
Saturday. Heat, wind and rainbows. New trail restrictions – we’re at IFPL III, and private lands close Thursday.

Yesterday turned out windier than expected, which was quite nice in the afternoon blazing heat. You know what they say: better a hair dryer than an oven! We have a bit of wind and a bit of gradient this morning, implying another not-glassy day on the river. At 7am, gradients were .06 (pdx-dls), E .02 (dls-psc) and .33 (eph-dls). Normally I’d just give you a predicted speed, but I’m going to put some caveats on today’s forecast. Convective clouds imply an unstable atmosphere, and that makes for unpredictable weather and unpredictable wind. So, don’t place any bets on wind speed today. Continued after the chart.

Today’s Gorge Wind – these are ranges for the average speed, not a predicted wind range. =)
Your favorite beach Dawn
Rooster’s Rocks All the
are riding
Steven’s Locks light 10-13 15-18 20-23
Hatchery/White Salmon Sandbar (minus a few for Hood River) 10-13 10-13 15-18 15-18
Doug’s, Lyle, Rowena drainage
10-13 10-13 15-18
Rufus, etc. light light light light
Roosevelt, etc. light light light light


Gorge Wind Forecast, continued…

If everything works out all right, we’ll have westerlies at 10-13 from Swell to Mosier this morning and much of the day, with 15-18 mid-afternoon and 20-23 after 5pm as a couple weak weather systems swing through to the south. That said, the strongest wind will likely shift from the Hood River area to Steven’s Locks with this setup, meaning we’ll see a short-lived bump near Hood River and then lighter, gustier wind from Viento to The Dalles.


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Tomorrow looks interesting as marine air moves into Portland and an evening weather system increases gradients. We’ll still have an unstable atmosphere, which decreases forecast reliability. That said, we’ll start off with 16-19 from Viento to Mosier. The wind will pick up during the day, jumping to gusty 26-30+ from Swell to Rufus late afternoon. Maybe… assuming thunderstorms don’t shut it down.

Monday starts with 12-15 and picks up to 23-26. Tuesday looks like 21-24.

Jones and Sauvie’s Beta Test Forecast: Yesterday afternoon looked pretty awesome at Sauvie’s. I hope all you folks had a great time! Models and reality are not agreeing this morning (probably due to the unstable atmosphere). So, expect a lack of reliability in the Jones/Sauvie’s forecast today as well as in the Gorge forecast. Jones today: 20-23. Jones tomorrow: 10-13 or less. Sauvie’s today: 15-18. Sauvie’s tomorrow: 0-10.

Coast forecast (where 90% of Hood River’s population is currently located). North/central/south. Today: 10-15/W 5-10/Light S, W swell 4′ @ 9 seconds. Tomorrow: Light southerlies, W 4 @ 9. Monday: Light/light/10-15, W 4 @ 9.

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Mt. Hood Snow Forecast

Nothing to say here today.

Random Morning Thoughts

Wow. Just wow. What a week for social justice. SCOTUS saved our government’s attempt at universal health care (Canadians, I see you rolling your eyes. Please continue to do so until we have a real system down here). And yesterday, wow. We joined eighteen other countries, including Canada, in giving queers all the marriage benefits that straights have been enjoying for years. Coming up Wednesday, Oregon will join Washington with legalized marijuana and an end to the imprisonment of thousands for the use of a drug that’s less harmful than tobacco or alcohol. You can read the rules here, if you’re curious. .

A couple weeks back, I was talking about the fact that people do change. Not only do people change, entire societies change. Not so long ago, women couldn’t vote, blacks couldn’t marry whites, discrimination of various sorts was legal, and people were enslaved. History, it seems, always comes down on the side of social justice. It may take time, but it happens.

This give me hope. Why? Because this trend is indicative of a rising level of compassion across society. Yes, there’s still a sickening amount of injustice out there. Income inequality, the imprisonment of students through school debt and minimum wage slavery come to mind.

