Outfound Series Festival – Hood River
OutFound is a 3-day adventure sports and outdoor innovation festival taking place on June 9-11th on The Event Site. The activities include a speaker series, a startup competition for outdoor driven brands, an expo, hands-on workshops, creatives games and art, outdoor activities and sports on site, networking hours, outdoor films and music performances.
OutFound’s goal is to bring outdoor enthusiasts and innovators together for 3 days of experiential activities. It’s about learning new skills, meeting inspiring leaders and engaging in unforgettable outdoor focused experiences. Outdoor innovation is about out of the box thinking and this mixture of activities encourages that. We believe that getting adventure enthusiasts and leaders together in a creative setting will be a catalyst for exciting new ideas, projects and businesses in the outdoor space.
Gorge Wind Forecast
Thanks to the 20-30 people who showed up to help out CGWA and Washington State Parks yesterday with the Hatchery cleanup. Y’all are the best, and much appreciated! The wind yesterday was definitely “gusty and unreliable” as predicted, but if you were in the right place at the right time, you had a nice day on the river. This morning is also proving a bit tricky to forecast as a weak system above us takes its time shifting eastward. The general picture is that this weather thingy will move east in the afternoon, allowing high pressure to start building in the PNW. That should help confine the wind to the river, rather than for thousands of feet above us. (continued after the chart)
Your favorite beach | Dawn Patrol |
9am- 11:30a |
11:30a- 3pm |
3pm- dusk |
Rooster Rock | tan, | tan, | your | moon | |
Steven’s Locks | 16-19 | 16-19 | 10-23 | 20-23 | |
Hatchery/White Salmon Sandbar (minus a few for Hood River) | 16-19 | 16-19 | 20-23 | 24-28? | |
Doug’s, Lyle, Rowena | 13-16 | 16-19 | 20-23 | 24-28+ | |
Rufus, etc. | strong | current | 24-28 | 24-28+ | |
Roosevelt, etc. | 24-28 | 24-28 | 24-28+ | 24-28+ | |
Gorge Wind Forecast, continued.
So, we’ll start the day with 16-19 or so in the western Gorge with 24-27 from Rufus east to Arlington. Those speeds should hold through 1pm or so, when (hopefully) this system will clear the area allowing the wind to build. I’m going to predict a bit below what the models think, because I’m feeling cautious. I think we’ll see 24-28 after 2pm from Hood River to Arlington, but models do think we’ll see periods of 28-32 east of The Dalles. The Viento to Swell area is a maybe, as it doesn’t always do so well late afternoon. Keep an eye on it anyway. Stevenson will probably max out around 20-23 today. River flow is 460kcfs and river temp is 57 degrees.
High pressure continues to build over the Northwest on Monday, shutting down the wind by the afternoon. We’ll see, at best, a brief period of 13-16 from Stevenson to Doug’s early in the morning. By midday, the wind should turn calm pretty much everywhere, opening up potential for a great road bike ride, paddle, or other low-wind sport.
Tuesday currently looks to start with east wind at 10-15. The easterlies will last through mid-morning, at which point the wind will become calm. Late in the afternoon, we should see light westerlies at 5-10 or so, possibly just at Stevenson. As of right now, the weather picture looks quite complicated on Wednesday, but we should see westerlies somewhere in the 13-16 range early and 18-22 range in the afternoon.
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Jones, Sauvie’s, Coast Beta Test Forecast
Sauvie’s Sunday: 10-13. Monday: 7-10+. Tuesday: no. Jones Sunday: 14-17. Monday: 5-10. Tuesday: 24-28. Coast (north/central/south). Sunday: 5-10/10-15/25-30, W swell 6′ @ 10 seconds. Monday: 20-25/20-25/30-35+, W 6′ @ 10. Tuesday: 10-15/10-15/15-20, W 5′ @ 10.
Mt. Hood Snow Forecast
The only snow on Mt. Hood right now is all the snow on the ground.
Random Morning Thoughts
It seems like the news has become a constant stream of fear-provoking stories about terrorism and violence. (Speaking of the potential for violence, TODAY is that alt-right and accompanying left-anarchist protest in downtown Portland. Avoid.) When we see such stories on a daily basis and those stories aren’t balanced by heartwarming tales, we can start to believe that the world is a dangerous place. Our sense of safety and trust in others can diminish.
We can have a similar response to events in our daily lives. The death of a loved one can shake our belief that people will be here for us. A job loss or a mistake made can impact our self confidence. One event in the course of a long life can have a big impact on our self-concept and worldview.
When these things happen, it’s important to remember that we and our world are defined by more than the awful moments. Reflection can help, but writing and art can be even more powerful because they engage more of our mind than just the thinking part. Try it while you wait for the wind today. Think of something difficult that’s happened to you recently. Then pick up a pen or crayons or pastels and spend a bit of time reflecting on, writing about or creating art (if you’re me, it’s crappy art) about stories and events that contradict the messages created by this recent painful event.
For example, you could think about London last night and write about all the times you’ve felt safe in the world. All the times you’ve visited a big city and had a great time connecting with people. You can write about where you live and your sense of safety there. It’s important that we keep a realistic perspective about the world in the face of the violence bias in the media. Now go have some fun in the Gorge. Have an awesome day.
Disclaimer required by my grad school program: I am not your therapist (but I could be 40 graduate school credits from now). I am your weather forecaster. Take everything I say with a grain of salt, and consult with your actual therapist about your mental health issues. One other thing: I plan to keep doing this forecast indefinitely, even when I am a therapist.
Gorge Weather Forecast
It’s partly cloudy this morning, but will turn sunny this afternoon. Temps will be in the mid 50’s early and the upper 60’s this afternoon. Moderate to strong westerlies. No rainbows. Monday looks sunny. Temps will be in the mid 40’s early and the mid 70’s in the afternoon. Light west wind. No rainbows. Tuesday looks sunny and warmer. Temps will be in the upper 40’s early and the low 80’s in the afternoon. Light east wind goes to light west wind in the afternoon. No rainbows. Next chance for rainbows is Thursday.
For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.
White Sprinter Van of the Day
Road and Mountain Biking
Falls Creek is definitely not open top to bottom. Lewis River is open. So are the 44 Road trails below the 450 trail. McKenzie Pass is now open to bike travel – one lane of pavement through a huge wall of snow. Brrrrr and very awesome. It will remain closed to car traffic for a couple more weeks, so go ride it. Today’s highlight: VISTA RIDGE IS OPEN!!!
Upcoming Events
Today’s events include the last day of the Black Dog Dualsport Ride. It’s based out of the Hood River County Fairgrounds, and the riders will be using the back roads and trails, so be on the lookout for lots of dirt bikes. There’s a beginner’s table tennis clinic at the Hood River Armory today along with table tennis free play. That starts at 10:30.
There are three free yoga classes today: 9am at Samadhi, 4pm YogaFaith at Pure Yoga in The Dalles, and 6pm restorative yoga at Pure Yoga Hood River. There’s pickup touch rugby for both kids and adults at the Hood River Marina at 11.
There’s a work party next Sunday morning on the Weldon Wagon Trail in White Salmon.
Looking ahead to next weekend, it’s the Outfound Festival, a three-ish-day event of speakers, movies, and activities, all having to do with adventure sports. You can pick up discounted tickets on their website for a few more days.
Have an awesome day today!