
Hospital Hill

Out of respect for the Kreps, who are kind enough to let locals ride on their land, maps and trail descriptions of this ride will not be posted. However, I’d like to use this as a forum to distribute information and requests from the Kreps.

The trail is generally open and rideable year round, but there are times when the Kreps request that no dogs be on the land. This is generally from mid-March until early July, when cows are grazing. Please do not bring your dogs during this time. We are only able to use this trail system because the landowners have a positive relationship with the bikers and hikers who use the trails. If you do not respect the landowners’ requests, you could end trail access for everyone. No dogs means no dogs.

As always, even during the rest of biking season, this is private property. Please treat it as if it were your own, and take the time to call the Kreps and say thank you. Maybe bake them cookies sometime…

7 replies on “Hospital Hill”

There have been several confirmed sightings of a female cougar and two cubs on Hospital Hill in the lower evergreen highway area this week. Be careful if you ride alone out there.

I have never seen a rattlesnake on Hospital but I bet there are some up there. I took my dog up there and she came back covered in nasty burr’s that were tough to get out. I think Hospital is only good for dogs very early in the year when there is water and no cows.

Just thought I’d report on this ride. It’s great right now. Just one patch of poison oak along the bottom of the trail which you can aviod with careful riding. No dust. No snakes lately (too chilly). Someone has cleaned up that little section with all the rocks on the way up. It’s a perfect time to ride over here. The views along the way are dazzling with the changing weather.

Best Neighbors Ever ! From those of us who live near these parts- Do you four legged pal a favor- always leave your dog(s) at home — cows or no cows-
Unless of course you enjoy companions riding along ON your dog & then into your home and/or are doing product testing for Avantix or Frontline.

I live in Snowden and consider the Kreps as my neighbors. These people are incredibly generous to allow us to ride on their property. All they ask is to close the cattle gates, don’t bring your dogs when the cattle are there and don’t park your vehicle so it blocks their access to the corral at the bottom trailhead. Please be considerate and respect their property and livestock.
This is a great place to ride, the best kept secret in the Gorge. Leave your dogs at home during the spring and early summer and obey the “No Parking” signs so we all can continue to ride there.
The trails are in awesome shape right now, not much poison oak, a few puddles and water crossings. Cattle are out so, please, leave your dogs at home. You can park anywhere in town and ride the extra half mile to the trailhead to avoid the parking problems.
See you out there….

Hey, just wanted to give a shout out because I love this user friendly and inspiring blog! I’ve lived in the Gorge 5 years now, don’t hang in the extreme sport crowds, and the kind of information on your site is priceless. Completely useful concept and altogether amazing in it’s scope and simplicity. Thanks a billion. Hope to see you on the trails soon!

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