Gorge Wind Forecast
It’s always nice to start off the day with sunshine and whitecaps on the river. We’re also seeing some scattered fluffy clouds as as result of a passing weak frontal system. As that system clears the area today, high pressure will build in behind it. Models aren’t all that enthusiastic about the wind speed today as the high builds in, but there will be enough wind to get out and play on the river!
The 8am gradients (I really slept in today!) were .09 (pdx-dls) and .05 (dls-psc), because people like to know these things! Wind speeds were 14-17 pretty much everywhere on the river. We’ll likely see the wind back off east of Rufus from late morning on as high pressure builds inland. The Rufus stretch of the river will be impacted by current today; at 424kcfs, the river flow is going to be extremely fast out there. Your call, of course, if you’re willing to risk it. That leaves us with western Gorge and near east. We’ll see the wind build to 17-20 by late morning and 21-24 by early afternoon, strongest from Viento to Doug’s initially, and then filling in near Cascade Locks and Stevenson if the clouds burn back that far. River temp is 52 degrees.
(continued below the chart)
Your favorite beach | Dawn Patrol |
9am- 11:30a |
11:30a- 3pm |
3pm- dusk |
Rooster Rock | sunny | burny | barey | butts | |
Steven’s Locks | 10-13 | 10-13 | 13-16 | 17-20 | |
Hatchery/White Salmon Sandbar (minus a few for Hood River) | 14-17 | 17-20 | 21-24 | 21-24 | |
Doug’s, Lyle, Rowena | 14-17 | 17-20 | 21-24 | 21-24 | |
Rufus, etc. | strong | current | 21-24 | 21-24 | |
Roosevelt, etc. | 14-17 | 10-13 | 10-13 | 7-10 | |
Gorge Wind Forecast, continued.
Looking at Sunday, high pressure builds across the entire Northwest, shutting down the wind. We’ll see calm wind in the morning and E 5-10 in the afternoon, with those easterlies concentrated near Rooster Rock and Multnomah Falls. Monday looks like E 15-20. Tuesday starts out with light east wind and goes westerly in the afternoon, building overnight. The GFS model currently suggests a nuking day on Wednesday, but you know how those long-range forecasts work – the GFS initially suggested today would be a nuker. Ah well. It’s windy. Get out and play!
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Jones, Sauvie’s, Coast Beta Test Forecast
Jones Saturday: 17-20. Sunday: no. Monday: no. Sauvie’s Saturday: 13-16 late. Sunday: 10-13. Monday: 7-10. Coast (north/central/south) Saturday: 15-20/20-25/30+, W swell 4′ at 11 seconds. Sunday: 20-25/25-30/30+, W 3 @ 10. Monday: 20-25/20-25/no wind, W 5′ @ 10.
Mt. Hood Snow Forecast
Not much to say in the Mt. Hood snow forecast. At some point in the next couple of days, the snow will likely corn up and be just-plain-awesome. Expect the free air freezing level at 10,000′ Saturday, 12,000′ on Sunday, and 14,000′ on Monday. Wind will be variable to 20mph over the next four days.
Random Morning Thoughts
Once again, I have a very busy day, so you get to reflect all by yourself this morning. Enjoy the sunshine, and have an awesome day!
Disclaimer required by my grad school program: I am not your therapist (but I could be 40 graduate school credits from now). I am your weather forecaster. Take everything I say with a grain of salt, and consult with your actual therapist about your mental health issues. One other thing: I plan to keep doing this forecast indefinitely, even when I am a therapist.
Gorge Weather Forecast
It’s mostly clear and breezy, and nothing shall change with that today. Temps will be near 60 early and in the low 70’s this afternoon. Moderate west wind. No rainbows. Sunday looks sunny. Temps will be in the upper 40’s early and the low 80’s in the afternoon. Calm wind. No rainbows. Monday starts off near 55 and finishes up near 85. Light easterlies. No rainbows.
For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.
White Sprinter Van of the Day
Road and Mountain Biking
Gorge 400 is clear of snow and downed trees and is riding great. 408 is apparently clear too. Surveyor’s Ridge is apparently clear of downed trees but not clear of snow, at least the singletrack part of it, but the snow depth may have changed this week with all that snow! Dog River is open. In road bike news, Lost Lake Road is open, but I have no info on Lake Branch or Vista Ridge. Guessing they are still snowy… No dogs are allowed on Hospital Hill due to grazing cattle, and Innerwoods, below the bench, and roads to Innerwoods are closed. The Rowena Curves remain closed due to a rockslide. The Historic Columbia River Highway Trail is open all the way to Warrendale, with two trees down at a very obvious spot. Remember that today is the Cascadia Dirt Cup enduro race in Post Canyon.
Upcoming Events
Today’s events start off with a trail run at Post Canyon at 8. At 9 today, there’s a women’s bike ride at Mt. View Cycles and a youth fishing clinic at Middle Fork Pond in Parkdale. The Maryhill Loops road will be open to motorcycles from 10 to noon today with a free rider refresher clinic at 11:30.
Other events today include a Gorge cup windsurfing race at the event site, a mountain bike race in Post Canyon (avoid Post today!), a dressage show at the Hood River Saddle Club, and the Mt. Adams equestrian endurance race. Last thing today is a star party at Rooster Rock this evening starting at 7. There’s also a work party at the Monte Cristo trail today, but they already have enough volunteers.
Looking ahead to tomorrow, there’s a swap meet happening in the Windance parking lot starting at 8am and pickup touch rugby for kids and adults at 11 at the Hood River Marina. There are three free yoga classes tomorrow: 9am at Samadhi, 4pm YogaFaith at Pure Yoga in The Dalles, and 6pm restorative yoga at Pure Yoga Hood River.
Have an awesome day today!