Tuesday, as I think I mentioned on Monday, is a very tricky forecast. There’s a decent east Pacific high offshore, and low pressure inland. That’s generally a good setup. However, we started off the day with light and variable wind under a W .02 (pdx-dls) gradient. As time went on, the gradient dropped and the wind turned easterly. So, honestly, I don’t think this is going to be a brilliant forecast. My gut instinct says that Tuesday will finish up with westerlies at 10-13 from Stevenson to Mosier. If this happens, it won’t be until the day warms up. Call it mid-afternoon. Continued after the chart…
Your favorite beach | Dawn Patrol |
9am- 11:30a |
11:30a- 3pm |
3pm- dusk |
Iwash (Rooster) Rock | bring | on the | bare | butts! | |
Steven’s Locks aka Stevenson Cascade Locks |
LTV | LTV | LTV | 10-13? | |
Hatchery/White Salmon Sandbar |
LTV | LTV | LTV | 10-13? | |
Doug’s, Lyle, Rowena | LTV | LTV | LTV | LTV | |
Rufus, etc. | LTV | LTV | LTV | LTV | |
Roosevelt, etc. | LTV | LTV | LTV | LTV | |
![]() |
Gorge wind forecast, continued…
Wednesday looks like a nearly identical setup. A weak weather system pushing inland during the afternoon may give the wind speeds a nudge up from the morning light and variable start. So, let’s call it LTV early followed by 10-13 from Stevenson (which will probably end up showery) to The Dalles mid-afternoon. Or maybe it won’t be windy at all. If that’s the case, spend the day enjoying perfect dirt on your mountain bike.
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Does this forecast save you time, gas money, or help you have more fun in your life? Make a donation to support continued forecasting, and get the forecast in your inbox each day. Click on Temira’s photo to donate via PayPal or credit card. The email subscription isn’t $99/year. Not $50/year. No, just $12.34 or more gets you on the list for 12 months. Don’t PayPal? Send a check to Temira @ PO Box 841 in Hood River. Thank you for your support and thank you for trusting my forecast.
Thursday currently looks like this: A trough of low pressure sets up over the top of us in morning. That combines will offshore high pressure for Dawn Patrol at 21-24 from Hood River to The Dalles. As a weather system approaches in the afternoon and that low moves eastward, the wind will pick up. Expect gusty 26-30 on Thursday afternoon from Hood River out to Arlington. That sounds fun, doesn’t it!
Friday sees a fairly strong weather system push inland. If the models are correct, we’ll see moisture falling from the sky near Hood River. That will push the wind all the way out to Arlington, much like we saw last Saturday. So, if you’re planning on wind-chasing, plan on a full tank of gas and a long drive that may or may not be fruitful.
Jones, Sauvie’s, Coast Beta Test Forecast
Jones Tuesday: 7-10. Jones Wednesday: 11-14. Jones Thursday: 10-13. Sauvie’s Tuesday: no. Wednesday: 5-8. Thursday: no. Coast (north/central/south). Tuesday: no/no/15-20, W swell 7′ at 11 seconds. Wednesday: 5-10/no/10-15, W 5′ @ 10. Thursday: no/no/10-15, NW 4′ @ 9.
Mt. Hood Snow Forecast
Click here for your 2016-2017 ski season forecast.
Random Morning Thoughts
I mentioned the book Peak the other day in regards to deliberate practice and mental representations. Peak also briefly discusses one of the differences between mid-level and elite-level athletes. While mid-level athletes attempt to create distractions from the pain of exertion, elite-level athletes engage in pain monitoring. By remaining fully engaged with their experience, they are able to make slight modifications to improve performance.
An addendum to this is the following: if you stay engaged in your activity, you can decrease your level of wasted energy and suffering. Take mountain biking (I rode 15 Mile yesterday, so this is on my mind). While riding up a steep hill, you may find yourself thinking a lot. Perhaps you expect your legs to cramp, or you expect to have to give up, or you expect pain in your lungs, tires that lose grip, or an inability to finish the ride. Maybe you even think about how you’ll beat yourself up mentally if you get off and walk.
If you can look beyond all these thought constructions to your actual experience, you’ll likely find less suffering than you expect. Your legs may hurt a little, and your lungs may be working hard. If you look closely, you may actually find very little physical pain. You might notice that you’re still on the bike, and you might give yourself kudos for that! Maybe you’ll notice your effort, but you’ll realize that the thoughts you were having are out of tune with reality. Knowing this will reduce the tension in your body, allowing you to direct more capacity to just pedaling (or running, skinning, paddling, etc.)
Give it a shot next time you’re maxed out in your favorite sport. Notice your thoughts and expectations. Compare them to your actual experience. I betcha learn something interesting about yourself. You may even find you have more capacity for exertion than you thought. Be awesome. Have an awesome day!
Disclaimer required by my grad school program: I am not your therapist (but I could be 51 graduate school credits from now). I am your weather forecaster. Take everything I say with a grain of salt, and consult with your actual therapist about your mental health issues. One other thing: I plan to keep doing this forecast indefinitely, even when I am a therapist.
Gorge Weather Forecast
It’s a beautiful sunny day out there. We might see more clouds later, and we might not. Either way, expect temps in the upper 40’s early and the low 70’s this afternoon. Light wind. No rainbows. Wednesday looks sunny to partly cloudy early with partly to mostly cloudy evening skies. Temps will be in the upper 40’s early and the low 70’s in the afternoon. Light wind. 2% chance of rainbows. Thursday looks mostly cloudy with a chance of sprinkles in the evening. Temps will be in the upper 40’s early and the low 70’s in the afternoon. Moderate to strong wind. 14% chance of rainbows. Friday looks showery with a 79% chance of rainbows.
For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.
White Sprinter Van of the Day
Road and Mountain Biking
Reports from Post yesterday contained all sorts of good dirt, so that’s a likely place to have fun today. Another option is the 44 Road trails, including Gunsight. 15 Mile was tacky on Monday (I checked it out for you, and you’re welcome), meaning Gunsight and Gumjuwac should also be good. Can’t tell you about 8 Mile, Knebal, Dog, etc, but I’m guessing they are mixed tack and dust. I’m sure Falls Creek, Lewis River, and Plains of Abraham, being further west in the rainy zone, are also great. Plus you’ll find chanterelles further west. Please share. Remember, Whoopdee and Hospital are still closed due to fire season.
Upcoming Events
It’s Tuesday night, and you can join in the following activities tonight: by-donation yoga at Flow at 4:30, pickup touch rugby at 5:30 at Hood River’s Waterfront Park, and community meditation at Yoga Samadhi at 6:30. Tonight’s meditation and talk will be led by Ajahn V, a monk of 40 years. This is a pretty special opportunity, and well work checking out if you have the time this evening. Also this evening: $12 Prime Rib at Cebu.
Wednesday starts off with meditation at Flow Yoga at 8:15 followed by free yoga at the FISH food bank at 10. In the evening, there’s ping pong at the Hood River Armory at 5, sailboat races at the Hood River Marina, and Zumba at the Parkdale Community Center.
Have an awesome day today!