
Thursday. Wind, thunder and unicorns.

It’s another windy start to another summer day here in the Gorge. If you’re interested in getting on the water, I recommend you do it as early as possible; this afternoon carries the possibility for thunderstorms, and thunderstorms carry the possibility to shut down the wind. Wait, two quick announcements: iWind/iKite has a free trial Friday through Sunday. Next, there’s a free Ezzy demo today at Swell and tomorrow at Doug’s. Back to the forecast… getting on the water this morning shouldn’t be a problem. Gradients at 7am were .11 (pdx-dls), .02 (dls-psc) and .60 (eph-dls). That’s enough for a 16-19 start from Viento to Mosier, with slightly less further east. Continued after the chart.

Today’s Gorge Wind – these are ranges for the average speed, not a predicted wind range. =)
Your favorite beach Dawn
Rooster Rock Know why it’s called Rooster
Steven’s Locks light 10-13 20-23 20-23
Hatchery/White Salmon Sandbar (minus a few for Hood River) 15-18 17-20 20-23 23-26
Doug’s, Lyle, Rowena 10-13 17-20 20-23 23-26
Rufus, etc. 10-13 17-20 20-23 23-26
Roosevelt, etc. 10-13 10-13 15-18 17-20


Gorge Wind Forecast, continued…

Expect the wind to pick up a little bit during the day, to 20-23 from Stevenson to The Dalles. If we see thunderstorms, the wind will drop in the afternoon to 12-15. If the thunderstorms hold off, we’ll see the wind build to 23-26 after 2pm from Swell to Rufus, with stronger wind possible after 5pm as the marine layer starts pushing in to Portland.

Friday looks like a nuker, with 25-29 or maybe even more, from Swell (assuming the marine layer stays west of there) to Rufus. Expect 28-32 from Swell all the way to Arlington in the afternoon with periods of 30+ possible from Swell to Rufus. That should be plenty of wind for unicorns. One thing to keep in mind – areas east of the Cascades still have the possibility of thunderstorms tomorrow, and that could affect the wind. In addition, we’ll have low pressure off the coast, instead of our preferred high pressure, and that may make the wind gusty and less strong than the models predict. That said, tomorrow looks quite windy.


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Saturday starts with another round of deep marine clouds in Portland. That sets us up for 20-23 to start with 25-29 in the afternoon. Sunday currently looks like 10-13 in the morning and gusty 23-26 in the afternoon as a weak weather system moves through the region.

Jones and Sauvie’s beta test forecast. Jones today, 22-25. Jones tomorrow, 13-16. Jones Saturday, 10-13. Sauvie’s today, 10-13. Sauvie’s tomorrow, 10-13 late, possibly a bit more, possibly thunder. Sauvie’s Saturday, light and variable.

Coast forecast (north/central/south). Today: light and variable (LTV), NW swell 2′ at 8 seconds. Tomorrow: S 10-15 everywhere, SW 4′ @ 17 seconds (nice!). Saturday: LTV, SW 3 @ 16 (surfing, anyone?).

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Mt. Hood Snow Forecast

Nothing to say here today.

Random Morning Thoughts

I was sitting in class last night trying to figure out what was bugging me so much about my professor. The topic of discussion, and the topic of the class, isn’t my favorite (although I love my classmates, so there’s definitely plenty of awesome in the room). But I was noticing irritation that didn’t appear to have a source. So I sat with it.

As I was driving home, it hit me: my professor reminds me of my sister. No wonder I experience irritation in his presence!

We’d like to think we relate directly to other people. The truth is that we place the filter of our experience over our interactions. If we’ve had trouble with bearded men, we struggle with bearded men. If blonde women have rejected us over and over, we’ll have a reaction to blondes. If someone’s mannerisms, affect, appearance, or vibe remind us of someone else, even in a subtle way, we’ll tend to relate to them as we relate to person we’re recalling. Freud calls this projection. I call it interference.

We all want to be seen for who we are, so it’s important to notice when this interference comes up. If you’re feeling something that makes no sense around someone, ask yourself who they remind you of. Just asking that question might lower the noise level. And when the noise drops, we connect directly to each other, as is our right as human beings. Have an awesome day, and have fun playing with that!

Gorge Weather Forecast

This morning is, you got it, warm, muggy and, in an exciting change of pace, smoky! I’m not sure of the smoke source – there’s a 250 acre fire in Trout Lake, and there was one near Lost Lake Road (not sure what’s happening there now). But it’s smoky, that’s for sure. Anyway, expect sunshine this morning and a good chance of thunder, lightning, and rain this afternoon. Or maybe just cumulus clouds and a pretty sunset. Temps will be in the upper 60’s early and the low 80’s this afternoon with high humidity. Moderate wind. 1% chance of rainbows.

The threat of thunder continues tomorrow, mostly east of the Cascades. Temps will be in the upper 60’s early and low 80’s (YES!) this afternoon. Nuking wind. No rainbows. Saturday looks partly cloudy with temps in the low 60’s early and the upper 70’s in the afternoon. Light wind early, strong late. No rainbows. Sunday looks a little cooler and cloudier with a slight chance of rain.

White Sprinter Van of the Day


Road and Mountain Biking

No change from dry and dusty on the trails and hot and windy on the roads, at least for today. But maybe, just maybe, this morning’s humid air will transform into thundery downpours later…

The Clymb: free membership. Cheap gear.
Temira approves. Click to join.


Upcoming Events

Today’s events include two free yoga classes, one at 8am at Flow, and one at 6:30 tonight at Yoga Samadhi. Tonight’s also the Post-n’-Pint race-pace ride from Dirty Fingers with the Tour on the TV if you’d rather watch thatn ride. There’s an Ezzy demo at Swell City today and another one at Doug’s Beach tomorrow afternoon. I hope they are bringing some small sails tomorrow…

Tomorrow morning at 7, it’s the Kickstand Coffee run, with a free cup of coffee and a donut for all finishers. Tomorrow night from 7 to 9, there’s a campfire song circle (sans campfire?) at Rooster Rock.

Coming up this weekend: kiteboarding for cancer, the Oregon Open Ocean SUP race, the WIND youth regatta, and Trailgate and the Oregon Endurance MTB Race (45 miles and 80 miles) at the 44 Road trails. On Saturday morning in Post Canyon, in conjunction with the weekly trail run, there’s a Pearl Izumi shoe demo.

Have an awesome day today!


By Temira

Temira Lital is a recreation and travel weather forecaster based in Hood River, Oregon. Temira uses they/them pronouns. They're also a mental health counselor. Temira bikes, skis, windsurfs, paddles a SUP, swims in mountain lakes, and loves gardening. Most recently they've taken up SUP foiling. Temira is powered by La Croix, protein, and beets.