Good morning!
There’s just about zero going on in the wind world for the next two days, so we’ll skip that.
Up in the mountains today, it’s sprinkling. That’s not my ideal weather situation, but maybe it’s yours. As of now, NOAA is calling for sunshine and spring skiing tomorrow, so if you have the day off work or school, that’s when you want to be on the slopes. Thursday starts out a dry, but by afternoon, snow starts on the hill, and continues through the weekend. It doesn’t look like tons of powder, but it does look like a few inches here and there.
There is a cool lecture tonight about Mt. Hood glaciers. Apparently it’s at the Extension office at 7pm. 386-3343 for more information.
Now, I have another missing gear announcement from my friend John:
“Lost, one pair of hand made skis. Ever dream of making your own skis? Well I do and I made my own. They rip or at least did. I was at pocket creek pushed low by the winds sunday. Upon returning to the parking lot I got involved helping a couple nice people without chains get turned around. In the excitement I got out of sequence and left my skis. After a second drive up the hill and much digging I came to the conclusion that some one picked them up and is trying to figure out who owns these easily recognizable skis. Hopefully this message will bring my skis home. I call them the raven arks…”
Thanks for your help finding these skis. And just so you know, in John’s shop class, he has kids make skis as a project. Now, that’s my kind of shop project. We just made paperweights and wooden eggs.
Have a great day!
One response to “Glaciers, skis and mixed precipitation. 11/24”
Hey John – hope you get these back man!! Looking forward to following you on those cool skis, and Laura, down Moon Bowl…