Tuesday/Wednesday: mighty fall-like out there…

Thank you for using this forecast. I offer it freely so you can have more fun and plan your life. It does take significant time and energy to produce. If you find yourself using it often, or if you feel your life is more awesome because of my work, please make a donation. You can…

Meet your forecaster: Temira

For almost 30 years, Temira (they/them) has been making the most of the Gorge: riding river swell, shredding powder, and cycling all the gravel and pavement and trails. This is Temira’s playground, their gym… their life’s work.

This passion led Temira to take a vow: In 2006, Temira decided to provide the most accurate, hyper-local weather forecasts possible. Today, Temira’s forecasts have become an essential resource for thousands of skiers, snowboarders, wind sports enthusiasts and Gorge commuters. With Temira’s guidance, you can plan ahead, time your sessions perfectly, and just plain have more fun! But the story doesn’t end there.

There’s “Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service” and “Valuable Advice for Gardeners Inhabiting Neighboring Areas” – the Gorge’s premier microclimate forecast and gardening information. When winter storms, extreme heat, hail, or avalanches on SR-14 and I-84 threaten, TATAS keeps everyone and their tomatoes and giant pumpkins and cash crops safe.

Temira’s relentless efforts keep the forecasts flowing. But it ain’t easy: each forecast takes a couple of hours. That’s where you come in. By contributing, you’re not just supporting Temira’s passion project – you’re investing in the safety and well-being of the entire Gorge community. Your financial support ensures these essential forecasts remain accessible to all, free of charge.

So please take a moment to click one of the buttons below. Donate $19.99 or more (how much does this forecast enhance your life?) and get the email in your inbox. Or just contribute enough for a cup or pound of coffee. I need coffee! Every contribution, no matter the amount, makes a difference. Help me keep this labor of love alive, so we can all commute safely, play in the river, and shred Mt. Hood with the best weather forecasts possible. Thank you!

Electronic payments not your thing? Temira / PO Box 841 / Hood River, OR 97031

Click on the buttons below to make a contribution. Thank you!

Thank you for using this forecast. I offer it freely so you can have more fun and plan your life. It does take significant time and energy to produce. If you find yourself using it often, or if you feel your life is more awesome because of my work, please make a donation. You can get this forecast via email by donation. The email subscription isn’t $99/year. Not $50/year. Donating $12.34 or more gets you on the list for 12 months. Thank you for your support and thank you for trusting my forecast.

Click here to donate using a credit card.
Click here to donate via PayPal.
Venmo: @theGorgeismyGym
Snail Mail: PO Box 841, Hood River, Oregon 97031

Get the email version free through the end of August – try it out! Click here.

Today’s Gorge Wind – these are ranges for the average speed, not a predicted wind range. =)
Your favorite beach Dawn
Rooster Rock E 10-15 E 15-20 E 10-15 E 5
Steven’s Locks E 10-15 E 15-20 E 10-15 E 5
Hatchery/Wunderbar LTE LTE LTE LTE
Doug’s, Lyle, Rowena LTE LTE LTE LTE
Rufus, etc. LTV LTV LTE LTE
Roosevelt & Arlington LTE LTE LTV LTV

Gorge Wind Forecast

Good morning! It’s Tuesday as I write this, and this forecast will have to work for Wednesday as well, because I have a couple of ginormous work days. So, for Tuesday, there’s not much happening as far as wind goes. Looks like an epic day for some road biking, Stronger wind returns for Wednesday through Friday, and then models disagree about the weekend.

Tuesday brings us light east wind. Pre-dawn, we had a mini gradient of .02 from pdx to dls. That’ll increase just a bit today, for max easterlies of 15-20 between Rooster Rock and Home Valley with 10-15 near Viento and light wind elsewhere. River flow is 107kcfs and temps is 67 degrees.

Wednesday starts off perfectly calm, a fabulous morning for a road ride or glassy paddle on the river. Don’t hesitate if you want it, because the wind will build to gusty 25-29 from Stevenson to Rufus by late morning or early afternoon. Roosevelt will likely see 23-26. This is not an ideal setup; the wind is powered by a disturbance dropping in from the NW. That said, there’s a chance for one of those mystery bonus 27-31 sessions at Swell mid to late afternoon.

Another weather system moves through on Thursday. That’s followed by a trough of low pressure in the afternoon. We should see 10-13 in the west (cloudy) and 13-16 to The Dalles (not cloudy) early in the morning. Given the cloud profile, I think we’ll see gusty 15-18 west of Mosier in the afternoon with gusty 22-25 from Mosier to Avery and light wind out east. Friday’s forecast currently looks light to start with 22-25 in the western Gorge in the afternoon.

