This morning’s gradient is light, just W .03. Models suggest that it will switch to east midday and back to west later, providing you with the opportunity to view the Gorge from your kiteboard facing both directions. I’m not sure I buy this. I think the more likely scenario is west wind at 5-10 this morning, light to glassy conditions midday, and W 5-10 late. The strongest wind today will be from Stevenson to Hood River. Further east you’ll probably find wakeboarding and rowing weather, at least after the drainage winds stop mid-morning. Continued after the chart.
Your favorite beach | Dawn Patrol |
9am- 11:30a |
11:30a- 3pm |
3pm- dusk |
Rooster’s Rocks | tan | in the bare | if you | dare | |
Steven’s Locks | 5-9 | LTV | LTV | 5-9 | |
Hatchery/White Salmon Sandbar (minus a few for Hood River) | 5-9 | LTV | LTV | 5-9 | |
Doug’s, Lyle, Rowena | drainage wind |
LTV | LTV | 5-9 | |
Rufus, etc. | LTV | LTV | LTV | LTV | |
Roosevelt, etc. | LTV | LTV | LTV | LTV | |
Temira’s sail: 35-40: 2.9 / 30-35: 3.2 / 26-30: 3.5 23-26: 4.0 / 20-23: 4.5 less than 20: something bigger! |
Tonia’s kite: 35-40: 4m / 30-35: 4-6m / 26-30: 5-7m 23-26: 7-9m / 20-23: 8-10 / 15-20: 10-12 / 10-15: 13-15. |
Gorge Wind forecast, continued…
Tomorrow looks more enticing for the wind Johnnies. High pressure off the coast combines with an upper low headed into BC and a cold front headed into Oregon. If that cold front weren’t part of the mix, we’d have an easy-to-predict super-nuker of a day. But, as I’m sure you’ve noticed lately, frontal systems stymie both the models and the forecasters.
Anyway, we’ll start off with W 15-18 from Swell to Mosier tomorrow morning. As all the pieces fall into place, the wind will pick up to W 23-26 from Stevenson to Doug’s by noon. By mid-afternoon, we’ll see 27-31 from Stevenson to Maryhill with Arlington likely joining the mix too. The later in the day you attempt to get on the water, the more likely you are to experience gusty, up-and-down conditions as that frontal system moves closer. That said, it will be quite windy tomorrow, and if your favorite beach isn’t cooperating, try Stevenson, Avery or Arlington, which handle frontal wind better.
The wind backs off dramatically late in the day Tuesday, leaving us with W 10-13 or less early and gusty 15-18 late in the day. Tuesday’s wind will be affected by a somewhat unstable atmosphere and all-day chances of sprinkles or even showers or thunder.
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Mt. Hood Snow Forecast
Nothing to say here today.
Random Morning Thoughts
Occasionally someone I admire and respect will join my email list. When this happens, I get a little pang of fear about what to say in the random thoughts. I worry that I won’t have anything to say, or that what I have to say will be uninspiring or just downright wrong. And I might even tell the part of me that occasionally drops a naughty word to lay off for a day.
We do this a lot, I think; we compare ourselves to others, we suppress parts of ourselves to please others, and in so doing, we aren’t true to our core selves. Here’s the thing: most of us admire people who are exactly who they are – you know, those truly genuine, real and present people… And yet, we don’t allow ourselves to be like those folks we admire; we turn around and smash down parts of ourselves that we imagine other people won’t like.
This creates a vicious circle of us not accepting ourselves for who we are and then not accepting others for who they are. Believe it or not, you are okay, just as you are. We’re all just people struggling to make sense of ourselves, our communities, and the wider world around us. Nobody’s perfect. Being human isn’t all that easy, and when you smash down parts of your humanity, you make it harder. Be yourself, damnit. It’s okay to be you. You are okay. I promise. Now, go enjoy this beautiful day!
Gorge Weather Forecast
What you see is what you get today: an absolutely gorgeous and amazing pre-summer spring day. If I wasn’t concerned about climate change, I’d be feeling so blessed by the last six months. Well, I still feel blessed, and I’m concerned. Anyway, expect a sunny day. Temps will be in the low 40’s early and the mid 70’s in the afternoon. Light wind. No rainbows.
Tomorrow starts off sunny. Low and mid-level clouds move in during the afternoon with a very slight chance of showers overnight. Temps will be in the upper 40’s early and the low 70’s in the afternoon. Moderate wind early becomes strong late. No rainbows. There’s a better chance of rainbows on Tuesday as we start off with a slight chance of showers. Temps will be in the upper 40’s early and low 60’s late, under partly cloudy sky and a chance of showers all day. Light wind early, moderate wind late, 63% chance of rainbows.
White Sprinter Van of the Day
Road and Mountain Biking
In trail news today, Dog River trail is hosting the Dog River Super D today, so that’s one to avoid. The Whoopdee trail now has signs forming a lollipop out of the bottom of the trail, so please follow them to make the trail safer and more fun. I think I mentioned before that Hood River Mountain trail is closed for logging and Hospital Hill is open, but no dogs are allowed at this time. I’m still blown away that Ape Canyon-Plains of Abraham-Smith Creek are open already, but that’s the truth. They are.
The Clymb: free membership. Cheap gear.
Temira approves. Click to join.
Upcoming Events
Today’s community events include community yoga at Yoga Samadhi at 9 – that’s free or by donation. There’s ping pong at the Hood River Armory at 3, pickup touch rugby at the Mosier School at 3, and community yoga at Root Down at 6.
Looking ahead to next weekend, it’s the Goldendale Bike Fest, the Master Gardeners Plant Sale, and Lila May’s Tutu Trot on Saturday.
Have an awesome day today!