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Your favorite beach | Dawn Patrol |
9am- 11:30a |
11:30a- 3pm |
3pm- dusk |
Rooster Rock | 78% | chance | of | buns | |
Steven’s Locks | light | light | W 5ish | W 5ish | |
Hatchery/Wunderbar | light | light | W 5ish | W 5ish | |
Doug’s, Lyle, Rowena | light | light | light | light | |
Rufus, etc. | light | light | light | light | |
Roosevelt, etc. | light | light | light | light |
Gorge Wind Forecast
We’re still under the influence of a broad area of low pressure in the great basin, hence the high clouds and instability. We’ll be impacted by a “disturbance” moving in from the W or SW tomorrow, and that’ll fire off more thunder. Starting Thursday, things will stabilize as the lows go away and offshore high pressure builds. The location of that high (the inland part anyway) will determine how much wind we we see.
Generally speaking, Tuesday looks pretty calm – not much gradient, unstable air overhead, and hot temps on both sides of the Cascades. We’ll have westerlies at 5-10 from Hood River westward midday, but all-in-all, the wind will be close to calm everywhere. River flow is 189kcfs and temp is 61 degrees. That’s gonna feel awesome if you jump in this afternoon when it”ll be 90 and muggy!
Wednesday starts off calm. As a wee little low approaches, the wind will turn briefly easterly at 10-15 before going calm again. Late in the day, we may see a burst of W 20-23 from Stevenson to Mosier. That’s if you just look at the wind models. The broader picture has unstable air and thunderstorms, accompanied by rain, after 4pm or so and continuing overnight. Don’t count on that west flow tomorrow afternoon, and watch for lightning if you do.
That little disturbance moves to the N and E on Thursday morning, high pressure builds offshore, and marine air moves into Portland. High temps drop 10-20 degrees, depending on location. By the afternoon, the atmosphere should stabilize. So, let’s call it Dawn Patrol at 23-27 from Mosier to The Dalles with 13-16 to the E and W and light wind in Stevenson early. As the clouds burn off, the wind picks up to 27-31 from Viento to Rufus with 22-26 at Stevenson and Arlington.
As of today, models both like the idea of 26-30 everywhere on Friday and 22-25 Saturday. There’s complete disagreement about Sunday, but I think we’ll see upper teens to low twenties. At this point, that’s just a guess, but the general picture indicates a windy weekend. Fingers crossed that long-range forecast holds!
BONUS: Jones Tuesday: 15-18. Wednesday: 25-29 before thunder and lightning. Thursday: 13-16. Sauvie’s Tuesday: 12-15?. Wednesday: 5-10. Thursday: 8-11. Coast (north/central/south). Tuesday: 10-15/15-20/X, W swell 5′ at 12 seconds. Wednesday: W5/X/X, W 5′ @ 12. Thursday: X/W5/15-20+, W 4′ @ 10.
Mt. Adams Country Bike Tour – June 30th
If you haven’t ridden the roads around Trout Lake, you’re missing out. These epic rides wind through forests and past waterfalls (and wild berries). Traffic is minimal. Cell service is spotty. And that’s why the Mt. Adams Country Bike Tour is the perfect opportunity. Sag wagons. Repair support. Food. Water. Lunch. Dinner. Four ride options include an 11½-mile Family Friendly ride (just $10 to ensure accessibility to all families), a 51-mile Trout Lake – BZ Corner – Glenwood Loop, a 54-mile Forest Loop, and a 105-mile Infinity Ride. Click here, now, to get signed up today before the ride fills up.
Random Morning Thoughts
The random morning thoughts are currently on vacation!
Mt. Hood Mountain Weather Forecast
Tuesday: high clouds all day with a slight chance of afternoon thunderstorms. Free air freezing level (FAF): 11,000′ early and 13,000′ later. Wind: NE 15 morning, NW 10 afternoon, light and variable overnight. Wednesday starts with some high clouds and turns thunderstormy in the afternoon. FAF: 12,000′ early, 14,000′ later, 12,000′ overnight. Light and variable wind, except during storms. Significant rainfall is possible, depending on the location of the strongest cells. Thursday: cloudy, chance of thunder early. Clear in the afternoon. FAF: 13,000′. Wind: light and variable.
Gorge Weather Forecast
High clouds this morning increase this afternoon with a tiny chance of thunderstorms. Temps will be in the upper 60’s early and upper 80’s later. Muggy. Very light west wind. .01% chance of rainbows. 99% chance of a colorful sunset. Wednesday brings high clouds to start and thunderstorms in the afternoon. Rain is also likely. Temps will be in the low 60’s early (open windows) and near 90 in the afternoon (maybe – depends on cloud cover, but close your windows). Muggy. Light wind all day. Moderate westerlies are possible after 5pm. 2% chance of rainbows. Thursday starts off partly cloudy and turns sunny later. Strong west wind. 1% chance of rainbows early.
For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.
White Sprinter Van of the Week
Click here for the White Sprinter Van map of the world!!!
Road and Mountain Biking
I went for a tour in Post yesterday, and I found some areas of brown pow. Just areas. Mostly, it’s dry. Other news: you should go ride a bike! Today and tomorrow will be perfect for road biking – light wind. Be home before mid-afternoon on Wednesday, or you’ll get caught in the Thunderstorms and west wind. Big Winds has free demos of Scott E-Bikes today and Yuba E-Bikes on Saturday.
Upcoming Events
Today’s events include community meditation at 6:15 at Trinity Natural Medicine and another round of meditation at 6:30 at Yoga Samadhi with the Pacific Hermitage monks. There’s free yoga at HAVEN in The Dalles at 5:30 this evening. If you want to ride bikes, swing by Big Winds in Hood River today – they have free demos of Scott E-Bike Mountain bikes. They have free demos of Yuba bikes on Saturday.
Mountain biking families will want to mark the calendar for tomorrow night, and every Wednesday night, at 6. Families at Family Man returns to Post Canyon with food and family-friendly mountain biking.
There’s more family-friendly stuff this weekend with opening day of sailing season in Cascade Locks with free sailboat rides. The Rock the Point festival is in Bingen Saturday with $10 all-day demos of watersports gear. Mosierfest happens Saturday, and there’s a swap meet at Luhr Jensen.
Click here for the full events calendar.
Have an awesome day today!