Mt. Hood Snow Forecast
Last night’s weather system was a few hours behind schedule hitting the mountain, but that didn’t stop significant snow from piling up. Last I looked, we were at 11” of new and counting. Yay! Timberline is planning on having a family for you today: Bruno, Molly, Pucci and Norman. Meadows is hoping to add Mt. Hood Express and Star. Skibowl is “waiting for more snow”. Continued after the chart…
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4a-8a | 8a-12p | 12p-4p | 4p-8p | 8p-4a |
Monday 2000′-2500′ |
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Tuesday 2000-4000′ |
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Wednesday 3000′->1500′ |
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Mt. Hood Snow Forecast, continued…
Anyway, you can expect storm skiing all day today – dumping snow and strong wind. The snow level will be 2000-2500′ all day. We’ll see .7” water value (WV) between 4am and 4pm for 7-9” of new snow. We’ll see another .2-.3” WV overnight, for 2-4” of additional accumulation. Wind today will be NW 40 early, slowly fading to NW 15 after midnight.
Tuesday looks partly cloudy for most of the day, becoming cloudy in the afternoon with snow overnight. The snow level will be 2000′ all day, 4000′ in the evening, and 2000′ after midnight. We’ll see .3” WV overnight, for 2-3” of new snow. Widn on Tuesday will be WNW 10-15 for most of the day, turning to WSW 20 overnight.
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Does this forecast save you time, gas money, or help you have more fun in your life? Make a donation to support continued forecasting, and get the forecast in your inbox each day. Click on the button to donate. The email subscription isn’t $99/year. Not $50/year. No, just $12.34 or more gets you on the list for 12 months. Don’t PayPal? Send a check to Temira @ PO Box 841 in Hood River. Thank you for your support and thank you for trusting my forecast.

Mt. Hood Snow Forecast, finished
Wednesday looks snowy in the morning with partly cloudy sky and occasional flurries in the afternoon. The snow level will be 3000′ early and 1500′ in the afternoon. We’ll see .5-.6” WV between 4am and noon, after which the snow will stop accumulating. That gives us 5-7” of new snow. Wind on Wednesday will be W 25-30 all day. Thursday looks clear early and partly cloudy in the afternoon. The free air freezing level will be 1000′-1500′. Wind on Thursday will be NW 20 early and N 15 in the afternoon.
The next weather system is slated for late Friday night into Saturday. It looks cold enough, but is currently forecast to be mostly north of us. Perhaps if we all turn on our vacuums the system will be pulled further south?
Gorge Wind Forecast
When I woke up this morning just a bit after 4am, the gradients were .11 (pdx-dls) and .12 (dls-psc). Out in the desert, from Maryhill to Arlington, the wind was in the 30-35 range. That’s going to back off to 25-29 after 10am, but this still looks like a big day on the water. Expect up-and-down 22-25 from Viento to Doug’s pretty much all day with 25-29 from Avery to Arlington. Models do hit at the wind backing off at Arlington quickly, so you may want to place a bet on the Mosier to Rufus section of river for the best possible results.
Tuesday looks like W 5-10 early and light and variable wind midday. Another front moves through early Wednesday followed by a quick build of strong high pressure off the coast. That sets us up for W 24-28 from Mosier eastward pretty much all day long.
Jones, Sauvie’s, Coast Beta Test Forecast
If you click right here , you’ll find NOAA’s coast forecast.
Random Morning Thoughts
This morning for breakfast, I’m having moo shu pork. I suspect you don’t consider this breakfast food. After all, breakfast food is something more along the lines of oatmeal, bacon and eggs, or a bowl of cereal.
Consider this: how do you know that some foods are appropriate for breakfast and that some other foods would be weird at breakfast? Whatever answer you came up with, also consider that it’s restricting your options in life. I can assure you that the world won’t end if you have dinner food for breakfast, breakfast food for dinner, or if you eat dessert first.
My point here is bigger – we make all sorts of assumptions in our lives, and those assumptions limit our possibilities. See if you can catch yourself in these unconscious assumptions. See if you can do something different. See what emotions arise within you when you break your internalized life constraints. I don’t know what will happen for you, but I suspect it will be interesting and enlightening. Have an awesome day.
Disclaimer required by my grad school program: I am not your therapist (but I could be 51 graduate school credits from now). I am your weather forecaster. Take everything I say with a grain of salt, and consult with your actual therapist about your mental health issues. One other thing: I plan to keep doing this forecast indefinitely, even when I am a therapist.
Gorge Weather Forecast
It’s, oh my gosh, raining! Expect on and off rain today through the evening. After that, the rain will taper off. Temps will be in the mid 40’s early and the upper 40’s in the afternoon. Strong west wind. 99% chance of rainbows. Tuesday brings Nothing for much of the day with a chance of partly cloudy sky. Temps will be in the upper 30’s early and the upper 40’s in the afternoon. Light wind. 1% chance of rainbows. Wednesday looks showery all day long. Temps will be in the low 40’s early and the mid 40’s in the afternoon. Moderate west wind. 99% chance of rainbows.
For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.
White Sprinter Van of the Day
Road and Mountain Biking
No, really. Post Canyon and Whoopdee are too muddy to ride. Really. It’s almost too muddy to jog in Post Canyon right now. Please stop riding the trails. When you ride in the mud, you cup the trails, which keeps them from draining. That damage is nearly impossible to fix, and the time volunteers spend fixing it would be better spent building new trails or making existing trails more awesome. Consider riding the gravel roads instead. There are lots of them around here, and you won’t be doing trail damage if you ride on the roads.
Upcoming Events
It’s Monday, and there’s meditation at Trinity Natural Medicine at noon. That’s followed by Tai Chi at the Mt. Hood Town Hall at 1pm. There’s a walking happiness group that leaves One Community Health in The Dalles at 5pm, there’s Kickball at Daubenspeck Park at 6, free yoga at Samadhi at 6, Pickup Basketball at the Mt. Hood Town Hall at 6:30, free Zumba at St. Francis House in Odell and at the Parkdale Community Center, and YogaFaith (Christ-centered yoga) at Pure Yoga in The Dalles.
Coming up Wednesday, Anson’s Bike Buddies has a bike repair party at their storage unit behind Cascade Eye Center in Hood River. Party starts at 5pm. Come help fix up bikes for local kids in need! Mark your calendars for a work party in Post Canyon next Saturday. It’s the last scheduled work party of the season, and we need all of you here to help out.
Have an awesome day today!