Lost Lake & Red Hill
Mixed Surface / Gravel Ride
Distance: 51.8
Elevation gain: 5200 feet
GPX file click here
Looking for a 50 mile, hilly, mixed surface or gravel ride near Hood River? This is your ride! Park somewhere in Parkdale. Head West on Baseline Drive, and follow it as it curves right and become the Dee Highway. At 5.3 miles, take a left towards Lost Lake Road. At the T intersection, bear left. At 10.5 miles, take a right onto the 13 road (you’ll see the brown sign). At 14.75 miles bear left onto Lake Branch Road. This road has not been maintained since about 2021. It may contain downed trees and washouts. It’s definitely no longer fully passable by car. Anyway… start climbing. It’s pretty mellow until the last couple of miles when you’ll hit a mile-long steep hill. You’ll be glad for that dinner plate on your rear cassette!
At 22.28 miles, you can go left down Lost Lake Road to continue the ride, or you can head right to Lost Lake Resort for ice cream and snacks and water. You don’t actually have to head all the way to the resort for water – there’s a faucet on the little paved loop by the maintenance area.
Onward! Go down Lost Lake Road, being careful of sharp curves and speeding drivers who could potentially cross the center line. Did I mention this ride is best done on a weekday? At 27.5 miles, swing right on the 18 Road / Lolo Pass Road. You’ll drop down to a river, and then climb steeply. Climb up a 10-foot wide blacktop road, a fine, fine piece of asphalt. At 31 miles, veer left onto the 16 road (don’t miss this turn – it’s under the power lines) which eventually becomes Red Hill Drive. Boy oh boy is this a long climb. Take it easy. FYI, there are a couple of streams on the lower half of the climb, so bring a water filter if you feel inclined.
After the climb levels out, you’ll enter a 10 miles (or so) section of nearly-flat road. Super fun! Sections of the pavement, unfortunately, were removed prior to a harvest operation back in 2016 or so; the longest section of gravel is about 3 miles. Did you know it’s cheaper to rip out pavement and replace with gravel than it is to maintain pavement?
Finally, after that fun almost-flat area, you’ll have a short descent (I saw a bear cub here once) followed by one last climb. You’ll descent for about 7 miles. Be careful – there are potholes. At 51 miles, turn right onto Old Parkdale Road. A few hundred yards further, turn left on Baseline Drive and finish the loop.

Have an awesome day.
Love, Temira