Today (Thursday) started off with west wind at 7-10 most places. Underlying those mini-ripples were gradients of .07 (pdx-dls) and .01 (dls-psc). River flow at The Dalels this morning was 95.2kcfs and river temp was 67 degrees. 9630 Chinook made it over Bonneville yesterday and so did 2777 Steelhead. With all that out of the way… Models have one thing to say about today’s forecast, and I have another, meaning it’s not a great day to rely on forecasts. Continued after the chart…
Your favorite beach | Dawn Patrol |
9am- 11:30a |
11:30a- 3pm |
3pm- dusk |
Iwash (Rooster) Rock | bring | on the | bare | butts! | |
Steven’s Locks aka Stevenson Cascade Locks |
10-13 | 10-13 | 13-16 | 20-23 | |
Hatchery/White Salmon Sandbar |
7-10 | 13-16 | 20-23 | 20-23 | |
Doug’s, Lyle, Rowena | 10-13 | 10-13 | 13-16 | 13-16 | |
Rufus, etc. | 5-10 | 5-10 | 10-13 | 10-13 | |
Roosevelt, etc. | 5-10 | 5-10 | 10-13 | 10-13 | |
![]() |
Gorge wind forecast, continued…
This .07 gradient is a good sign for today, despite the fact that the models don’t suggest anything more than 12-15 or so. I think we’ll see 20-23 by late morning from Viento to Mosier, with Steven’s Locks filling in this afternoon. The Rowena stretch will likely see less wind today, maxing out at 13-16.
We have the same trouble tomorrow, with models predicting 7-10 all day long. As of right now, I’m thinking 13-16 for tomorrow afternoon. This thought could change after I see tonight’s set of model runs. Damn you, late summer!
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Keep the forecasts coming.
Does this forecast save you time, gas money, or help you have more fun in your life? Make a donation to support continued forecasting, and get the forecast in your inbox each day. Click on Temira’s photo to donate via PayPal or credit card. The email subscription isn’t $99/year. Not $50/year. No, just $12.34 or more gets you on the list for 12 months. Don’t PayPal? Send a check to Temira @ PO Box 841 in Hood River. Thank you for your support and thank you for trusting my forecast.
Saturday is a little more clear, as the wind will be driven by an incoming frontal system. Expect 16-19 from Viento to Mosier to start the day, By late morning, we’ll have 21-24 from Steven’s Locks all the way to Arlington. It’s quite likely that the wind will die off west of Mosier due to incoming rain showers. If so, you’ll be rewarded with rainbows. Looking at Sunday, models currently predict light and variable wind all day. That seems spot-on given the presence of an upper level low directly off the coast.
Jones, Sauvie’s, Coast Beta Test Forecast
Jones Thursday: 10-13. Jones Friday: 13-16. Jones Saturday: no. Sauvie’s Thursday: 4-7. Friday: 7-10 late. Saturday: no. Coast (north/central/south). Thursday: 5-10/10-15/20-25, W swell 4′ at 11 seconds. Friday: light/10-15/20-25, W 4′ @ 10. Saturday: LTS/LTS/LTN, W 3′ @ 13.
Mt. Hood Snow Forecast
There will be snow on the ground at Mt. Hood today, and every day until the glaciers completely melt away.
Random Morning Thoughts
A friend of mine interested in achieving life’s ultimate outcome recommends the book Peak. It’s a good read. Ericsson and Pool, the authors, have excellent global suggestions for advancing your skills in any realm.
Key to improvement are deliberate practice and the use of mental representations. A mental representation is a way of encoding a large amount of data into a small, easily accessed package. For example, a mental representation of a forward loop encodes the following data into the “forward loop” mental image: straight-on ramp, fully powered sail, no huge gust or lull headed this way, unhook, look forward, jump without losing speed, move sail forward by pushing forward hand forward and pulling back hand in a little, look back, don’t let go here!, notice rotational speed/height/etc and adjust, spot landing, adjust landing for butt-down, not-break-board, or planing. All that there, it becomes unconscious and automatic in the “forward loop” mental representation. Once you have that, you can refine it with deliberate practice.
Deliberate practice is my real point. Most of us go through life most of the time on autopilot. We follow old mental representations. We don’t improve our functioning. But we can, oh yes we can! All we have to do is study the autopilot and refine it.
Pick a domain of life. Make it specific enough that you can study it. At the end of the day (or then end of each minute, even), analyze what worked well and what didn’t. Adjust the pieces that aren’t working well. Seek feedback if needed. Seek a teacher if you can’t get feedback. Keep studying this piece of your world, and keep refining it. You already do this when learning a new move on your wind gear, bike or snow gear. You have the underlying ability. Apply it to the rest of your life, and see that grow as quickly as your sports abilities have grown. Have an awesome day.
Disclaimer required by my grad school program: I am not your therapist (but I could be 51 graduate school credits from now). I am your weather forecaster. Take everything I say with a grain of salt, and consult with your actual therapist about your mental health issues. One other thing: I plan to keep doing this forecast indefinitely, even when I am a therapist.
Gorge Weather Forecast
It’s yet another beautiful morning in the Gorge. Expect sunshine all day with temps in the upper 50’s early and the low 80’s this afternoon. Light wind early. Moderate wind later. No rainbows. Friday looks sunny. Temps will be in the low 50’s early and the mid 80’s in the afternoon. Light wind early, moderate later. No rainbows. Saturday starts off sunny and ends up cloudy with light rain possible from noon on. Temps will be in the upper 50’s early and the mid 70’s in the afternoon. Moderate wind. 78% chance of rainbows. Sunday looks partly cloudy early with rain later. 98% chance of rainbows on Sunday.
For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.
White Sprinter Van of the Day
Road and Mountain Biking
Hospital Hill and Whoopdee are closed for fire season. That even applies to the four cars that were parked at the Spring Street trailhead yesterday. If you insist on trespassing, you will end up paying the consequences, and so will the rest of us in the form of restricted access. Yes, the rules apply to YOU too!
Upcoming Events
Today’s community events, all free or by donation, include the race-pace Post n’ Pint bike ride at Dirty Fingers Bike Shop at 5:30, where a 2 hour bike ride earns you a free pint of beer. At 6 tonight, there’s free yoga at Samadhi in White Salmon. At 6:30, there’s Tai Chi at Our Savior Church in Bingen and Zumba at the Parkdale Community Center. Tomorrow morning at 7am, it’s the weekly donut and coffee run at Kickstand Coffee in Hood River.
Coming up Saturday, there’s a 8am trail run in Post Canyon, a 9am women’s ride from Mountain View Cycles, and at 10:30, there free yoga at Sorosis Park. Timberline hosts the Salmon River cleanup starting at 10 Saturday, the White Salmon Grange has a meditation retreat at 1, and Music Festival of the Gorge is at Hood River’s Waterfront Park.
Have an awesome day today!