Your favorite launch | dawn patrol |
morning max | afternoon max | executive session |
Iwash (Rooster) Rock | LTV | LTE | LTV | LTV | |
Stevenson | LTE | E15 | LTE | calm | |
Viento | LTV | E5-10 | LTE | calm | |
Swell-Hood River | LTV | LTV | calm | calm | |
Lyle to Doug’s | LTV | LTV | calm | calm | |
Rufus, etc: 72-109kcfs flow | LTV | LTV | calm | calm | |
Roosevelt & Arlington | LTV | LTV | calm | calm | |
River flow last 24 hours: 72-109kcfskcfs | =River temp: 64.40F | HR High temp: 77F |
Gorge Wind Forecast
Hi friends! I forgot to tell you I wasn’t able to do a forecast yesterday, and for that I apologize. I was playing safety boat on my friend Gary’s mission to paddle a pumpkin a world-record distance. Let me tell you – paddling a pumpkin in a 30mph east wind tailwind is a precarious proposition. You can follow his journey if you like – he’s napping this morning but will be back at it soon. As for the wind… not much today is followed by westerlies Monday through Thursday as the weather pattern turns more active. And colder.
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But it won’t be cold on Sunday. And it won’t be windy. High pressure over the Pacific Northwest (mostly) shuts down the wind. We’ll see a few hours of easterlies at 15mph or so near Stevenson midday before the wind turns calm in the afternoon all the way from Iwash Rock to Boardman. River flow over the last 24 hours was 72-109kcfs, river temp is 64.40F, and high temp forecast is 77F.
A weak weather system approaching on Monday gives us just the afternoon temp gradient we need. The day starts with very light west wind. By late morning or early afternoon, we’ll have gusty 17-20 from Stevenson to Rufus. Hold out a little longer, and the wind drops to gusty 15-18 from Stevenson to Hood River with gusty 19-22 from Mosier to Arlington. High temp: 72F under increasingly cloudy sky.
Writing the complete forecast takes me 1-2 hours a day. If it saves you time, gas money, or helps you plan your life, please consider contributing.

“Weather” leaves us cloudy all day on Tuesday with another round of westerlies. The day starts light, less than 10mph. The wind slowly builds; by midday, we’ll have 11-14 from Stevenson to Rufus. Afternoon: gusty 17-20 from Stevenson to Arlington. The wind is forecast to fall off dramatically after 5pm west of The Dalles. No promises about that – when the weather is this active, it’s impossible to make precision forecasts several days out. Or sometimes at all!
That was helpful in planning your life, wasn’t it? Go ahead and subscribe to the forecast using the fancy auto-renew option. Don’t like electronic payment? No problem! You can send a check or cash to: Temira / PO Box 841 / Hood River, Oregon, 97031. Thank you so much for supporting the forecast. I’m glad you find it helpful, and I appreciate your kindness in supporting the work I’m doing!

Extended: models have additional weather systems moving through on Wednesday and Thursday. On both those days, offshore high pressure will be stronger than it was on Monday and Tuesday. This should result in stronger wind. You’ll almost certainly be heading east of The Dalles for the best results. For now, let’s call it 27-30ish and see how the next couple of days play out in terms of model changes. Have a great day today!

Jones, Sauvie Island, Oregon Coast
North/Central/South coast, waves (swell forecast provided by NWS). Wind forecast for the afternoon (unless it’s a storm on the coast, in which case that’s peak wind during the day). Wind direction N (coast/Sauvie Island) and W (Jones) unless otherwise noted. Sunday: LTW/LTW?LTS, SW swell 5′ at 12 seconds. Monday: S20/SW10/LTS, S 3′ @4 and W 11′ @ 16. Tuesday: LTV/LTV/N10, W 9′ @ 14 and SW 2′ @ 15. Jones Sunday: LTW. Monday: calm. Tuesday: calm. Sauvie Island Sunday: LTV. Monday: 7-10 after 5pm. Tuesday: LTV. Alan’s Sauvie Island Wind Sensor
Mt. Hood Weather Forecast
I’m tired. It’s on vacation.
Very basic Hood River weather forecast. Don’t plan your life around this. You really should read Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook
Clear sky today. Temps start in the low 40s and rise to the upper 70s. Calm wind. No rainbows. Monday will be partly cloudy. Temps start in the upper 40s and rise to the low 70s. Moderate westerlies. No rainbows. Tuesday will be cloudy with a slight chance of rain. Temps start in the low 50s and rise to the upper 60s. Light west wind early. Moderate later. 2% chance of rainbows.
Link to my Local-ish Outdoorsy Events Google Calendar
Please let me know of outdoor-related local-ish events. If you don’t tell me, I don’t know!
All vehicles on HR County forest roads need a gallon of water and a shovel – it’s fire season. Please see the HRATS/Hood River County for complete details on Post Canyon closures. Newly reopened in Post: lower Trail 100 paralleling the lower part of Post Canyon Road. The Twin Tunnels Trail between Hood River and Mosier has reopened. Kreps and Green Diamond Lands have reopened. That includes Whoopdee, Hospital Hill, and Underwood. Closed: Gorge 400 and lots of other trails due to the Whisky Creek Fire. Trail near Mt. Adams due to the Williams Mine Fire. Remember that E-bikes are not allowed on USFS non-moto trails. They are allowed on moto trails.
Sprinter Van of the Week!
Click here for the Sprinter Van map of the world!!!
Have an awesome day!