Distance: 93.3 miles
Elevation Gain: ~6000 feet

If you’re looking for a long ride, with killer descents, this is the one you want. If you ride it clockwise, you’ll end the ride on a long descent. If you ride it counterclockwise, you’ll have quite a bit of climbing in the last 20 miles along with, assuming the west winds are blowing, a serious headwind for the last 30.

You decide. Here’s the order of the roads so you can make up your own mind.

Park at the China Gorge Park n’ Ride in Hood River. Ride up 35. At 24.5 miles, take a left on the 44 Road. At approximately 50 miles, you’ll hit the town of Dufur. Fuel up. Follow the road out of town and take a left on highway 197. Follow that into The Dalles, approximately 65 miles. Follow the main road through town, staying to the left on Old Highway 30. Follow that to Rowena, where you’ll climb 600′ to Rowena Crest for some great views of the Gorge. Descend into Mosier, 85 miles or so. Get coffee at 10 Speed. Head west out of town, and take a right on Rock Creek Road. Climb up the hill and take a right onto the Twin Tunnels Trail, a non-motorized 7 mile stretch of perfect pavement. Climb another 600′, and then descend into Hood River. Reverse these directions to end the ride on a long downhill. Enjoy!