Here’s what gives me hope: the more we hear about a cause, the more likely it is that reform will come. History shows this is true. So perhaps, over time, as compassion continues to increase, we will see other current issues (income inequality, health care, student debt, transgender rights) be resolved. And down the road, we will be horrified that these issues needed to be resolved, just as we’re now horrified that women once couldn’t vote, blacks once couldn’t marry whites, and people were enslaved.

Gorge Weather Forecast

This is a difficult forecast today due to the extent of the convective clouds covering the region. Speaking of clouds, did you see the sunrise this morning? The bit I saw from bed was spectacular! Anyway, today started out 74 degrees and 64% humidity, feeling more like the tropics or the coast than the edge of the desert. The temp forecast today is difficult: the forecast says 103, but I just don’t think that’s possible given the cloud coverage. Mid 90’s? We also have a chance for thunderstorms through tomorrow morning. Light to moderate wind. 1% chance of rainbows.

Tomorrow also looks muggy, but cooler, with temps in the mid 70’s early and low 90’s in the afternoon. Moderate wind becoming strong late. 1% chance of rainbows. Monday starts off cooler with temps in the upper 60’s and sees high temps in the mid 90’s. A weak weather system in the afternoon may trigger some thunder. Moderate wind. 1% chance of rainbows.

In other news, we blew away yesterday’s record high, with HOXO at 105. Today’s record is 103, and given the cloud coverage, we’re probably not going to set any records today. Thank god, because 103 and muggy would be rough.

White Sprinter Van of the Day


Road and Mountain Biking

In trail news, we’re now at IFPL III, meaning no more moto riding on forest lands, including the Post Canyon area. Stevenson, Kreps, and other private landowners are closing their lands to all access, including hiking, next Thursday, so if you’d like to ride Hospital Hill or Whoopdee, do it now. As of yesterday, there were a couple of moto trails open in the Gifford Pinchot, but check with the ranger station first.

Today is the Portland Naked Bike Ride, where 12,000 people get naked and ride through the city. It’s going to be the Best Naked Bike Ride Ever, because it’ll be super warm. In other words, you will not freeze your nuts or tits off this year. There are plenty of other Pedalpalooza events going on if you would prefer to join fun group rides while wearing clothes.

The Clymb: free membership. Cheap gear.
Temira approves. Click to join.


The Good Medicine Lounge, at May and 11th in the Heights, is your summertime escape from downtown crowds! We have thirst quenching cold infusions, healthy smoothies, light lunches and gluten free goodies! Relax in the shade of our porch or in our sunny garden while you enjoy the sounds at our open mic every Thursday after Farmer’s market from 6 to 8 pm. When it’s time to head home, take a blend with you to make your own flavorful iced tea, grab a growler of house made chai, kefir, or Kombucha. Open dailyweekdays 9 to 6 and 9 to 5 on the weekends. See you soon!

Upcoming Events

Today’s events include the Maryhill Festival of Speed at the Loops Road, a work party on Hood River County’s 191L trail in Post Canyon, the Trail Challenge at the Hood River Saddle Club, and the Mt. Adams Country Bike Tour. Closer to the water, it’s the Big Winds Beach Party at Hood River’s Event Site with all sorts of games for kids and low-cost SUP and windsurfing demos.

There’s a trail run at 8am at Post Canyon, a women’s beginner bike ride from Mountain View Cycles at 9am and the Portland Naked Bike Ride at 8:55pm.

Coming up tomorrow, there’s a swap meet at Luhr Jensen followed by Northwave’s midday BBQ. Ping pong is moved to 10am at the Armory due to the heat. There’s pickup rugby at 3pm, and a casual bike ride from MVC at 5:15pm. There are four community yoga classes tomorrow: 9am at Crossfit, 9am at Yoga Samadhi, 4pm at Pure Yoga (that’s Christ-centered), and 6pm at Root Down.

Have an awesome day today!


By Temira

Temira Lital is a recreation and travel weather forecaster based in Hood River, Oregon. Temira uses they/them pronouns. They're also a mental health counselor. Temira bikes, skis, windsurfs, paddles a SUP, swims in mountain lakes, and loves gardening. Most recently they've taken up SUP foiling. Temira is powered by La Croix, protein, and beets.