Gorge Wind Forecast
There’s a big, deep, massive wall of marine clouds sitting just to the west of Hood River this morning and broken marine clouds a bit further east. There are also high clouds, the remnant of yesterday’s system, sitting out in the desert. Before the wind develops fully, we’ll want those high clouds gone and a building atmospheric cap in place. That should all be set up by early afternoon. Unfortunately, this has pushed today’s strongest wind a little later than the originally expected Dawn Patrol. That said, our morning gradients are .15 (pdx-dls) and .11 (dls-psc) a sign of good things to come. River flow is 394kcfs, and temp is 58 degrees.
For the first few hours this morning, we’ll have 20-24ish through the entire Gorge, with stronger wind at Maryhill and Arlington. By noon or so, we should be seeing 26-30 from Mosier to Arlington, and by 2pm, we’ll have 30-40 everywhere. Stevenson is probably going to stay under the clouds all day, meaning it’ll have gusty 20-24 or so. Swell and Hood River are big maybes. If the clouds burn back, the strong wind will materialize. If the clouds stick around, gusty 22-26 is the call. If you are looking for the strongest wind possible, you’ll want to be somewhere between Avery and Boardman this afternoon.
Your favorite beach | Dawn Patrol |
9am- 11:30a |
11:30a- 3pm |
3pm- dusk |
Rooster Rock | outdoor | shower | rainstorm | bonus | |
Steven’s Locks | 16-20 | 16-20 | 20-24 | 20-24 | |
Hatchery/White Salmon Sandbar (minus a few for Hood River) | 18-22 | 20-24 | 22-26?+ | 22-26?+ | |
Doug’s, Lyle, Rowena | 16-20 | 20-24 | 30+ | 30+ | |
Rufus, etc. | strong | current | 30+ | 30+ | |
Roosevelt, etc. | 22-26 | 26-30 | 30+ | 30+ | |
Gorge Wind Forecast, continued.
A weak weather system enhances the marine layer on Tuesday but may also mess with Monday afternoon’s super-stable atmosphere. So, we’ll probably start Tuesday with 24-28 east of Mosier with 13-16 under the low clouds in the western Gorge. Afternoon heating in the desert will assist with the wind, giving us 28-32 from Mosier to Arlington between 11am and 5pm on Tuesday. It won’t be quite as steady or as strong as Monday afternoon, but it still should be a good day on the river.
High pressure starts to build east of the Cascades on Wednesday and a late spring storm system approaches the coast. That will take gradients down several notches. We’ll have 10-13 through the whole Gorge to start the day. The eastern Gorge wind will back off, and the western Gorge wind – Stevenson to The Dalles or so – will pick up to 15-18.
Thursday sees a very strong weather system (for this time of year, anyway) approaching and then making landfall. We’ll see gusty and inconsistent westerlies ahead of this system early afternoon. Rain arrives sometime between 2pm and 5pm, cutting off the westerlies and making everything wet. The long range forecast suggests a few weak weather systems over the weekend, but we really need to wait and see.
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Jones, Sauvie’s, Coast Beta Test Forecast
Jones Monday: 10-13. Tuesday/Wednesday: no. Sauvie’s Monday: 4-7. Tuesday/Wednesday: no. Coast (north/central/south). Monday: W 5-10 everywhere. NW swell 6′ @ 7 seconds. Tuesday: no/no/15-20, W 7′ @ 11. Wednesday: no/5-10/15-20, W 4′ @ 10.
Mt. Hood Snow Forecast
Not much to say. Looks sunny today and cloudy the next couple of days, at least below 6000-7000′.
Random Morning Thoughts
One of the things I believe is that intense experiences, both good and bad, can serve as catalysts for our future life organization. When something painful happens, a big failure perhaps, we may come away less likely to take risks in the future: the loss has catalyzed a constriction in our possible experiencing. Likewise, when something good happens, a big success of some sort, we may be more prone to take emotional, financial, or interpersonal risks.
We can hack our minds for greater happiness by being aware of this tendency. When we experience something painful, we can carefully craft a narrative that isolates the situation rather than generalizes. Instead of reaching the conclusion “I am a failure”, we can create the story that the situation led to failure.
Here’s the mind hack: we can choose to relate to success and positive experiences differently than we do negative experiences. When something good happens, we can remind ourselves that we are capable, loveable, intelligent, or whatever.
While this is ultimately not going to free us from suffering, as it ties all things back to our concept of self (story for a different day), it’s a helpful intermediate step to build our self-concept. In reality, you are fine just the way you are, as long as you are acting with goodness, kindness, and compassion. Have an awesome day.
Disclaimer required by my grad school program: I am not your therapist (but I could be 40 graduate school credits from now). I am your weather forecaster. Take everything I say with a grain of salt, and consult with your actual therapist about your mental health issues. One other thing: I plan to keep doing this forecast indefinitely, even when I am a therapist.
Gorge Weather Forecast
It’s partly cloudy out there this morning, and will likely stay that way. Temps will be in the mid 50’s early and the low 60’s this afternoon. Strong wind. .05% chance of rainbows. Tuesday looks partly to mostly cloudy to start and sunnier late in the day. Temps will be in the upper 40’s early and the low 60’s this afternoon. Strong west wind. 1% chance of rainbows. Wednesday looks mostly sunny. Temps will be in the mid 40’s early and the low 70’s in the afternoon. Light to moderate west wind. No rainbows.
For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.
White Sprinter Van of the Day
Road and Mountain Biking
I betcha the dirt is amazing in Post Canyon right now and also on the 44 Road trails. And now that it’s Monday, it’ll be YOURS, all YOURS. The Kreps are rounding up the cattle on Hospital Hill. They’re not done yet, but soon, soon, you will be able to take your dog for a ride there to pick up ticks and poison oak. People keep asking, so I’ll say it again: as of a week ago, Falls Creek was not open from the top. Lewis River is open.
Upcoming Events
Today’s community events include meditation at noon at Trinity Natural medicine and $5 Tai Chi at the Hood River Valley Adult Center at 2:30. There’s pickup kickball in bingen at 6 tonight and three free yoga classes: 6 o’clock at Samadhi, 6:30 at the Mt. Hood Town Hall, and 6:45 at Pure Yoga in The Dalles. There’s also meditation at Bethel Congregational Church in Bingen-White Salmon at 7pm.
The Kreps have been moving their delicious cows from Hospital Hill, and that’ll set us up for a fantastic Backyard Half Marathon on Saturday. There’s a windsports contest at Arlington on Saturday, a shuttle day at Sandy Ridge, the Summer Solstass 50k race, and opening day of sailboat season in Cascade Locks with free sailboat rides. “Surrender: the National Ecosex Conference” runs Wednesday through Sunday in Klickitat. I’m not exactly sure what it’s about, but it’s an event, and it’s outdoors, so…
Have an awesome day today!