Thank you for using this forecast. I offer it freely so you can have more fun and plan your life. It does take significant time and energy to produce. If you find yourself using it often, or if you feel your life is enhanced by this information, please make a donation. I count on your support to pay my bills, and am deeply grateful to you for choosing to help support me. You can get this forecast via email by donation. The email subscription isn’t $99/year. Not $50/year. Donating $12.34 or more gets you on the list for 12 months. Click on my photo to donate. Don’t PayPal? Send a check to Temira @ PO Box 841 in Hood River. Thank you for your support and thank you for trusting my forecast.
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4a-8a | 8a-12p | 12p-4p | 4p-8p | 8p-4a |
Tuesday 6000′->1000′ |
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Wednesday 1000′->6000′ |
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Thursday 7000′->3000′ |
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Mt. Hood Snow Forecast
It’s Tuesday, and it’s raining again up on Mt. Hood. This, perhaps, is Mother Nature’s protest against all the carbon we’re dumping in the air. She’s crying, you see. Anyway, the rest of the week contains weather that switches back and forth between rain and snow. There is some potential for this rollercoaster to end with enough snow to make the groom great again, if not the off-piste conditions.
For Tuesday, we’ll have rain in the morning and a switch to snow tonight. The snow level will be 5500′ early, 4500′ midday, 2000′ in the evening, and 1000′ after midnight. The bulk of the precip, about .6”, will fall as rain this morning, with perhaps an inch of snow at the tail end. Steady NW wind tonight will bring orographic effects into play, giving us .3-.6” water value (WV) that falls as 3-6” of new snow. Giving an accurate forecast based on orographics is tricky, FYI. Wind will be WSW 20 this morning, WNW 30 in the afternoon, and W 30 after midnight.
Wednesday starts off with flurries and perhaps some sun. Clouds move in during the afternoon, and then a system that trends warmer moves in overnight. The snow level will be 1000′ early, 4000′ around midnight, and 6000′ after midnight. About .8” WV falls overnight, for perhaps 4-6” of snow rolloed by 1/4” rain. Meh. Widn will be W 25-30 for much of the day, WSW 20-25 in the evening, and SW 30+ after midnight.
Thursday looks rainy followed by another orographic snowfall event. The snow level will be 6000-7000′ during the day, 5000′ late afternoon, and 3000′ late evening, bouncing all over the place after the precip ends (details not important). Mt. Hood will see 2”+ of rain during the day. The rain will turn to snow mid to late afternoon. Predicting how much snow is tricky – models only suggest .2” WV, but 50-60mph west wind will likely enhance that by a lot. Let’s go with .2-.8” WV, for 2-8” of new snow, likely the middle or high end of that range. Wind will be SW 30+ early, WSW 50+ midday, W 60 (brutal!) in the evening, and WNW 55 (also brutal) after midnight.
Friday brings rapidly decreasing wind and snowfall with sunshine early and clouds later. The weekend looks warm (well above freezing) and sunny.
Random Morning Thoughts
As you’ve figured out by now, I like meditation retreats. At the end of the retreats I’ve been to, the teachers bow to the students and ask for forgiveness for anything they may have done or said, and also for anything the students may have perceived as hurtful. I find this deeply moving.
We don’t often ask for forgiveness. So often we choose to redirect, rather than take ownership. The phrase, “I’m sorry you feel that way,”is a perfect example. By saying these words, we place the blame for injury on the hurting person.
It feels scarier, more vulnerable, to take ownership. Saying and deeply believeing the following puts us at risk for rejection and shame: “I’m sorry I hurt you. That was wrong, and I won’t do it again. I hope that you can forgive me.” Owning our mistakes can also bring down the injured person’s defenses, opening up a space for reconnection and repair.
Sometimes we don’t realize we’ve hurt others. Sometimes we do. Leaning into the conflict and accepting our own part in it increases the chances that our hearts and minds can reconnect, forming a stronger bond. May your resolve the areas of difference in your life. Have an awesome day.
Disclaimer required by my grad school program: I am not your therapist, but I am seeing clients at this time at Comprehensive Healthcare in White Salmon. In the meantime, I am your weather forecaster. Take everything I say with a grain of salt, and consult with your actual therapist about your mental health issues. One other thing: I plan to keep doing this forecast indefinitely. Forecasting and counseling are both deeply meaningful and nourishing to me.
Gorge Wind Forecast
For Tuesday, we’ll have E 10-15 early in the morning. After 11, high pressure building offshore gives us west wind at 23-27 through the entire Gorge. Wednesday looks light and variable. Thursday starts off with gusty westerlies at 16-22 in the eastern and western Gorge with calm wind in the central Gorge. After 2pm, the wind will pick up to gusty 24-30 through the whole Gorge. Looking ahead to the weekend, we’ll see a return to strong easterlies.
Gorge Weather Forecast
Given the noise being made by traffic on I-84, it must be raining. Rain shall continue this morning, turning to showers this afternoon. Temps will be in the upper 30’s early and mid 40’s in the afternoon. East wind early. West wind after 11. 99.99% chance of rainbows. Wednesday looks cloudy and drizzly in the morning with clouds and steady rain in the evening. Temps will be in the mid 30’s early and the low 40’s in the afternoon. Light and variable wind. Gloom, not rainbows. Thursday looks very rainy. Temps will be near 40 early and near 50 in the afternoon, good news for folks who like trail running in the rain. Moderate west wind. 99% chance of rainbows. Bright, strong, powerful rainbows!
For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.
White Sprinter Van of the Week
Road and Mountain Biking
I heard from someone that Syncline below the fence is good right now. Above the fence is muddy, so please don’t ride or you will damage trails. Hospital Hill is also reported to be muddy, so let’s leave that one alone too. As far as I know, Post Canyon remains closed to all users to protect delicate dirt from winter damage. Please respect this, even if you think it doesn’t apply to you.
Upcoming Events
Coming up Tuesday, there’s a free meditation/breating class at Flow at 8am. There a free yoga class at Trinity Natural Medicine at noon. There are two evening by-donation events: a women’s only (anyone identifying as “female”) mobility, strength and self-defense class at First Light in Hood River at 6pm, and meditation with the Pacific Hermitage monks at 6:30 at Yoga Samadhi.
Click here for the full events calendar.
Have an awesome day today!