and 5am Thursday. Wind will be light SW early, picking up to SW 20 overnight. Continued after the chart…
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4a-8a | 8a-12p | 12p-4p | 4p-8p | 8p-4a |
Wednesday 5000′->10000′ |
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Thursday 10000′->7000′ |
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Friday 7000′->5500′ |
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Mt. Hood Snow Forecast, continued…
Thursday looks very rainy on Mt. Hood. The rain, heavy at times, should end after 8pm. The snow level will be 10,000′ for much of the day, dropping to 7000′ after midnight. We’ll see around 1-2” of rain between 5am and 8pm, when the faucet should stop running. Wind on Thursday will be SW 20 in the morning and WSW 25 after 5pm.
Friday looks clear in the morning, partly cloudy in the afternoon and snowy (or mixed precip) after midnight. The snow level will be 7000′ early, falling to 5000′-5500′ after midnight. We’ll see .2” water value between midnight Friday and 5am Saturday, for 1-2” of new snow. Wind Friday will be SW at less than 20mph all day and night.
Saturday starts off with flurries and turns clear. The snow level will be 5500′ early and 7500′ in the afternoon. WNW wind at 15-20 in the morning turns to light south wind in the afternoon.
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Keep the forecasts coming.
Does this forecast save you time, gas money, or help you have more fun in your life? Make a donation to support continued forecasting, and get the forecast in your inbox each day. Click on the button to donate. The email subscription isn’t $99/year. Not $50/year. No, just $12.34 or more gets you on the list for 12 months. Don’t PayPal? Send a check to Temira @ PO Box 841 in Hood River. Thank you for your support and thank you for trusting my forecast.

Gorge Wind Forecast
It’s Wednesday morning and we have some easterlies out there. Expect easterlies at Iwash (Rooster) Rock at 20-25 this morning and 15-20 this afternoon. Tomorrow looks too wet to get on the water (because the water, of course is drier than the downpour). Expect light wind in the morning and westerlies at 15-18 east of The Dalles after noon. Friday looks light and variable all day long. Saturday starts off light and variable and picks up to east 15-20 at Iwash (Rooster) Rock in the afternoon.
Jones, Sauvie’s, Coast Beta Test Forecast
If you click right here , you’ll find NOAA’s coast forecast.
Random Morning Thoughts
On Wednesday I get to spend an hour with my therapist. Some people think of therapy as one of those things they “have to”, “must” or “should do”. I find therapy fun and heartwarming. After all, how often is it that we find ourselves the absolute center of attention with another human being loving us unconditionally? (Well, that’s how good therapy is supposed to work, anyway!)
I was speaking yesterday about the importance of taking in the good things that happen. This is how we combat our brain’s negativity bias – by making the positive neural networks more likely to fire, we are more likely to be happy more of the time. This may sound far-fetched, but I promise you from personal experience that it works.
One of the coolest things about therapy is that it allows us to love unconditionally and be loved unconditionally in return. This happens in a safe space where the love isn’t revoked in response to our actions. By basking in that love, we make it more likely that we’ll feel love from those around us. We make it more likely that we’ll love those around us.
For some of you, this talk of love, being the center of attention, and loving openly may bring up feelings of shame or disgust. If that’s the case, it’s likely that your caregivers taught you to feel that way. Phooey on them for that! I promise you that feeling loved feels better than feeling shame. You can check that out internally right now if you like. If you’d rather feel love than shame, you just have to concentrate on taking in the attention and love next time it comes your way. You can also practice radiating love into the universe.
Stop deflecting compliments, let them land, and say thanks. When someone tells you they love you, let it soak in. Hug your friends and their little kids, because little kids are high-powered love machines. You can even send some love to Donald, because it’s clear (and deeply sad) that his caregivers didn’t love him enough. Spread the love. Have an awesome day.
Disclaimer required by my grad school program: I am not your therapist (but I could be 51 graduate school credits from now). I am your weather forecaster. Take everything I say with a grain of salt, and consult with your actual therapist about your mental health issues. One other thing: I plan to keep doing this forecast indefinitely, even when I am a therapist.
Gorge Weather Forecast
You may think it’s cloudy out there this morning, but it’s not. That’s the Nothing. The Nothing should burn off, leaving us with sun until high clouds from the next weather system moves in. Temps will be in the mid 40’s early and the upper 50’s in the afternoon. Light wind. No rainbows. Thursday looks wet as a child jumping in puddles all day long. Temps will be in the upper 40’s early and the low 60’s in the afternoon. Light wind. 97% chance of rainbows. Friday looks partly cloudy with a few sprinkles. Temps will be in the upper 40’s early and the low 60’s in the afternoon. Light wind. 8% chance of rainbows.
For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.
White Sprinter Van of the Day
Road and Mountain Biking
What can I tell you? We’ve had 4.28” of rain so far this month. The trails are wet, or at least Post Canyon and everything north or west or south of it is wet. Try Syncline, or try road biking. Dress warmly on the road – yesterday I was wearing two jerseys, arm warmers, shoe covers, long tights and a light jacket, and I was still cold. Forget about riding on Thursday – it’s going to be torrentially wet!
Upcoming Events
Happy Wednesday. There’s community meditation at Flow at 8:15 this morning. There’s free yoga at the Fish Food Bank at 10am. Coming up this evening, there’s ping pong at the Hood River Armory at 5, Zumba at the Parkdale Community Center at 6:30, and the women’s snowboarding movie Full Moon at Double Mountain at 7pm. This is a fundraiser for the Julie Beliel free mamogram screening program, so bring your titties and love for titties (and pecs, because men get breast cancer too) and buy raffle tickets. Coming up on Saturday, OMSI hosts the annual winter weather conference, where a bunch of meteorologists use pseudo-scientific means to give you a bunch of conflicting winter weather forecasts. But hey, it’s fun, and it’s a fun crowd. 10-12 at OMSI in Portland. As opposed to the OMSI in Hood River or Odell or White Salmon, duh!
Have an awesome day today!