Outfound Series Festival – Hood River
OutFound is a 3-day adventure sports and outdoor innovation festival taking place on June 9-11th on The Event Site. The activities include a speaker series, a startup competition for outdoor driven brands, an expo, hands-on workshops, creatives games and art, outdoor activities and sports on site, networking hours, outdoor films and music performances.
OutFound’s goal is to bring outdoor enthusiasts and innovators together for 3 days of experiential activities. It’s about learning new skills, meeting inspiring leaders and engaging in unforgettable outdoor focused experiences. Outdoor innovation is about out of the box thinking and this mixture of activities encourages that. We believe that getting adventure enthusiasts and leaders together in a creative setting will be a catalyst for exciting new ideas, projects and businesses in the outdoor space.
Gorge Wind Forecast
First thing this morning: remember that there is a work party at the Hatchery at 9am. CGWA and Washington State Parks need you for just a few hours to help clean up the remnants of hazard trees. Bring loppers, rakes and gloves. It’s another complicated weather day in the Gorge, as evidenced by the wide variety of clouds outside my window this morning: low marine clouds, high cirrus, mid-level cumulus and mare’s tails…
This is all evidence of some lift happening in the atmosphere, a situation that will impact wind strength, quality and reliability today. That said, the 7am gradients were .12 (pdx-dls) and .03 (dls-psc) with wind in the 17-20 range in many locations. River flow today is a ridiculously massively ginormously high 497kcfs and river temp is 56 degrees. Think carefully about attempting the Rufus stretch of the river with that much flow, and wherever you are, sail with a partner and keep an eye on them. (continued after the chart)
Your favorite beach | Dawn Patrol |
9am- 11:30a |
11:30a- 3pm |
3pm- dusk |
Rooster Rock | cloudy | sky | goosebumpy | buns | |
Steven’s Locks | 10-13 | 10-13 | 13-16? | 20-23? | |
Hatchery/White Salmon Sandbar (minus a few for Hood River) | 18-22 | 23-27 | 25-29 | 22-25 | |
Doug’s, Lyle, Rowena | 14-17 | 20-25 | 25-29 | 25-29 | |
Rufus, etc. | strong | current | 25-29 | 25-29 | |
Roosevelt, etc. | 18-22 | 13-16 | 22-25 | 22-25+ | |
Gorge Wind Forecast, continued.
We’ll see the wind pick up as the day goes on, climbing to gusty 25-29 from Hood River to Doug’s by late morning and Swell to Rufus by early afternoon. It’s likely that the Event Site / Wunderbar and the Doug’s area will be the windiest spots today, with periods of 30+ possible (but not really likely) at Doug’s. Stevenson is currently under the clouds. If it stays cloudy, a likely proposition, the wind will remain in the 10-13 range all day. If it clears, expect 21-24. Arlington is probably going to be outside the reach of the strongest wind today. It’ll probably max out at 22-25.
Sunday looks like another windy day on the river, but an approaching front in the afternoon will combine with weak convection in the eastern Gorge to impact the wind quality later in the day, especially in the eastern Gorge. We should see dawn patrol from Swell to Mosier at 23-27 on Sunday morning with 10-13 further east. The wind will pick up to 25-29 from Swell to Rufus by early afternoon. Arlington is a big maybe with the potential for convection in the eastern Gorge. The weather system that approaches in the afternoon will also impact wind quality in the western Gorge, leaving Stevenson, the Event Site and Doug’s as the windiest, steadiest locations to get on the water.
Looking at Monday, high pressure starts to build over the Northwest. We’ll start off the day with light west wind at 8-12, but that will turn around and go calm or light east by early afternoon. Tuesday looks like a light east wind day with a switch to light west wind around sunset. It’s looking like we’ll see light westerlies on Wednesday.
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Jones, Sauvie’s, Coast Beta Test Forecast
Jones Saturday: no. Sunday: 15-18. Monday: no. Sauvie’s Saturday: 5-8. Sunday: 7-10. Monday: 10-13. Coast (north/central/south). Saturday: 5-10/10-15/25-30, W swell 6′ at 10 seconds. Sunday: 5-10/10-15/30-35, W 7 @ 11. Monday: 20-25/25-30/30+, W 6′ @ 10.
Mt. Hood Snow Forecast
The only snow on Mt. Hood right now is all the snow on the ground.
Random Morning Thoughts
The United States was founded on principals that reflected a desire to move away from oppression experienced in the Old Country. One of the things we value so highly here in the USA is the right to free speech, which makes the Portland mayor’s request to cancel today’s alt-right protest deeply disturbing. BTW, you’ll want to stay away from downtown Portland this afternoon.
That said, there’s a difference between free speech and right speech. We discern for ourselves what is right and what is wrong, and we get to raise children who share our view of right and wrong. Some would argue that right and wrong are a matter of each person’s value system, but I would argue that there are universal wrongs: hatred, violence, oppression, misinformation, just to name a few. If we stand in others’ shoes and would not want to experience what we are doing or saying, our actions are wrong.
It’s really that simple. This begs the question of how we get others to change. That’s a trick question, really. We can’t change others, but we can create connection with them. Change arises out of understanding. Change arises out of deeper knowledge and a wider worldview. Creating change requires sacrifices and compromises. It requires us to listen with an open heart and create connections with people who are unlike us. We don’t have to like the viewpoints of other people, but we can listen with an open heart, as scary and frustrating as that might be. Have an awesome day.
Disclaimer required by my grad school program: I am not your therapist (but I could be 40 graduate school credits from now). I am your weather forecaster. Take everything I say with a grain of salt, and consult with your actual therapist about your mental health issues. One other thing: I plan to keep doing this forecast indefinitely, even when I am a therapist.
Gorge Weather Forecast
It’s partly cloudy out there this morning with a wide variety of clouds in the sky. We’ll see it stay partly cloudy today as a weak weather system impacts the area. Temps will be in the upper 50’s early and the low 70’s in the afternoon. Moderate to strong west wind. No rainbows. Sunday looks partly cloudy. Temps will be in the low 50’s early and the upper 60’s in the afternoon. Moderate to strong westerlies. No rainbows. Monday looks sunny. Temps will be in the upper 40’s early and the mid 70’s in the afternoon. Light wind. No rainbows.
For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.
White Sprinter Van of the Day
Road and Mountain Biking
We talked about THEM yesterday. They were wrong about Falls Creek. It’s definitely not open top to bottom. Lewis River is open. So are the 44 Road trails below the 450 trail. McKenzie Pass is now open to bike travel – one lane of pavement through a huge wall of snow. Brrrrr and very awesome. It will remain closed to car traffic for a couple more weeks, so go ride it.
Upcoming Events
Today’s events start off with a free Spanish Language yoga class at Flow at 7. There’s a group trail run in Post Canyon at 8. At 9 today, there’s a women’s bike ride at Mountain View Cycles and a free outdoor yoga class at Hood River’s Waterfront Park. Also at 9 this morning, the Columbia Gorge Windsurfing Association needs about 20 people to help with a beach cleanup at the Hatchery. They will be providing refreshments. At 1 o’clcok today, Pacific Hermitage in Whtie Salmon has a garden party.
Today is Oregon State Parks Day. All the parks are free . The Black Dog Dualsport Ride is today and tomorrow. Expect lots of moto traffic on the back roads and moto trails near Hood River.
Looking ahead to next weekend, it’s the Outfound Festival, a three-day event of speakers, movies, and activities, all having to do with adventure sports. You can pick up discounted tickets on their website for a few more days.
Have an awesome day today!