Values-Based Investing
Kerr-Larleee Wealth Managemenet
You care about the world, and you also want to plan for your financial future. Figuring out how to do both can be a time-consuming and confusing process. Join Kerr-Larlee Wealth Management, a member of D. A. Davidson, for a values-based investing discussion at AniChe Cellars on Wednesday, May 10th from 4:30pm to 6:30pm. Values-based investing: Align your finances to impact the causes you care about most. To RSVP, email [email protected]
Mt. Hood Snow Forecast
There’s not much to talk about again today in the Mt. Hood snow forecast. And I’m thinking it’s just about time to switch from highlighting snow to highlighting wind. Maybe this weekend if I’m inspired to do some HTMLing. Anyway, Expect a sunny morning on Mt. Hood with some convective clouds this afternoon and just a slight chance of thunder and showers. The free air freezing level will be 12,000′ or so all day. Wind will be SW 10.
Thursday starts off clear and turns cloudy in the afternoon. Thunderstorms fire up in the afternoon, bringing an unpredictable amount of rain… models suggest 1/4”-1/2” overnight, but it’s impossible to predict. The snow level will be around 13,000′. Widn will be SW 10 early and SW 20 in the afternoon, although stronger storm cells will bring stronger periods of wind.
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4a-8a | 8a-12p | 12p-4p | 4p-8p | 8p-4a |
Wednesday 13,000′ |
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Thursday 13,000′ |
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Friday 12,000′->1500′ |
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Mt. Hood Snow Forecast, continued
Friday looks cloudy and rainy early and partly cloudy with showers and flurries in the afternoon. The snow level will be 12,000′ early, 5000′ in the evening, and 1500′ after midnight. Models suggest 1/4” rain during the day followed by 2-3” of snow overnight. Wind will be SW 20 early and WSW 30 in the afternoon with W 20 overnight.
Saturday currently looks mostly cloudy with flurries and a trace of new snow. The snow level will be 1500′ early, 3500′ in the afternoon, and 5000′ after midnight. Wind Saturday will be W 20 or so all day.
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Gorge Wind Forecast
There’s not much to talk about in the wind today (Wednesday). It’ll be light all day, with a peak of E 10 or so at Stevenson and Rooster. Thursday starts off with E 20-25 at Stevenson and Rooster. The wind will die off to nothing by 2pm and then switching to W 13-16 after 5pm. It’s worth noting that we’re looking at thunderstorms tomorrow afternoon, possibly severe storms. That’s going to have a big impact on wind quality, and being struck by lightning will have a severe impact on your life quality, so it’s probably best to storm watch on Thursday afternoon.
If you’re hoping for more useful wind, you’ll be happy about the forecast for Friday through Sunday. It’s quite possible this forecast will change a bit as we get closer, but for now, the three-day stretch is likely to make you happy if you’re looking for wind. A massive marine push on Friday morning joins with the inland movement of a front late morning and the building of strong high pressure off the coast all day. The western Gorge, Stevenson to Mosier, will likely stay in the clouds through early afternoon. So, expect 30+ by 11am from Rowena to Threemile. The wind will probably back off some and pick back up as that front moves through. That said, the GFS suggests 35+ for a period mid to late afternoon from Avery to Threemile.
Saturday’s a bit of a transition day as a trough of low pressure shifts around the PNW. High pressure (our friend the East Pacific High) will still be off the coast. I suspect the models are underestimating the amount of wind we’ll see. I’m calling 25-29+ from Viento to Doug’s in the afternoon. The atmosphere stabilizes on Sunday and high pressure builds inland. A front waiting in the wings off the coast will impact wind quality. As of now, we’re looking at 23-26 Sunday, focused in the central Gorge.
Jones, Sauvie’s, Coast Beta Test Forecast
If you click right here , you’ll find NOAA’s coast forecast.
Random Morning Thoughts
I’m sitting at my desk this morning feeling an overwhelming sense of relief. I don’t know how you’ve felt about the weather the last six months, but it sure complicated my life and created a lot of stress. Knowing that the ice and snow and avalanches and landslides are done for at least six months has me feeling both relaxed and drained. It’s like I’ve finally let down my guard against the weather gods.
There’s also an accompanying sense of urgency to take advantage of this warm, sunny, muggy weather. Funny, isn’t it? I’ve gone and created a new weather-related stress just as I’ve escaped from another one.
We do this all the time. We live just a few minutes, hours, days or years ahead of the now, rather than enjoying what is here in this moment. And we do that future-based living quite wholeheartedly, when we could put 5%, 10% or even 95% of our intention on the now.
How do we do that? Well, among all that planning for the future and thinking about other stuff, take a moment here and there to fully focus on what’s happening right now (sunshine and blue sky, for example). Give yourself a moment to smile about it and really take it in. And then go back to your busy mind. You might just find you want to spend even more moments in the now. Go right ahead. It’ll make you happier in the long run (so says the research!). Have an awesome warm, sunny day!
Disclaimer required by my grad school program: I am not your therapist (but I could be 40 graduate school credits from now). I am your weather forecaster. Take everything I say with a grain of salt, and consult with your actual therapist about your mental health issues. One other thing: I plan to keep doing this forecast indefinitely, even when I am a therapist.
Gorge Weather Forecast
Although the day is starting out cloudy in the valley, that should last. It’s already sunny at 5000′. Expect a warm and muggy day today. Temps will be in the mid 50’s early and the low 80’s this afternoon. Light wind. No rainbows. Possible t-storms over the mountain, in which case rainbows are much more likely. Should be a colorful sunset. Tomorrow looks interesting. We should be under clear sky to start the day, but thunderstorms, possibly severe, will fire up in the afternoon. Temps will be in the low 50’s early and the low 80’s in the afternoon. Light wind most of the day. Strong, gusty, random wind in the storms. 98% chance of rainbows and a colorful sunset. Friday looks rainy to the west through 11am and then partly cloudy. Temps will be right around 60 all day. Nuking wind. 99% chance of rainbows.
For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.
White Sprinter Van of the Day
Road and Mountain Biking
I went for a ride in Post yesterday, and I was surprised to find that it was actually a bit wet. I would recommend staying off GP and Mitchell Ridge. Other trails seemed fine. Road biking will be amazing today and tomorrow morning: light wind, warm weather… Yum. Get home early tomorrow or you may be caught in thunderstorms.
Upcoming Events
Today’s community events include free yoga at 6:30am at Flow, 10am at the Fish Food bank, and 6pm at Yoga Samadhi. There are sailboat races at the hood river marina tonight and ping pong at the Hood River Armory. Tomorrow night brings the mountain bike shop rides at Dirty Fingers. There’s a race-pace ride (the Post n’ Pint) and a women’s-only ride (the Post n’ Pinot), both at 5:30, and both providing you with a free pint of beer or glass of wine when you’re finished.
Friday and Saturday brings the Eta Aquarids meteor shower. Friday and Saturday are also the final two days of ski season at Meadows, although Timberline will be around all summer for ya. There’s a kids’ fishing clinic at Mayer Park (not East Mayer) on Saturday and a garden party at Pacific Hermitage Saturday, where you can help the monks keep their home and our spiritual refuge looking good. In theory, the Dog River Super D is Sunday, but I still haven’t hear if the snow is clear from that trail…
Have an awesome day today!