Your favorite launch | dawn patrol |
morning max | afternoon max | executive session |
Iwash (Rooster) Rock | sunny | buns | sweaty | fun | |
Stevenson | LTW | 10-13 | LTW | 10-13 | |
Viento | 13-16 | 10-13 | LTW | 10-13 | |
Swell-Hood River | LTW | 10-13 | LTW | 10-13 | |
Lyle to Doug’s | LTW | LTW | LTV | LTV | |
Rufus, etc: 145-182kcfs flow | LTW | LTW | LTV | LTV | |
Roosevelt & Arlington | LTW | LTW | LTV | LTV | |
River flow last 24 hours: 135-182kcfskcfs | =River temp: 65.84F | High temp: 90-95F |
Gorge Wind Forecast
Hi friends! Yesterday sure was a fun one. Now we enter a heat wave, but in a fun twist, we’ll have a little bit of west wind most afternoons thanks to the desert being blazing hot while the metro area is slightly less hot. But still blazing. When will the big cooldown-driven wind happen? Models suggest it won’t be until the middle of next week. And that’s subject to change. Remember that Kiteboard 4 Cancer, not just for kiters, runs at the Hood River Event Site Friday through Sunday. There’s a swap meet at Lot 1 on Saturday. Looks like, according to my calendar, the Gorge Outrigger Race is Saturday from Stevenson to Bingen.
Is this feeling helpful? If so, go ahead and make a contribution using Paypal to support it. Send $19.99 or more, and I’ll send the forecast to your inbox for a year.
Thursday starts with pressures of 30.20/30.16/30.17 for gradients of W 0.04 and E 0.01. Not much happens today, but there’s a chance of just enough late in the afternoon. Models hint at 11-14 from Stevenson to Swell from late afternoon on through the evening. The wind could potentially make it to the Hood River Waterfront, but you probably won’t be able to; that’s where people will be parking to see tonight’s fireworks. Speaking of… Hood River banned personal use fireworks yesterday. They join many other communities in the Gorge. River flow over the last 24 hours was 135-182kcfs, river temp is 65.84F, and high temp forecast is 91F.
Friday starts dead calm. Break out the ski boats! Not much happens during the day. Models take the westerlies to 12-15 from Stevenson to Hood River, maybe to Rowena, after 5pm. High temp: 100F. A weak impulse moves through on Saturday. The day starts dead calm, again. From mid-afternoon on, we should see 17-20 or a bit more from Stevenson to Rowena. High temp: 101. Sunday looks like a carbon copy of Saturday with temps a few degrees hotter.
Writing the complete forecast takes me 1-2 hours a day. If it saves you time, gas money, or helps you plan your life, please consider contributing.

Extended: desert max temps get hotter each day as the ridge shifts east. The metro area will still be very, very hot, but the desert will be very, very, very hot. This should keep moderate westerlies, upper teens, going on Monday. Models hint at stronger gradients Tuesday onward. Temps will still be 90+ degrees, but the potential for strong wind is there. Stay hydrated. Stay cool. See you in the water!
That was helpful in planning your life, wasn’t it? Go ahead and subscribe to the forecast using the fancy auto-renew option. Don’t like electronic payment? No problem! You can send a check or cash to: Temira / PO Box 841 / Hood River, Oregon, 97031. Thank you so much for supporting the forecast. I’m glad you find it helpful, and I appreciate your kindness in supporting the work I’m doing!

Jones, Sauvie Island, Oregon Coast
North/Central/South coast, waves (swell forecast provided by NWS). Wind forecast for the afternoon (unless it’s a storm on the coast, in which case that’s peak wind during the day). Wind direction N (coast/Sauvie Island) and W (Jones) unless otherwise noted. Thursday: 20-25/25/30, N swell 5′ at 8 seconds. Friday: 20-=25/25/LTW, N 5′ @ 8, W 2′ @ 16. Saturday: 15-20/15-20/LTV, N 4′ @ 8. Jones Thursday: 12-15. Friday: 12-15. Saturday: 13-16. Sauvie Island Thursday: 17-20. Friday: 19-22. Saturday: 12-15.
Alan’s Sauvie Island Wind Sensor
Mt. Hood Weather Forecast
I’m tired. It’s on vacation.
Very basic Hood River weather forecast. Don’t plan your life around this. You really should read Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook
Thursday will be sunny. Temps start in the mid 50s and rise to the low 90s. Light west wind. No rainbows. Friday will be sunny. Temps start in the low 60s and rise to 100 or so. Calm wind early. Light to moderate westerlies later. No rainbows. Saturday will be mostly sunny with a few high clouds. Temps start in the low 60s and rise to the low triple digits. Calm wind early. Moderate westerlies later. No rainbows.
Local-ish Events
Please let me know of outdoor-related local-ish events. If you don’t tell me, I don’t know!
There’s a weekly social for Wind Johnnies (The Gorge Wind Social) at Ferment Brewing every 3rd Monday this summer.
The Columbia Gorge Junior Kayak Club offers free roll sessions (gear provided) for kids at the Hood River Pool every other Tuesday from 5:30 to 7pm. Visit their website for more deets: Amayah’s offers a free meal every First Thursday from 1pm to 4pm. Regular weekly events:. NK Studio’s by-donation Tuesday morning yoga class is back. Ferment’s Tuesday night 4-mile walk/run is at 6pm. There’s meditation with monks at 5:15pm (an hour) and 6:30pm (30 minutes plus a talk) at Yoga Samadhi in White Salmon. Columbia Gorge Tri Club meets at Mayer State Park at 6pm Tuesdays. At 7:15am on Wednesdays, there’s a run from the White Salmon Bakery. At 7am on Friday morning, there’s a run from Pine Street Bakery. On Fridays at 2:30pm, there’s a free meditation and stretching class at Yoga Samadhi. On Saturday at 9am, there’s a by-donation outdoor group fitness on the 2rd floor deck about Ferment Brewing.
Sign-ups are open for the Gorge Ultimate Summer League:
Wingfoil racing starts July 2nd:
Post Canyon Junior Enduro MTB series:
Dirt is great in post as of 6/19. Post, Whoopdee, Hospital Hill, Syncline, Columbia Hills, and Nestor are open. Eightmile, Knebal, Bottle Prairie, Surveyor’s, Dog River, SuperConnector, and Cook Meadows are open. Fifteenmile is clear of snow but has not been cleared of downed trees. Lewis River is open. I received an email that Falls Creek is open. That is USFS land, and E-bikes are not allowed. Cows are out on Hospital Hill. NO DOGS. That means you, all of you, even your dog that’s [insert adjective]. No dogs. Do not risk access for everyone. No parking at the corral.
Sprinter Van of the Week!
Click here for the Sprinter Van map of the world!!!
Have an awesome day!