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Your favorite beach | Dawn Patrol |
9am- 11:30a |
11:30a- 3pm |
3pm- dusk |
Rooster Rock | picnic | blanket | sandy | buns | |
Steven’s Locks | 5-10 | 10-13 | 13-16 | 10-13 | |
Hatchery/Wunderbar | 17-20 | 17-20 | 13-16 | 10-13 | |
Doug’s, Lyle, Rowena | 10-13 | 5-10 | light | calm | |
Rufus, etc. | 10-13 | 5-10 | light | calm | |
Roosevelt & Arlington | 10-13 | 5-10 | light | calm |
Gorge Wind Forecast
The general picture through the weekend is wind of some sort, great news for folks who are visiting the Gorge for the early July holidays! For Tuesday, models and reality has zero agreement at 5:30am, meaning today’s forecast is as much guess-cast as anything else. So… a trough of low pressure shifts inland, lessening gradients after dawn. High temps are forecast to equalize across the Cascades. Weak high pressure offshore will contribute to a synoptic-scale onshore gradient. So… hmm… I don’t think the dawn patrol 17-20 will stick around long. It’s from Viento to Swell, so you should go get it. Best guess: 13-16 from Viento to Swell with Stevenson joining midday. 10-13 Hood River midday. 5-10 Mosier. All locations will likely drop to 10-13 late this afternoon.
Wednesday is an easier forecast as a weak low just offshore combines with higher pressure inland for east wind. It’s worth noting that the humidity will crash with the easterlies, and the combo of wind and dryness will make for extreme fire danger. So, east wind at 30-35 at Rooster Rock from mid-morning on through early afternoon. Stevenson to Home Valley will likely peak at 15-20. In an interesting twist, the east wind will fill in from Arlington back to Hood River at 8-12 in the afternoon, making for some interesting downwind/downcurrent paddling/bike shuttle options from Hood River eastward. A marine push into the metro area after 8pm turns the wind westerly.
Thursday sees a solid marine push into the west half of the state with hot weather out east. We’ll have dawn patrol at 21-24 from Viento to The Dalles. Afternoon wind will max out at 25-29 from Hood River to Arlington with 30-35 possible from Lyle to Rufus. Strong westerlies return Friday afternoon with 27-30+. Saturday and Sunday currently look like mid 20’s, but that’s the long-range and rather unreliable forecast.
BONUS: Sauvie’s Tuesday: 10-13 late. Wednesday: X. Thursday: 8-11. Jones Tuesday: 15-18. Wednesday: X. Thursday: 16-19. Coast (north/central/south). Tuesday: 15-20/20-25/30+, NW swell 6′ at 8 seconds. Wednesday: SW10-15/X/X, NW 3′ @ 8. Thursday: X/X/S10-15. W 2′ @ 8.
Random Morning Thoughts
One of the things I’ve thought about with depression is that it often seems to be sign that we’re troubled by something we can’t work out on our own. Sure, sometimes that thing will resolve pretty quickly, but sometimes it won’t. More stressors will layer atop the original one, deepening the depression and associated sense of confusion and hopelessness.
Talking can help. Unfortunately, our society has some darn fierce stigma associated with mental health issues in general and depression more specifically. Shame around feelings keeps us from talking about them, and that keeps us trapped. A nasty-feeling feeling (shame) keeps us from doing the thing that’s most likely to help (talking)!
Give it a shot next time you are feeling down. Talk to someone who cares about the things that are troubling you. Or better yet, talk about the depression you’re feeling, because depression can be a sign that we don’t know what’s troubling us! Talking about it can help sort out the confusion. And if you don’t feel comfortable talking to a known person, call a crisis line or a counselor. Those folks love to listen. May you be surrounded by people who care. Have an awesome day.
Mt. Hood Mountain Weather Forecast
Mt. Hood will be clear Tuesday. Free air freezing level (FAF): 8000′ rising to 11,000′. Wind: NE 10 morning, NE 5 afternoon, SSE 10-15 overnight. Wednesday looks clear with high clouds possible late. FAF: 11,000′ rising to 15,000′ after midnight. Wind: SE 10-15. Thursday looks clear. FAF: 15,000′ falling to 12,000′ after midnight. Wind: S 15 during the day. S 20-25 after midnight.
Gorge Weather Forecast
This morning is clear. Temps will be in the low 50’s early (open windows) and near 80 later (close windows). Wind will be light westerly. No rainbows. There was a rainbow yesterday, by the way! Wednesday looks sunny and quite dry. Not humid! Temps will be in the mid 50’s early and mid 80’s later. Light east wind. No rainbows. Thursday looks sunny. Temps will be in the upper 50’s early and upper r80’s in the afternoon. Strong west wind. No rainbows. Looking long-range, models like the idea of 90+ from the middle of next week on.
For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.
White Sprinter Van of the Week
Click here for the White Sprinter Van map of the world!!!
Road and Mountain Biking
High Prairie down to 450 is open, according to Strava. I received a report from Dirty Fingers that multiple known people have ridden Gunsight. Hospital Hill now seems to be a one-tick-bite-per-ride zone. That’s for humans, not for dogs, which are currently allowed, by the way. The now-open Borderline (133) trail in Post has 1-3” dust on it. SAD!
Upcoming Events
Events today start with sunrise meditation at Trinity at 6:15. Yoga Samadhi’s meditation tonight will be taught by a senior monk from the Thai Forest traditions, Ajahn Succito. Hood River County has a trails and parks focus group meeting at 6 tonight at 601 state street.
Some quick updates on trails – baby Peregrine Falcons have left the nest at Cape Horn, so lower Cape Horn trail is open for the season. Gunsight Ridge off highway 35 is also open. Closer to home, we’re at regulated use closure level 2 now, so moto is still open in Post Canyon but not anywhere else on Hood River County Lands. There’s one last chance to work on trails before things get really dry – the HRATS have a brush-clearing work party this Saturday, meeting at 9am at Family Man.
Click here for the full events calendar.
Have an awesome day today!