As I said yesterday, today was a bit of a crapshoot, with models in near-complete disagreement with gut instinct. As of 7am, at least, gut instinct was winning, with gradients of .13 (pdx-dls) and .06 (dls-psc). Wind speeds on the river at dawn were in the teens all the way from Stevenson to Arlington, not quite the speeds we’d expect with those gradients, but no surprise with the cool temps and the early hour. With a 1033mb high off the coast and clouds to the west of Hood River, we should see continued wind today. Continued after the chart…
Your favorite beach | Dawn Patrol |
9am- 11:30a |
11:30a- 3pm |
3pm- dusk |
Iwash (Rooster) Rock | bare | butts | six-pack | guts | |
Steven’s Locks aka Stevenson Cascade Locks |
15-18 | 15-18 | 18-22 | 18-22 | |
Hatchery/White Salmon Sandbar |
15-18 | 18-22 | 23-26 | 23-26 | |
Doug’s, Lyle, Rowena | 15-18 | 18-22 | 23-26 | 23-26 | |
Rufus, etc. | 15-18 | 18-22 | 23-26 | 23-26 | |
Roosevelt, etc. | 13-16 | 13-16 | 13-16 | 13-16 | |
![]() |
Gorge wind forecast, continued…
Expect the westerlies to pick up to 23-26 from Swell to Mosier by late morning, filling in to The Dalles and Rufus by early to mid afternoon. Given the marine clouds sneaking past my window this morning, it may actually take until early afternoon for Swell to really pick up. Maybe Mosier is the best call for the morning session? Stevenson will be a little later to join in today, with teens in the morning and 19-22 this afternoon. Arlington is probably going to stay in the 13-16 range today.
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Keep the forecasts coming.
Does this forecast save you time, gas money, or help you have more fun in your life? Make a donation to support continued forecasting, and get the forecast in your inbox each day. Click on Temira’s photo to donate via PayPal or credit card. The email subscription isn’t $99/year. Not $50/year. No, just $12.34 or more gets you on the list for 12 months. Don’t PayPal? Send a check to Temira @ PO Box 841 in Hood River. Thank you for your support and thank you for trusting my forecast.
Various things occur overnight tonight (weak shortwave, movement of a low, building high pressure) and turn the wind offshore by Monday morning. Expect 10-15 early in the western Gorge with Rooster, Steven’s Locks and Home Valley picking up to 20-25 by late morning. The rest of the Gorge will also see east wind tomorrow, with 8-11 entirely likely at most locations and the upper valleys seeing more wind. Reverse your normal road bike routes on Monday!
The easterlies become confined to their usual locale on Tuesday. Rooster, Steven’s Locks and Home Valley will see E 15-20 morning through early afternoon with E 10-15 in the afternoon and evening. As of right now, it looks like Wednesday will start off light and variable with west wind at 24-27 in the Swell to Rufus stretch in the afternoon.
Jones, Sauvie’s, Coast Beta Test Forecast
Jones Sunday: 10-13. Monday: no. Tuesday: no. Sauvie’s Sunday: 8-11. Monday: no. Tuesday: no. Coast (north/central/south). Sunday: 10-15/20-25/35+, NW swell 7′ at 10 seconds. Monday: 20-25/25-30/35+, NW 6′ @ 9. Tuesday: 20-25/20-25/??, NW 5′ @ 9.
Mt. Hood Snow Forecast
There will be snow on the ground at Mt. Hood today, and every day until the glaciers completely melt away.
Random Morning Thoughts
Once you understand that the mind is not truly under your control, a world of fun games becomes available to you. Here’s today’s fun game. It’s called, “How was my mind conditioned?”
Key to understanding this game is the knowledge that past experiences condition the expectations and attention of the mind. In other words, the mind has been Pavlov’ed to notice and respond in certain ways. Things you were forced to attend to in the past are still flagged as worthy of attention now. Your current behaviors can change or harden the pattern of attention. In other words, because you were conditioned to notice certain things, you notice them more now, and that reinforces the future noticing, further limiting your scope of experience.
So, today’s game: Go through today and notice what sorts of things draw your attention. Do you see angry drivers? Brew pubs? Irritating small children? Couples entwined in the energy of new love? Tiny flowers in pavement cracks? White Sprinter Vans? See if you can get a sense for the emotional vibe of your day. Do things startle you? Scare you? Make you smile? Is there a sense of pervading disconnection and emotional dullness? Or is your life vibrant and energetic?
None of these things are wrong. They just are. It’s just an exercise to see your perception of the world, a perception that was shaped long ago. It’s difficult to see this directly, but by observing the direction of your attention and your felt sense of daily living, you can better understand yourself. With understanding comes the ability to choose. Choose more of the same. Choose to be different. It’s your choice. Choose wisely. Have an awesome day.
Disclaimer required by my grad school program: I am not your therapist (but I could be 51 graduate school credits from now). I am your weather forecaster. Take everything I say with a grain of salt, and consult with your actual therapist about your mental health issues. One other thing: I plan to keep doing this forecast indefinitely, even when I am a therapist.
Gorge Weather Forecast
It’s another beautiful morning in a long string of beautiful mornings. Today we have a few high clouds, a few low clouds, and perhaps even a few mid-level clouds! Don’t worry, things will go all sunny later on. Temps will be in the upper 50’s early and the mid 70’s in the afternoon. Moderate to strong wind. No rainbows. Monday may start off with a few high clouds, but the sun’ll come out tomorrow. Temps will be in the mid 40’s early and the mid 70’s in the afternoon. Light easterlies. No rainbows. Tuesday starts in the low 40’s and rises to the upper 70’s under sunny sky. Light wind. No rainbows.
For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.
White Sprinter Van of the Day
Road and Mountain Biking
Hospital Hill and Whoopdee are closed for fire season. That even applies to the four cars that were parked at the Spring Street trailhead yesterday. If you insist on trespassing, you will end up paying the consequences, and so will the rest of us in the form of restricted access. Yes, the rules apply to YOU too!
Upcoming Events
Today’s events include the final day of the Huckleberry Festival in Bingen. The Huckleberry Skate Jam is today at Daubenspeck Park from 11 to 1.
Other events today include a fundraiser run for the Hood River Valley High School Cross-Country Team. That’s at 9am at Kickstand Coffee in Hood River. There’s ping pong at the Hood River armory at 10 today, pickup touch rugby at 3 at the Mosier School, and Pickup Ultimate Frisbee at 5 at Westside Elementary.
There are also three free yoga classes today: 9am at Samadhi in White Salmon, 4pm YogaFaith at Pure Yoga in The Dalles, and 6pm at Pure Yoga Hood River.
Next Saturday is the Music Festival of the Gorge, benefiting the Matt Klee Scholarship Fund, and Sunday is the Gorge Kids Triathlon in Hood River.
Have an awesome day today!