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Your favorite beach | Dawn Patrol |
9am- 11:30a |
11:30a- 3pm |
3pm- dusk |
Rooster Rock | cloudy | day to | picnic | naked | |
Steven’s Locks | 5-10 | 10-13 | 18-22 | 18-22 | |
Hatchery/Wunderbar | 13-16 | 20-24 | 27-31 | G 20-24 | |
Doug’s, Lyle, Rowena | 13-16 | 20-24 | 27-31 | G 23-27 | |
Rufus, etc. | 13-16 | 20-24 | 27-31 | G 27-31 | |
Roosevelt, etc. | 13-16 | 20-24 | 27-31 | G 27-31 |
Gorge Wind Forecast
It’s Friday, and it’s a decent setup for wind out there. A deep marine layer in the west will stick around for much of the day. A disturbance offshore moves closer as the day goes on, potentially impacting the wind quality. Gradients to start the day were .12 and .09, indicating a Mosier-Avery or Rufus first half of the day.
You’ll find 13-16 early in the morning everywhere except Stevenson, where the wind will be less-than-10. By late morning, we’ll have 24-28 from Mosier to The Dalles and 21-25 east of there. East of Mosier, the wind continues to climb in the afternoon, hitting the 27-31 range. Swell and Hood River are a bit tricky today due to that approaching disturbance. My best guess: 13-16 under the clouds early, gusty 24-28 briefly late morning or early afternoon, and then gusty 18-22. Stevenson will probably max out at gusty 18-22 today. Big Winds has a free foil SUP clinic at 4:30 tonight with Dave Kalama (and free beer).
Saturday also looks windy, with the disturbance moving off to the east in the morning. Also in the morning: a swap meet at Luhr Jensen. That allows offshore high pressure and desert heat to fuel the wind. We’ll start with 5-10 under the clouds from Stevenson to Viento with 10-14 from Swell east. The wind will briefly pick up to 13-16 everywhere and then fade to nothing east of Rufus. So, don’t be driving all the way out to Roosevelt! If you stay closer to Hood River, you’ll find afternoon westerlies at 24-27 under sunny sky. Rufus will probably max out at 13-16 or less.
We lose the marine layer in Hood River on Sunday as flow turns more northerly for the morning. An approaching front in the afternoon will ramp up the wind during the evening BBQ/picnic hours. More specifically, we’ll start the day with light west wind or calm weather. Models disagree on what happens during the day, with the GFS liking zero wind until the evening and the Euro giving us a slow build to 10-13 by afternoon. I’m leaning towards the Euro. Late in the day, after 5pm, that cold front will give us rapidly building westerlies, most likely to be found at Stevenson and Viento, with the speed climbing in inverse proportion with the minutes left until sunset. In other words, it might or might not get windy before dark. That after-dark wind continues into Monday with 26-30.
BONUS: Jones Friday: 12-15. Saturday: 21-24. Sunday: 24-28. Sauvie’s Friday: 11-14. Saturday: 12-15. Sunday: 10-13. Coast (north/central/south). Friday: W5/15-20/30+, W 3′ @ 10. Saturday: 15-20/25-30/30+, W 3′ @ 10. Sunday: 15-20/20-25/30+, W 4′ @ 10.
Mt. Adams Country Bike Tour – June 30th
If you haven’t ridden the roads around Trout Lake, you’re missing out. These epic rides wind through forests and past waterfalls (and wild berries). Traffic is minimal. Cell service is spotty. And that’s why the Mt. Adams Country Bike Tour is the perfect opportunity. Sag wagons. Repair support. Food. Water. Lunch. Dinner. Four ride options include an 11½-mile Family Friendly ride (just $10 to ensure accessibility to all families), a 51-mile Trout Lake – BZ Corner – Glenwood Loop, a 54-mile Forest Loop, and a 105-mile Infinity Ride. Click here, now, to get signed up today before the ride fills up.
Random Morning Thoughts
The random morning thoughts are currently on vacation!
Mt. Hood Mountain Weather Forecast
Clear sky Friday. Free air freezing level: 12,000′. Wind: W 10 early, NW 25 afternoon and evening. Saturday: clear. FAF: 13,000′ rising to 15,000′. Wind: NW 25 all day, dropping to NW 15 after midnight. Sunday: clear. FAF: 15,000′. Some rain is possible after midnight, especially on lower slopes. Wind: N 15 early, SW 20 evening, WSW 30 after rmidnight.
Gorge Weather Forecast
It’s partly cloudy in Hood River this morning. Clouds will slowly burn off to be replaced by higher clouds later. Temps will be in the low 60’s early and mid 70’s later. Strong westerlies. NO rainbows. Saturday looks partly cloudy early and sunny later. Temps will be in the mid 50’s early and upper 70’s later. Light west wind early, strong later. No rainbows. Sunday looks sunny. Temps will be in the mid 50’s early and upper 80’s later. Light or no wind, becoming strong out of the west after 8pm. No rainbows.
For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.
White Sprinter Van of the Week
Click here for the White Sprinter Van map of the world!!!
Road and Mountain Biking
High Prairie down to 450 is open, according to Strava. Still only have one attempt on Gunsight two weeks ago that took 1 hour and 48 minutes, 48 minutes longer than it should have. So.. probably trees and snow, but possible to get through in some way… No guarantees!
Upcoming Events
Today’s events kick off with the Kickstand Coffee run at 7am – that’ll earn you coffee and a donut for jogging or walking 4 miles. The Cold Creek Super D race is today. Big Winds has a free foil standup clinic and refreshments (translation: beer) with waterman Dave Kalama this afternoon at 4:30. At 5 tonight, Mountain View Cycles has a group mountain bike ride in Post Canyon at 5.
You can give back to Hood River today and tomorrow by helping out with the rebuild of the Children’s Park. Other options tomorrow include the Rock the Point watersports demos at the Bingen Point and Moiser Fest with food, drinks, music, art and activities. Opening day of Sailing season, with free sailboat rides and a BBQ, is in Cascade Locks tomorrow.
Click here for the full events calendar.
Have an awesome day today!