Thank you for using this forecast. I offer it freely so you can have more fun and plan your life. It does take significant time and energy to produce. If you find yourself using it often, or if you feel your life is enhanced by this information, please make a donation. I count on your support to pay my bills, and am deeply grateful to you for choosing to help support me. You can get this forecast via email by donation. The email subscription isn’t $99/year. Not $50/year. Donating $12.34 or more gets you on the list for 12 months. Click on my photo to donate. Don’t PayPal? Send a check to Temira @ PO Box 841 in Hood River. Thank you for your support and thank you for trusting my forecast.
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4a-8a | 8a-12p | 12p-4p | 4p-8p | 8p-4a |
Sunday 6500′ |
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Monday 6000′ |
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Tuesday 6500′->1000′ |
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Mt. Hood Snow Forecast
There’s a little bit of snow in the extended forecast, but nothing out there suggesting significant accumulation for the mountain. For Sunday, the mountain will simply be cloudy as a weather system stays to the west and north. The freezing level will be 6500′ all day, dropping to 6000′ after midnight. Wind will be SW 10-20.
Monday starts off clear, turns cloudy in the afternoon, and sees light rain overnight. The snow level will be 6000′ for much of the day and 6500′ after midnight. The mountain will receive up to 1/4” rain overnight. Widn will be SW 15-20 all day.
Tuesday starts off with continued light rain and sees light snow after 1pm. The snow level will be 6500′ early, 3000′ in the afternoon, and 1000′ after midnight. About 1/3” rain will fall in the morning. That’ll be followed by .1-.3” water value (WV) that falls as snow, for 1-3” (likely the lower end) of new. Wind will be SW 20 in the morning and W 25 in the afternoon and evening.
Wednesday currently looks snowy. The snow level will be 1000′ early and 3000′ in the afternoon and evening. Mt. Hood will receive .2” WV during the day, for a couple inches of snow. Another .2” WV falls overnight for a couple more inches of snow. Wind will be W 25 in the morning, WSW 20-30 in the afternoon and evening.
As of right now, and models have been consistent in predicting this, Thursday looks quite wet on the mountain. The snow level is currently forecast to be around 6000′ for the bulk of the moisture, meaning it will fall as rain. The broad-brush picture is about 1.5” of rain during the day followed by 4-7” of snow overnight. After that a ridge of high pressure builds in for the weekend, keeping the mountain warm and sunny.
My birthday is in a couple days. I would be much appreciative if you’d send me a birthday card at PO Box 841 in Hood River, 97031. Thank you for taking the time and sharing a few words with me. Also, happy new year!
Random Morning Thoughts
I was listening to a talk recently by someone who referred to the president as a “megalomaniac”. While you and I may or may not agree with that statement, I don’t think it’s helpful to bring namecalling into a conversation. That applies to politics and our personal lives.
Respectful and productive conversation involves clear and precise communication. It’s impossible to have a conversation about whether one political figure is mentally ill or one is a devil. It is possible to have a conversation around a statement like this: “I find the president’s statements about immigrants offensive. I believe that all people deserve respect.”
In our relationships, the same applies. “You’re an asshole,” doesn’t get us anywhere. “I feel so hurt when you come home at midnight without calling me to let me know you’ll be late,” is something we can work with. And if someone isn’t willing to engage with the factual content of the latter and finds a way to turn it into a personal attack, they may not be worth engaging with at all.
See if you can add more factual content into your dialogues. See if you can talk more about how something impacts you, your beliefs, and your emotions. See how that changes your world. Have an awesome day.
Disclaimer required by my grad school program: I am not your therapist, but I am seeing clients at this time at Comprehensive Healthcare in White Salmon. In the meantime, I am your weather forecaster. Take everything I say with a grain of salt, and consult with your actual therapist about your mental health issues. One other thing: I plan to keep doing this forecast indefinitely. Forecasting and counseling are both deeply meaningful and nourishing to me.
Gorge Wind Forecast
We’ll have light and variable wind on Sunday morning with east wind at 15-20 in the afternoon. Monday looks like east wind at 30-40mph near Rooster Rock and 25-30 near Steven’s Locks. Tuesday starts with east 10-15 and turns to W 20-23 through the entire Gorge in the afternoon.
Gorge Weather Forecast
It’s high overcast out there this morning, and it looks like the precipitation will stay to the north and west of us, leaving us high overcast all day. Temps will be in the mid 30’s early and the low 40’s in the afternoon. East wind. No rainbows. Monday starts with a low-level nothing. There will be some light rain late in the afternoon. Temps will be in the mid 30’s early and right around 40 later. East wind. 8% chance of rainbows late in the day. Tuesday starts off with light rain and turns showery in the afternoon. Temps will be in the mid 30’s early and the low 40’s in the afternoon. East wind early. West wind in the afternoon. 99% chance of rainbows.
For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.
White Sprinter Van of the Week
Road and Mountain Biking
I heard from someone that Syncline below the fence is good right now. Above the fence is muddy, so please don’t ride or you will damage trails. As far as I know, Post Canyon remains closed to all users to protect delicate dirt from winter damage. Please respect this, even if you think it doesn’t apply to you.
Upcoming Events
Today is Sunday. There’s free yoga at 9am at Samadhi, 4pm at Pure Yoga in The Dalles, and 6pm at Pure Yoga in Hood River. Donations are appreciated. There’s all-ages pickup touch rugby at 11am at the Hood River Marina. Today is the Teacup Nordic Tea Party. Free lessons and a tea party in the lodge. $10 donation appreciated from non-members.
Click here for the full events calendar.
Have an awesome day today!