The westerlies kicked back in yesterday evening with more force than models had predicted, always a good sign for the following day. Indeed, today (Monday) started out with a west gradient of .12 and wind in the upper teens from Viento to Hood River. Before I forget, the river temp is 62 degrees, river flow at The Dalles is currently 148kcfs, and the fish count at Bonneville was 1775 yesterday. Something interesting to note: median river flow on this day is 435kcfs, meaning that despite our snowy winter, we are well below the midpoint of previous year flows. Of course, they didn’t provide a standard deviation for that median report, so it’s hard to know how far below normal we are. =) Continued after the chart…
Your favorite beach | Dawn Patrol |
9am- 11:30a |
11:30a- 3pm |
3pm- dusk |
Rooster Rock | hot | day to | melt tan |
lines away |
Steven’s Locks | 5-10 | 10-13 | 15-18 | 18-22 | |
Hatchery/White Salmon Sandbar (minus a few for Hood River) | 16-19 | 21-24 | 21-24 | 21-24 | |
Doug’s, Lyle, Rowena | 13-16 | 13-16 | 16-19 | 21-24+ | |
Rufus, etc. | 5-10 | 10-13 | 10-13 | 15-18 | |
Roosevelt, etc. | light | light | 5-10 | 10-13 | |
![]() |
Gorge wind forecast, continued…
Anyway, that .12 gradient should give us westerlies at 21-24 from Viento to Mosier by mid-morning. Models insist that we’ll stay in the 21-24 range all day today, with the wind filling in from Stevenson to The Dalles. It’s possible we’ll see a late afternoon bump to 24-27 from Rowena to Avery, with Maryhill at 15-18 and Arlington at 10-13.
Tuesday starts off with 13-16 or a touch less, strongest from Viento to Hood River. The wind will hang out in that range for much of the day, picking up to 23-26 after 2pm from Stevenson to Maryhill with the Hood River locale likely taking a dive in wind speeds in the afternoon.

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See below for details.
A trough of low pressure moves over the western half of Washington and Oregon (the area known as Cascadia) on Wednesday morning. The actual location of Dawn Patrol will depend on the cloud line. We’ll likely see 20-23 east of Hood River, all the way to Arlington, to start the day. Afternoon wind will pick up to 28-32 from Mosier eastward. Thursday currently looks like 24-27.
Finally, I’ll just keep reminding you of this one: CGWA has a bunch of contests happening this summer – photo, Strava, and video. Get more information about those contests right here.
Jones, Sauvie’s, Coast Beta Test Forecast
Jones today: 21-24. Jones Tuesday: 21-24. Jones Wednesday 13-16 or less. Sauvie’s today: 13-16. Sauvie’s Tuesday: 11-14. Sauvie’s Wednesday: 5-10. Coast (north/central/south). Today: 20-25/25-30/35+, W swell 3′ at 10 seconds. Tuesday: 20-25/20-25/no wind, W 4′ @ 10. Wednesday: no/no/no, NW 5′ @ 8.
Support your forecaster, Temira!
Thank you for using this forecast. Does it save you time, gas money, or help you have more fun in your life? Make a donation! Get your forecast here for free or donate and get on the mailing list for year-round wind forecasts and ski season snow forecasts. Just click on my photo to donate via PayPal or credit card. The email isn’t $99/year. Not $50/year. No, just $12.34 or more gets you on the list for 12 months, and sometimes there are cool prizes. Don’t PayPal? Send a check to Temira @ PO Box 841 in Hood River. Thank you for your support, and thank you for trusting my forecast.
Mt. Hood Snow Forecast
Hmm… looks like the snow level may get down to 5500’ later this week…
Random Morning Thoughts
Improvement in the standard of living of humans is often predicated upon invention and innovation. Innovation and invention are often predicated upon seemingly wacky ideas. For example, Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning (later followed by Elon Musk) had this crazy idea that EV’s could be better than gasoline-powered cars. I’m sure lots of people (and traditional car companies) pooh-poohed their dream. But they followed through, and now we have Tesla, producing vehicles with a 200+ mile range.
We don’t all have the capacity or funding to follow through on our ideas, but we all have the capacity to approach the world in a creative manner. So often, though, we dismiss our “wacky” ideas as insubstantial, childlike, or naive. That’s a loss for us as individuals and a loss for the greater world. When we take the time to explore our ideas, we encourage creative, intuitive thought processes.
Thinking in this open-minded way may not make us the next Elon Musk or Nicolai Tesla, but it will allow us to face the world in a more flexible way. So, the next time you’re having some wacky ideas about how to make your world a better place, give yourself permission to play around with those ideas. Talk about them with others, and listen to their ideas. Your world is only as big as you can imagine it to be, and your options for living are only as varied as your imagination, so give yourself permission to imagine it all bigger and wider. Have an awesome day.
Disclaimer required by my grad school program: I am not your therapist (but I could be in 716 days). I am your weather forecaster. Take everything I say with a grain of salt, and consult with your actual therapist about your mental health issues. One other thing: I plan to keep doing this forecast indefinitely, even when I am a therapist.
Gorge Weather Forecast
It’s a beautiful sunny day out there, and it’s going to be another hot one. Expect temps in the low 70’s this morning (open windows) and the mid 90’s this afternoon (close windows). Models suggest we may see some thunderstorms, or at least building cumulus over the Cascades this afternoon. Moderate wind. No rainbows. Tuesday starts off sunny, but the GFS is insisting on building thunderclouds and showers in the afternoon. Okay, GFS, whatever you say! Temps will be in the low 60’s early (open windows) and upper 80’s in the afternoon (close windows). Moderate westerlies. 2% chance of rainbows.
A deep marine push Monday morning will possibly make Hood River partly cloudy. Models suggest showers in the afternoon as a trough of low pressure moves in. Temps will be in the upper 50’s early (open windows) and the mid 70’s in the afternoon (leave windows open?). Strong wind. 14% chance of rainbows.
For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.
White Sprinter Van of the Day
Road and Mountain Biking
I rode my bike down to the waterfront to go swimming yesterday, and the pavement was very hot. If you want to ride today, you’ll want to do so early, both because of the heat and because of the wind. Both will increase this afternoon. The Twin Tunnels Trail, as of yesterday, was still closed. The Forest Loop in Trout Lake is open, and you can ride that fully supported by doing the Mt. Adams Country Bike Tour on 6/25. No new mountain bike trails to add to the list.
Upcoming Events
Happy Monday. Today at noon, there’s meditation at Trinity Natural Medicine. At 1pm, there’s Tai Chi at the Mt. Hood Town Hall. At 6pm, there’s pickup kickball in Bingen at Daubenspeck Park. There’s community yoga at Samadhi at 6. At 6:30, there’s pickup basketball at the Mt. Hood Town Hall and Zumba at the Parkdale Community Center.
Looking at tomorrow, there’s community yoga at Flow at 4:30. There’s pickup touch Rugby at Hood River’s Waterfront Park at 5:30, there’s pickleball at 5:15 at May Street Elementary, there Zumba at Parkdale’s Community Center at 6:30, and there’s meditation at Samadhi at 6:30 with the monk(s) of Pacific Hermitage.
Coming up this weekend, there’s a mountain bike race at Wanoga Trails in Bend and a Super D race at Skibowl. There’s a free youth fishing clinic at Spearfish Lake at 9 Saturday, GorgeNet’s 20th anniversary party at the Waterfront Park at 11, and a half-day meditation retreat at Samadhi from 1pm to 5pm.
Have an awesome day today!
The Clymb: free membership.
Cheap gear.
Temira approves. Click to join.