Tuesday. Wind, sunsets, and (oh please, please) rain!

Just a week leftin Pledge Drive 2015…Click on my photo to support the forecast! Thank you for using this forecast! If you’ve never donated or it’s been a while, here’s your chance. Click on my photo to kick down. Does this forecast save you time? Gas money? Does it help you get the good days…

Meet your forecaster: Temira

For almost 30 years, Temira (they/them) has been making the most of the Gorge: riding river swell, shredding powder, and cycling all the gravel and pavement and trails. This is Temira’s playground, their gym… their life’s work.

This passion led Temira to take a vow: In 2006, Temira decided to provide the most accurate, hyper-local weather forecasts possible. Today, Temira’s forecasts have become an essential resource for thousands of skiers, snowboarders, wind sports enthusiasts and Gorge commuters. With Temira’s guidance, you can plan ahead, time your sessions perfectly, and just plain have more fun! But the story doesn’t end there.

There’s “Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service” and “Valuable Advice for Gardeners Inhabiting Neighboring Areas” – the Gorge’s premier microclimate forecast and gardening information. When winter storms, extreme heat, hail, or avalanches on SR-14 and I-84 threaten, TATAS keeps everyone and their tomatoes and giant pumpkins and cash crops safe.

Temira’s relentless efforts keep the forecasts flowing. But it ain’t easy: each forecast takes a couple of hours. That’s where you come in. By contributing, you’re not just supporting Temira’s passion project – you’re investing in the safety and well-being of the entire Gorge community. Your financial support ensures these essential forecasts remain accessible to all, free of charge.

So please take a moment to click one of the buttons below. Donate $19.99 or more (how much does this forecast enhance your life?) and get the email in your inbox. Or just contribute enough for a cup or pound of coffee. I need coffee! Every contribution, no matter the amount, makes a difference. Help me keep this labor of love alive, so we can all commute safely, play in the river, and shred Mt. Hood with the best weather forecasts possible. Thank you!

Electronic payments not your thing? Temira / PO Box 841 / Hood River, OR 97031

Click on the buttons below to make a contribution. Thank you!

Just a week left
in Pledge Drive 2015…
Click on my photo to support the forecast!

bears - Copy

Thank you for using this forecast! If you’ve never donated or it’s been a while, here’s your chance. Click on my photo to kick down. Does this forecast save you time? Gas money? Does it help you get the good days on the water and mountain? Drop me a few bucks to say thanks. I spend over an hour each day writing this because I want you to have more fun. Your contribution supports my graduate education in counseling at Portland State, the repair of my bikes, and the coffee that goes in my French press. If you can’t afford to donate or don’t want to, that’s okay too: this forecast is offered free for you to use. Donations of $12.34 or more get you on the email list for the next year. All new subscribers this month are entered in a drawing for a TGIMG t-shirt. Thank you, and have an awesome day!

Today’s Gorge Wind – these are ranges for the average speed, not a predicted wind range. =)
Your favorite beach Dawn
Steven’s Locks light 10-13 13-16 15-18
Hatchery/White Salmon Sandbar (minus a few for Hood River) 13-16 13-16 13-16 15-18
Doug’s, Lyle, Rowena 10-13 10-13 13-16 21-24
Rufus, etc. 10-13 10-13 10-13 15-18
Roosevelt, etc. 10-13 10-13 10-13 10-13


Gorge Wind Forecast (and Sauvie’s, Jones, the Coast…)

There was just enough gradient across the Cascades this morning to fuel wind in the teens at Swell, but an upper level low off the coast will keep the wind from developing much today. You can expect 13-16 through early afternoon, first just at Swell, then filling in from Stevenson to Mosier by midday. The Rowena stretch will also join, and then we’ll see 16-19 late this afternoon from Stevenson all the way to Doug’s, with a chance of 21-24 at the Lyle/Rowena/Doug’s stretch.

Tomorrow starts off with 10-13 at Swell with light wind everywhere else. Cascade Locks and Mosier will join by midday, and then we’ll see a late day bump to 15-18 from Cascade Locks to The Dalles.


