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Your favorite beach | Dawn Patrol |
9am- 11:30a |
11:30a- 3pm |
3pm- dusk |
E 10-15 | E 10-15 | calm | calm |
Gorge Wind Forecast
It’s Sunday morning. Sorry about the lack of a forecast yesterday – I had a bit of an emergency to take care of. It would be helpful if I had a clone! Anyway, for Sunday, we’ll have a cloudy day with not much wind as low pressure hangs over the area. Unsettled weather, aka weather systems, hang around for all of next week except Tuesday afternoon.
For Sunday, we’ll have east with at 10-15 this morning and calm wind this afternoon. River flow is 77,400cfs and temp is 63 degrees. Monday starts off calm. A low pressure system moving in from the north doesn’t give much assistance to the wind; we max out at 12-15 in the afternoon from Stevenson to Mosier (the GFS is only calling for 5-8, so this forecast is not guaranteed).
Low pressure moves inland on Tuesday and is accompanied by building high pressure offshore. Wind speeds go from zero in the morning to 26-30 in the afternoon between Mosier and Arlington. The western Gorge is questionable; models suggest areas west of Mosier will remain cloudy all day. If that happens, the wind in the cloudy areas will be gusty 16-20ish. As of right now, there’s nothing exciting wind-wise on Thursday or Friday. There is, however, a forecast of significant rain. Fingers crossed.
BONUS: Jones Sunday: no. Monday: no. Tuesday: 7-10. Sauvie’s Sunday: no. Monday: 5-8. Tuesday: 10-13. Coast (north/central/south). Sunday: S20/S15/S15, SW 3′ @ 11. Monday: S 10/S5/nope, SW 2′ @ 10 seconds. Tuesday: NW10/nope/N15-20, W 4′ @ 11.
Random Morning Thoughts
One of the incredible things about the mind is the way it protects us from seeing our “faults”, also known as maladaptive coping skills. One of the main reasons the mind does this is because we’ve developed those behavior patterns to protect ourselves from perceived threats that happened when we were wee little beings. Remember, wee little beings perceive threat differently than grownups. For example, responses to the expression of a certain emotion could be perceived as life-threatening, so that emotion gets stifled. Making a mistake could have had dire consequences, so perfectionism becomes a trait.
Generally speaking, it’s quite difficult for us to see these patterns on our own. As an added bonus, we become defensive, ashamed, or embarrassed when they are pointed out. Why? Well, in part, because these are traits that developed to protect us from harm. Changing them can feel impossible (in part because they are difficult to see or grasp, slippery little fucks!).
So what’s a growth-oriented wind-Johnnie (that’s you!) to do? Ask others to point things out to you. Ask a therapist if asking friends feels threatening. And why would you do this? Well, these maladaptive patterns lead to all sorts of stress and anxiety that… get this… not based in reality because the patterns developed when we were little and reality was different. Whoa, right? Okay with stress and anxiety? That’s find, but those two will eventually lead to health problems, and I’m sure you don’t want those. So, head out into the big world and learn more about yourself. Your life will become even better. May you be at peace. Have an awesome day.
Mt. Hood Mountain Weather Forecast
Sunday looks cloudy on Mt. Hood. Free air freezing level: 9000′ rising to 10,000′ and dropping to 8000′. Wind: W5 early, SW 20-25 afternoon and evening. Monday: mid-level clouds. FAF: 8000′ rising to 10,000′. Wind: SW 25-30. Tuesday: Cloudy becoming clear or partly cloudy. FAF: 9000′ rising to 11,000′. Wind: SW 20 becoming W 30.
Gorge Weather Forecast
It’s cloudy this morning and shall stay that way today. Temps will be in the upper 40’s early and upper 60’s later. Light easterlies. 5% chance of rainbows. Monday looks cloudy with scattered sprinkles possible. Temps will be in the upper 40’s early and low 70”s later. Light and variable wind. 20% chance of rainbows. Tuesday looks cloudy early with scattered sprinkles. Light wind early, strong westerlies later. 16% chance of rainbows. Additional rain, real rain, is forecast for Thursday and Friday.
For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.

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Road and Mountain Biking
The dirt, sadly, has reverted to dust in Post Canyon and on the 44 Road. Not sure about places to the west and north where the rain was heavier. Have faith, riders: more rain is forecast for Thursday and Friday this week.
Upcoming Events
Today’s activities include free yoga at 9am at Yoga Samadhi. There’s all-ages touch rugby at the Hood River Marina from 11 to 1 today. Goldendale’s BC Mello Arena has the final day of the Ranch Trail Challenge.
Today’s the Streets Alive event on the Hood River Heights. June street from Wilson Park to 12th street will be closed to cars and open to all sorts of non-motorized events. There will be chalk art in the road, yoga classes at Wilson Park, porch parties with local bands, Zumba, and free E-Bike demos.
Next weekend’s big events include a work party on the 130 trail in Post Canyon Saturday, and the woodchucker’s ball at Pacific hermitage: potluck meal, wood splitting, tea with monks.
Click here for the full events calendar.
Have an awesome day today!