BONUS: Jones Tuesday: 12-15. Wednesday: 20-23. Thursday: 7-10. Sauvie’s Tuesday: 7-11 late. Wednesday: 16-10. Thursday: 7-10. Coast (north/central/south). Tuesday: 15-20/20-25/20-25??, NW swell 5′ at 10 seconds. Wednesday: 5-10/5/X, NW 6′ @ 10. Thursday: LTW/LTW/NW 5-10, NW 5′ @ 11.


Random Morning Thoughts

Our moods and emotions may appear to be relatively stable, but upon closer inspection, they fluctuate constantly, seemingly outside our control (which raises the issue of who “our” refers to, but that’s a different topic, and a very large one).

One thing we can do to encourage longer-lasting and more frequent pleasant moods is to understand the things that precede mood fluctuations. If we have a clear knowledge of the things that make us feel better, we can do or experience those things more often. The flip side of that would seem to be avoiding the things that make us feel worse, but that is not quite the right approach.

See, when we simply avoid those things, we give them more power; the key is having a deep understanding of why our mood dips in certain circumstances. Awareness allows us to observe unpleasant reactions and self-soothe. For example, if witnessing yelling is deeply upsetting (likely because that happened in childhood), we can have and internal conversation around the fact that the upset is arising out of the past, not the present. That allows for self-compassion instead of a freak-out or a need to run away.

While this may all sound like a lot of work, approaching this self-exploration with a sense of curiosity and fascination can remove the sense of drudgery. You’re curious about other things. Why not be curious about your own experiences? May you find peace. Have an awesome day.

Mt. Hood Mountain Weather Forecast

Tuesday: Clear. Free air freezing level 13,000′. Wind: NE 5 becoming SW 5 after midnight. Wednesday looks clear. FAF: 14,000′ falling to 12,000′. Wind: SW 5 early, WSW 25 in the afternoon, W 20 overnight. Thursday: Partly cloudy with a slight chance of drizzle midday. Snow level: 12,000′, well above the drizzle. Wind: W 20 early, WNW 15 in the afternoon.

Gorge Weather Forecast

Clear sky Tuesday. Temps will be in the low 50’s early and mid 80’s in the afternoon. Light east wind. No rainbows. Clear on Wednesday, becoming partly cloudy after midnight. Temps will be in the mid 50’s early and low 80’s later. Calm wind early, strong and gusty westerlies later. No rainbows. Thursday starts partly cloudy with low clouds, turns cloudier midday, and ends up mid-level partly cloudy. Temps will be in the upper 50’s early and low 70’s later. Moderate westerlies. No rainbows.

For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.

White Sprinter Van of the Week

Click here for the White Sprinter Van map of the world!!!

Road and Mountain Biking

Trails west of Hood River may also have improved due to recent rain; Lewis River, Plains of Abraham, and Falls Creek come to mind. Trails on private timberland (Hospital Hill, Whoopdee, Underwood, and anything else on Kreps, Stevenson, Weyerhauser, etc.) will remain closed to ALL uses until the end of fire session. Motorized vehicles, chainsaws, campfires, and smoking are banned from public lands in Oregon and Washington.

Group bike rides: Triathlon practice Tuesday, 6pm at West Mayer Park. Wednesday: Post n’ Pinot women’s MTB ride at Dirty Finger, 5:30. Families at Family Man: 6pm Wednesday. Thursday: Mountain View Cycles women’s MTB, 5:30, bottom of Post. Post n’ Pint: race-pace coed ride from Dirty Fingers at 5:30. Free pint of beer after. Friday: Mountain View Cycles MTB ride: 5pm (shop? Bottom of post?). Saturday: Mountain View Cycles road ride: 9am at the shop.

Upcoming Events

Community activities today start off with Sunrise Moving Meditation at Trinity at 6:15 – that’s actually seven minutes before sunrise. There’s a free relaxed, which means chill, yoga class at 5:30 at HAVEN in The Dalles, there’s meditation with the Pacific Hermitage Monks at 6:30 at Yoga Samadhi in White Salmon, and there’s triathlon practice from 6-8 at West Mayer Park in Rowena.

Tomorrow’s the last Families at Family Man this season, so bring your kids up to Post Canyon’s flattest spot for an evening of mountain biking and snacks.

Looking at the upcoming weekend, Cascade Locks marine Park has the movie Aladdin for Movies in the Park. The Riverhawk Run is Saturday at Sorosis Park in The Dalles, and if that’s not long enough for you, the Three Corner Rock 50k ultra is Saturday from Whistle Punk trailhead to North Bonneville.

Click here for the full events calendar.

Have an awesome day today!