It’s the bi-annual summer pledge drive!
See above for details.

Models suggest the wind will shift a bit east on Thursday, but I’m not sure I’m buying that. No matter where the wind ends up locating itself, we’ll see 10-13 early with a short-lived burst of 21-24 late in the day. Those stronger afternoon winds will most likely be near Rowena, but may, if the models are correct, also be found near Maryhill. Let’s wait and see before making definite plans!

At this point, the long-range forecast is more interesting for the chance of precipitation than for the wind forecast, although Friday looks a lot like Thursday, wind-wise. With an upper level low off the coast for the weekend, the wind will likely be gusty and hard-to-predict.

As for the coast… (north/central/south). Today: 10-15/10-15/20-25, NW swell 5′ @ 10 seconds. Tomorrow: light, NW 4 @ 9. Thursday: Light, NW 4 @ 16 (surf’s up, baby. Go get it!).

Jones n’ Sauvie’s beta test forecast. Jones today, 16-19. Jones tomorrow, 12-15. Jones Thursday, 10-13. Sauvie’s today, 7-11. Sauvie’s tomorrow, light. Sauvie’s Thursday, light.

Mt. Hood Snow Forecast

Nothing to say here today.

Random Morning Thoughts

I’m thinking about sunk costs this morning. This came up in response to the chaos in the markets. Do you close your eyes and stay in for the long haul as volatility goes off the charts? When you’re down, do you cut your losses and get out? Or do you stay in and hope for the tide to turn? It’s complex, right, and I’m not just talking about markets.

We stay in bad situations all the time, figuring this: “Well, I’ve come this far and put in this much time/energy/money, I might as well stick it out until the end.” If you hear yourself saying this, it’s worth taking a second look at your reasoning. It might be correct, but it may also be time to cut your losses.

Sunk costs can also be motivating, encouraging us to stick with a difficult project or one that takes time to show results. A few examples are weight loss, exercise, meditation, work projects and schooling; a lot of time and energy goes in before results appear. You can leverage your mind’s tendency to stick with things by telling yourself, “Well, I’ve put this much in, I might as well stick it out to the end.”

Just be clear about whether your use of the sunk cost doctrine is keeping you stuck or moving you forward. And with that, I wish you an awesome day of forward motion!

Gorge Weather Forecast

The sky is blue this morning, a nice change from yesterday’s smoke. Expect sunshine today with the possibility of some afternoon convective clouds. Temps will be in the low 60’s early and the mid 80’s in the afternoon. Moderate wind. 76% chance of a great sunset. No rainbows.

Tomorrow starts off sunny with temps in the upper 50’s and finishes off with a few convective clouds and temps in the mid 80’s. Light to moderate wind. 75% chance of a pretty sunset. No rainbows. Thursday looks much like Wednesday: same temps, same sunset chances, and just a touch more wind late in the evening.

White Sprinter Van of the Day


Road and Mountain Biking

Clear air. Yum. Get out and ride! The wind will be moderate today, tomorrow, and most of Thursday, so road biking looks like a great call. The trails are still dusty, but if we all cross our fingers, we’ll get some rain starting Saturday.

The Clymb: free membership. Cheap gear.
Temira approves. Click to join.


Upcoming Events

Today’s fun events include a by-donation yoga class at 8am at Flow in Hood River. If you like your meditation without movement, that’s available at Yoga Samadhi tonight at 6:30. That event also includes Random Evening Thoughts by a professional, Ajahn Sudanto Bhikkhu of Pacific Hermitage. Feel free to contact me for more information if you’re curious about the community meditation.

Also tonight: triathlon practice at Mayer Park at 6pm with a potluck in memory of Ellen Dittebrandt, pickup touch rugby at the Hood River Marina at 6, Manbo’s fun ride to Mosier from Mt. View Cycles at 6:15, and community yoga at the Mosier Senior Center at 7.

Looking ahead to this weekend, it’s Pacific Crest Trail Days in Cascade Locks, with almost 50 manufacturers showing off gear, a trail work party on Friday, all sorts of raffles, and a group walk across the Bridge of the Gods Saturday morning.

Have an awesome day today!
