
Tuesday. Rain on the mountain, warmth in the valleys. Go ride a bike!

Once again it’s not-snowing on Mt. Hood. It’s drizzling or misting or whatever you want to call it. This will continue for a few hours before becoming plain-old-cloudy. The snow level today will be 6000′ early, 6500′ when the rain ends, and 8000’+ overnight. We’ll see .1-.2” water value (WV) that falls as mist/rain/drizzle/sprinkles. Wind today will be W 30 in the morning, turning to SW 10-15 in the afternoon. Continued after the chart.

Mt. Hood Snow Forecast – 5000′
4a-8a 8a-12p 12p-4p 4p-8p 8p-4a
The next day


Mt. Hood Snow Forecast, continued…

Wednesday starts off with high clouds. Sprinkles start up around 10am, with precip continuing through 7pm or so. The snow level will be 10,000′ early, 8000′ around 10am, and 5500′ at the end of the precip, with the snow level falling to 3500′ by Thursday morning. We’ll see .5” WV in this sysem, mostly falling after 4pm. Given the forecast snow levels, the best we’re likely to see is 1” of snow at the tail end of the system, and that’s probably overly optimistic. Wind on Wednesday will be SSW 10 early, S 15-20 in the afternoon, and SW 20-25 overnight.


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Thursday may start off cloudy, but quickly sees snow start falling. Snowfall continues through 10pm or so. The snow level will be 3500′ early, rising to 5000′ mid-morning and dropping to 2000′ in the evening. We’ll see .7” WV between 7am and 4pm, for 5-6” of kinda heavy snow. We’ll see another .6” WV after 4pm, for 5-7” of lighter, fluffier snow. Wind on Thursday will be SW 20-25 early, rising to SW 30-40 midday and swinging to a battering W 50 in the afternoon before dropping to WSW 30 overnight.

As of right now, it looks like we’ll see flurries Friday morning followed by a period of rain Friday evening. Saturday looks mostly clear with a few flurries, and Sunday looks rainy. But that’s all a long ways out, so I’m not sure why I’m even talking about it. There’s a good chance it could change!

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Thank you for using this forecast. Does it save you time, gas money, or help you have more fun in your life? Make a donation! Get your forecast here for free or donate and get on the mailing list for year-round wind forecasts and ski season snow forecasts. Just click on my photo to donate via PayPal or credit card. The email isn’t $99/year. Not $50/year. No, just $12.34 or more gets you on the list for 12 months, and sometimes there are cool prizes. Don’t PayPal? Send a check to Temira @ PO Box 841 in Hood River. Thank you for your support, and thank you for trusting my forecast.

Gorge Wind Forecast

We’re starts out the day with light west wind and gradients of .06 (pdx-dls) and .06 (dls-psc). We’ll see westerlies at 10-13 or a touch more through the whole Gorge this morning, turning to E 10-15 from Rooster to Steven’s Locks this afternoon. Wednesday starts off with E 30-40 and turns around to W 20-25 from Stevenson to The Dalles in the afternoon. Thursday starts off with light east wind. As an upper level low swings over the Gorge, we’ll see a quick switch to gusty W 30 from Rooster (yeah) to The Dalles with 30-40 from Maryhill (probably the wrong direction there) to Arlington. The river water temp is 40 degrees, so if you’re going, be careful and ride with a partner.

Random Morning Thoughts

I was having a conversation with a classmate yesterday about the difference between love and unconditional positive regard. UPR is what counselors are supposed to generate toward clients, according to standard counseling theory. It feels a little clunky to me, and also to my friend. “Unconditional Positive Regard” is a lot of words, and the more words a concept contains, the more opportunity there is for misinterpretation.

Plus, they don’t feel the same when you attempt to manifest them. Try it out. Create unconditional positive regard towards someone and see what that feel like in your nervous system. Now try manifesting love. Different, right? I almost feel as if there’s a little pity and a little judgment in that UPR emotion.

Love is simpler. It feel good to offer it up to people around you. It certainly feels better than anger, hatred, resentment, rage or jealousy. Sure, those emotions are valid, but having them won’t make you happier. If you can find a way to love your enemies, even when they do things that hurt you, you’ll be less hurt, less likely to ruminate and feel helpless, and you’ll feel like you have some power in the situation. No, really, I’m not kidding. The choice of how to react lies within you, and that’s a powerful possibility.

Spend a few minutes a day concentrating on the love that lives within you. It sounds cheesy and sappy, but it will, over the long term, impact your world in positive ways. I promise, as your weather forecaster, that this is true. Have an awesome day.

Disclaimer required by my grad school program: I am not your therapist. I am your weather forecaster. Take everything I say with a grain of salt, and consult with your actual therapist about your mental health issues.

Gorge Weather Forecast

It’s a cloudy, sprinkly start to the day. Expect sprinkles and/or rain through 1pm or so with partly cloudy to cloudy sky after that. Temps will be in the low 50’s early and the upper 50’s in the afternoon. Light west wind early. Light east wind later. 72% chance of rainbows. Wednesday starts off cloudy with sprinkles possible during the day and rain after 3pm. Temps will be in the low 40’s early and the mid 50’s in the afternoon. East wind early, moderate westerlies after 4pm. 56% chance of rainbows. Thursday looks rainy pretty much all day. Temps will be in the low 40’s early and the low 50’s in the afternoon. Light east wind early, strong west wind in the afternoon. 99% chance of rainbows.

For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.

White Sprinter Van of the Day


Road and Mountain Biking

Yesterday was an amazing day for road biking, and today, once the blob in the sky is gone, will be another amazing day. Out on the trails, it may be okay at Syncline, but other trails are way too wet. Leave them alone. And maybe break out your road bike, because today’s the day for it!

Upcoming Events

Coming up tonight, there’s pickup touch rugby at 5pm at the ballfields next to Jackson Park. There’s meditation at Samadhi at 6:30pm. There’s Zumba at the Parkdale Community Center at 6:30pm. There’s $12 Prime Rib at Cebu from 5pm to 9pm.

Have an awesome day today!


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By Temira

Temira Lital is a recreation and travel weather forecaster based in Hood River, Oregon. Temira uses they/them pronouns. They're also a mental health counselor. Temira bikes, skis, windsurfs, paddles a SUP, swims in mountain lakes, and loves gardening. Most recently they've taken up SUP foiling. Temira is powered by La Croix, protein, and beets.