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Your favorite beach | Dawn Patrol |
9am- 11:30a |
11:30a- 3pm |
3pm- dusk |
Rooster Rock | picnic | blanket | sandy | buns | |
Steven’s Locks | 13-16 | 16-20 | 25-28 | 25-28 | |
Hatchery/Wunderbar | 20-23 | 22-25 | 25-28 | G 20-24 | |
Doug’s, Lyle, Rowena | 10-13 | 13-18 | 25-28 | 25-28 | |
Rufus, etc. | 10-13 | 13-18 | 25-28 | 25-28 | |
Roosevelt, etc. | 10-13 | 10-13 | 15-18 | 15-18 |
Gorge Wind Forecast
It’s a sunny, windy Wednesday morning. The wind will continue all day, but the sunshine may not; a trough approaching the coast this afternoon will send high clouds our way, and that might just decrease the wind quality this afternoon. The early gradient was .10 (pdx-dls) with nothing additional out east, indicating you’ll want to stay in the western Gorge for the morning. We’ll have 20-23 from Viento to Mosier to start the day with 5-10 in Stevenson and 10-13 east of Mosier. The wind will build to 25-28 by early afternoon, filling in from Stevenson to Rufus. You’ll find 15-18 east of Rufus this afternoon. Given the setup, Swell’s wind might turn gusty mid-afternoon, so get it while you can. River temp is 65 degrees. Flow is 266kcfs.
A weak front moves through under a low pressure trough on Thursday. Dropping the jargon, that translates into a cloudy day with a chance of sprinkles in the west. You’ll want to shift yourself eastward for the steadiest wind. The day starts with up-and-down 10-13 east of Hood River with 5-10 in the western Gorge. We’ll see the wind build to gusty 24-27 from Mosier to Rufus by late morning or early afternoon, holding until dark. Areas west of Mosier will see 10-13 tomorrow, and Roosevelt will build to 20-23.
Looking at Friday, it starts off cloudy and eventually turns clear. The wind will be light in the morning with perhaps 7-10 east of Hood River. In the afternoon, the wind maxes out at 12-15 from Cascade Locks to Bingen and 20-23 from Mosier to Rufus with 5-10 at Roosevelt. As of right now, the GFS and Euro agree on a windy weekend, with low to mid 20’s on Saturday and mid to upper 20’s on Sunday. As always, that long-range forecast is subject to change!
BONUS: Jones Wednesday: 20-23. Thursday: 7-10. Friday: 5-8. Sauvie’s Wednesday: 12-15. Thursday: 10-13. Friday: 8-11. Coast (north/central/south). 15-20/20-25/30+, W 4′ @ 7. Thursday: W5/NW5/20-25+, W 6′ @ 11. Friday: 10-15/15-20/30+, W 5′ @ 11.
Random Morning Thoughts
Emotions are funny things. They are naturally part of us, but sometimes our minds or nervous systems or whatever you want to call it will run screaming from particular emotions. These are often emotions we find painful, but they can also be pleasant emotions we learned were “bad” when we were little tykes. You know… pride, love, joy… Sometimes parents, sadly, don’t like to see those things.
So anyway, we avoid feeling certain things. This is a natural defense mechanism. Unfortunately, the result of this is often other feelings, most frequently anxiety but sometimes depression (which isn’t really a specific emotion, but a combination of feelings and physical symptoms).
If you can catch this cycle happening, you’ll gain more power over it. Ask yourself this: “What emotion do I hate to feel?” Take your first response, and attempt to feel it. You’ll likely feel anxiety or fear or even panic come up next. Then see what happens. If you can take a curious stance, you might find yourself amused and amazed by the way your unconscious has learned to “protect” you. Now that you see the cycle, you can learn to feel that thing without panic, and then you can avoid the consequences of not feeling it. Neato! May you be well. Have an awesome day.
Mt. Hood Mountain Weather Forecast
Wednesday starts clear and turns cloud. Free air freezing level 15,000′ falling to 11,000′ after midnight. Wind: SW 10 early, WNW 15-20 in the afternoon and evening. Thrusday looks cloudy with drizzle possible for the 24 hour period. Snow level: 10,000′. Wind: WNW 20 all day. Friday may starts off with some drizzle. The sky turns partly cloudy in the afternoon and clear overnight. Snow level /freezing level: 10,000′ early rising to 15,000′ after midnight. Wind: NW 15 becoming WNW 15.
Gorge Weather Forecast
Clear sky this morning turns partly cloudy with a few sprinkles possible overnight. Temps will be near 60 early and in the mid 70’s later. Strong westerlies. No rainbows. Thursday looks partly to mostly cloudy. Temps will be in the low 50’s early and low 70’s later. Moderate to strong westerlies. No rainbows. Friday looks cloudy in the morning and clear in the afternoon. Temps will be in the mid 50’s early and mid 70’s later. Light to moderate west wind. No rainbows.
For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.
White Sprinter Van of the Week
Click here for the White Sprinter Van map of the world!!!
Road and Mountain Biking
High Prairie down to 450 is open, according to Strava. I received a report from Dirty Fingers that multiple known people have ridden Gunsight. The Mt. Adams Country Bike Tour is next weekend – fully supported riding in Trout Lake, including a 105 mile loop and a $10 family loop.
Upcoming Events
Today’s community events include free yoga at the FISH food bank in Hood River at 10. There’s meditation at noon at Trinity Natural Medicine. If you’re free during the day today, join the Columbia Gorge Windsurfing Association for a Viento beach cleanup from 10 to 2. After work tonight, there’s ping pong at the Hood River Armory at 5:30, the no-drop women’s Post n’ Pinot mountain bike ride at dirty Fingers at 5:30, and family-friendly mountain biking with food at Family Man in Post Canyon at 6. The next family event is community sailing in Cascade Locks tomorrow evening starting at 5, with low-cost sailing lessons for local kids.
Saturday’s the Mt. Adams country bike tour in Trout Lake, with a $10, 11-mile ride for families and longer rides for grownups. There are gear swaps Saturday morning at Luhr Jensen and Sunday morning at Windance.
Click here for the full events calendar.
Have an awesome day today!