Values-Based Investing
Kerr-Larleee Wealth Managemenet
You care about the world, and you also want to plan for your financial future. Figuring out how to do both can be a time-consuming and confusing process. Join Kerr-Larlee Wealth Management, a member of D. A. Davidson, for a values-based investing discussion at AniChe Cellars on Wednesday, May 10th from 4:30pm to 6:30pm. Values-based investing: Align your finances to impact the causes you care about most. To RSVP, email [email protected]
Gorge Wind Forecast
It’s a zero wind start to Tuesday. We’ll see the westerlies pick up to 8-12 after 3pm from Stevenson to The Dalles. Wednesday starts off with light and variable wind. The wind will start picking up in the western Gorge around 11am, but won’t make it to Stevenson or Hood River until 2 or 3. We’ll see 17-21 after 3pm from Stevenson to The Dalles.
Thursday’s forecast brings stronger wind, but with a cold front traversing the Cascades and a low pressure system off the coast, the wind will be gusty and unreliable. That said, we’ll have calm wind through about 9:30. The wind will pick up mid-morning to gusty 25-29 east of Mosier, holding through early evening all the way out to Arlington. The western Gorge will likely stay partly cloudy and showery, limiting the wind to gusty 12-15. Showery, gusty-wind weather looks to continue through early next week.
Your favorite beach | Dawn Patrol |
9am- 11:30a |
11:30a- 3pm |
3pm- dusk |
Rooster Rock | tan | you | buns, | huns | |
Steven’s Locks | light | light | light | 8-12 | |
Hatchery/White Salmon Sandbar (minus a few for Hood River) | light | light | light | 8-12 | |
Doug’s, Lyle, Rowena | light | light | light | 8-12 | |
Rufus, etc. | light | light | light | light | |
Roosevelt, etc. | light | light | light | light | |
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Jones, Sauvie’s, Coast Beta Test Forecast
Jones Tuesday: 20-23. Jones Wednesday: 18-21. Jones Thursday: light. Sauvie’s Tuesday: 13-16 after 5pm. No wind at Sauvie’s Wednesday and Thursday. Coast Tuesday: N, 5-10. C, 10-15. S, 30-35. W swell 7′ @ 12 seconds.
If you click right here , you’ll find NOAA’s coast forecast.
Mt. Hood Snow Forecast
Expect clear sky and light wind through Wednesday afternoon, when a few mountain cumulus and showers might pick up. The free air freezing level will be 11,000′ to 12,000′ through Wednesday afternoon. Thursday starts off cloudy with rain, and becomes cloudy with wet snow in the evening. The snow level will be 8000′ early, 5500′ in the late afternoon, and 3000′ after midnight. About 1/4” rain will fall during the day. Another 1/4” WV falls overnight, for 1-2” of wet new snow. Wind Thrusday will be SW15-20 in the morning and WSW 20-25 in the evening.
Random Morning Thoughts
Research has shown that loneliness contributes to all sorts of poor health outcomes. Healthy relationships have been shown to contribute to good health outcomes, both mental health and physical health. Despite this, a sense of aloneness seems to be part of the human condition.
So many of us worry that we are not loveable. We fear rejection. We believe that we are different from everyone else, and therefore broken in some way. Our fears and shame around these beliefs keeps us from connecting with others around them. We isolate ourselves, and in so doing, we damage our health.
One of the beautiful things about being a therapist is that I get to hear people express these beliefs out loud. I learn firsthand that we are all worried about the same things. Seeing the healing that comes for my clients and myself, I find myself longing for a world where people talk about these painful beliefs they hold.
I believe that talking about our darkest fears and our greatest hopes will bring us out of emotional isolation. We will understand that our suffering and doubts, rather than being a sign of our difference, are a sign that we are just as human as everyone around us. I wish that we lived in a world where it was okay to drop our walls and talk about these things in a mutually respectful and caring way. Maybe we can start this together, one little step at a time? Have an awesome day.
Disclaimer required by my grad school program: I am not your therapist (but I could be 40 graduate school credits from now). I am your weather forecaster. Take everything I say with a grain of salt, and consult with your actual therapist about your mental health issues. One other thing: I plan to keep doing this forecast indefinitely, even when I am a therapist.
Gorge Weather Forecast
Yup. Another amazing day. I’m so grateful for each of these amazing days! Expect sunshine all day with 50 degrees early and 75 degrees later. Light wind. No rainbows. Wednesday will be sunny and muggy with a chance of mountain showers in the afternoon. Temps will be in the mid 40’s early and the upper 70’s in the afternoon. Light wind for most of the day. Moderate westerlies in the afternoon. .03% chance of rainbows. Thursday looks rainy early and showery in the afternoon. 50 degrees early. Mid 60’s later. Strong wind. 99% chance of rainbows. Rain continues on and off through Monday.
For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.
White Sprinter Van of the Day
Road and Mountain Biking
In fun biking news Siouxon trail is open. Highway 30 on the Rowena Curves remains closed due to massive rockfall and unstable slopes. You can find a photo of it on the Gorge is my Gym Facebook page. Other than that closure, the road biking will be amazing today and tomorrow, with light wind. Tomorrow will be muggy.
Upcoming Events
Today’s community events include a free dance exercise class at the White Salmon Grange at 11. There’s pickup touch rugby at the Hood River Marina at 5:45 tonight and meditation at Yoga Samadhi at 6:30. Tomorrow brings sailboat races at the Hood River Marina and ping pong at the Hood River Armory.
Coming up later this week, Washington Trails Alliance has a work party on the Augspurger trail all day Thursday. The Hood River Area Trail Stewards have a work party at Family Man at 9am on Saturday. The Stevenson to Carson Ridge Run is Saturday, and as-if it wasn’t already hard enough, it’s probably going to be raining hard and chilly. The Cascade Chainbreaker mountain bike race is in Bend this weekend.
Have an awesome day today!