Outfound Series Festival – Hood River
OutFound is a 3-day adventure sports and outdoor innovation festival taking place on June 9-11th on The Event Site. The activities include a speaker series, a startup competition for outdoor driven brands, an expo, hands-on workshops, creatives games and art, outdoor activities and sports on site, networking hours, outdoor films and music performances.
OutFound’s goal is to bring outdoor enthusiasts and innovators together for 3 days of experiential activities. It’s about learning new skills, meeting inspiring leaders and engaging in unforgettable outdoor focused experiences. Outdoor innovation is about out of the box thinking and this mixture of activities encourages that. We believe that getting adventure enthusiasts and leaders together in a creative setting will be a catalyst for exciting new ideas, projects and businesses in the outdoor space.
Gorge Wind Forecast
Yesterday’s complicated weather picture definitely complicated the wind on the river, except, seemingly, for the Maryhill stretch of the river where the wind was reading 30ish all day. I talked to someone who was there, and he said the wind was directionally challenge, the current was insanely fast, and the swell just wasn’t happening. Perhaps you had a different experience? If that report is true, 460kcfs is a bit much for The Wall and Rufus! Anyway, there was some nice wind to be found yesterday, and the swell is still performing at 11/10 near the Hatchery. Apparently 460kcfs is quite good there. Moving on to the wind forecast…
High pressure is building over the Northwest this morning, clearing the sky and shutting off the Gorge wind. We’ll see calm wind this morning, light easterlies at 5-10 or less midday, and calm wind this evening. (continued after the chart)
Your favorite beach | Dawn Patrol |
9am- 11:30a |
11:30a- 3pm |
3pm- dusk |
Rooster Rock | private | areas | need | sun too |
Steven’s Locks | light | light | light | light | |
Hatchery/White Salmon Sandbar (minus a few for Hood River) | light | light | light | light | |
Doug’s, Lyle, Rowena | light | light | light | light | |
Rufus, etc. | light | light | light | light | |
Roosevelt, etc. | light | light | light | light | |
Gorge Wind Forecast, continued.
Tuesday sees the ridge of high pressure shift inland, which will reverse gradients through the Gorge. Late in the day, we’ll see the thermal low shift inland, which will turn gradients lightly onshore. Tuesday starts off with E 10-15, perhaps climbing to E 15-20, near Stevenson and Rooster Rock. The wind will turn off around 2pm and switch to W 5-10 from Stevenson to Hood River around 5pm.
Wednesday looks quite interesting, and reminds me of the last time we saw a late afternoon blast. The heat low shifts further inland on Wednesday and a trough of low pressure sets up off the coast, driving cooler air into the Portland metro area, especially in the afternoon (I’m not buying that 80 degree forecast for Portland on Wednesday). If this plays out as forecast, we’ll have 13-16 in the morning and 25-29 in the afternoon, strongest from Stevenson to Doug’s. We will be under southerly upper flow, which could fire off some thunderstorms, but that didn’t impact the wind last time we saw this setup. I wouldn’t say it’s a guarantee, but it’s worth clearing Wednesday afternoon (hey, isn’t it great that I don’t have to go to school Wednesday?!). Thursday currently looks rainy, with a chance of a short-lived blast of strong westerlies in the afternoon as a front moves through.
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Jones, Sauvie’s, Coast Beta Test Forecast
Jones Monday: 10-13. Tuesday: 24-28. Wednesday: 8-12. Sauvie’s Monday: 13-16 late. Tuesday: 10-13 late. Wednesday: nope. Coast (north/central/south). Monday: 20-25/20-25/30-35, W swell 5′ @ 10 seconds. Tueseday: no/no/15-20, W 4 @ 10. Wednesday: south wind. W 5 ‘ @ 11.
Mt. Hood Snow Forecast
The only snow on Mt. Hood right now is all the snow on the ground.
Random Morning Thoughts
We lead very busy lives, most of us. This business can generate a sense of urgency, a need to keep moving and keep Getting Stuff Done. Maybe we walk faster or drive faster. Try to cram in one more errand.
This can lead to a continuous low-grade sense of anxiety or even guilt.
By rushing around GSD, we reinforce our unconscious belief that this is what we must do. Our silly minds, obsessed with our own survival, can come to equate GSD with staying alive.
When you notice this sense of urgency or anxiety, even when it’s not related to GSD, stop. Take a breath. Walk slower or drive slower, and notice, really notice, that you’re fine. The world isn’t ending. There are no tigers leaping out at you. Notice how your tension level responds, and notice what thoughts come up…. they might be quite surprising and extreme and may even make you want to giggle. Go ahead and do that, because all our rushing around is, ultimately, in the face of our short lives, silliness, even if it feels important in the moment. You’re okay. Have an awesome day.
Disclaimer required by my grad school program: I am not your therapist (but I could be 40 graduate school credits from now). I am your weather forecaster. Take everything I say with a grain of salt, and consult with your actual therapist about your mental health issues. One other thing: I plan to keep doing this forecast indefinitely, even when I am a therapist.
Gorge Weather Forecast
Clear sky this morning gives way to clear sky this afternoon. Temps will be in the low 50’s early and mid 70’s later on. Light wind. No rainbows. Tuesday looks sunny and warmer with temps in the low 50’s early and mid 80’s in the afternoon. Light easterlies give way to light westerlies after 5pm. No rainbows. Wednesday starts off sunny and may see some scattered thunderstorms in the afternoon. Strong west wind. 1.5% chance of rainbows.
For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.
White Sprinter Van of the Day
Road and Mountain Biking
Lewis River is open. Falls Creek is not. Everything below 450 is open on the 44 Road. Lake Branch Road has two patches of snow, each about 100′ long. Vista Ridge is open. The 88 and 23 Roads above Trout Lake are not yet clear of snow.
Upcoming Events
Today’s events start off with meditation at noon at Trinity Natural Medicine in Hood River. There’s Tai Chi at the Hood River Adult Center at 2:30. there’s pickup kickball in Bigen tonight at 6, and community meditation at Bethel Congregational in White Salmon at 7. There are three free yoga classes tonight: 6 at Samadhi in White Salmon, 6:30 at the Mt. Hood Town Hall, and 6:45 at Pure Yoga in The Dalles.
Looking ahead to this weekend, the Outfound Festival runs Friday through Sunday in Hood River with films, activities, talks and demos, all related to adventure sports.
Last today is road reports: Vista Ridge is open, and Lake Branch Road has two short patches of snow.
Have an awesome day today!