
Sunday: several days of westerlies for the Gorge. Spring skiing for Mt. Hood.

The best wind forecast for the Gorge. The best snow forecast for Mt. Hood. The best weather forecast for the Gorge.

These are ranges for the average speed reading, not a predicted wind range. =)
Your favorite launch dawn
morning max afternoon max executive
Iwash (Rooster) Rock hot day buns display
Stevenson 10-13 14-17 21-24 21-24
Viento 13-16 20-23 20-23 20-23
Swell-Hood River 13-16 20-23 17-20 21-24
Lyle to Doug’s 10-13 13-16 19-22 24-27
Rufus, etc. LTW 10-13 17-20 22-25
Roosevelt & Arlington LTW 10-13 17-20 22-25
River flow last 24 hours: 130-179kcfsRiver temp: 54.86F High temp: 82F

Gorge Wind Forecast

Hi friends! After a lackluster showing on the part of the west wind yesterday, we’re back to stronger westerlies today. Models keep us in west wind of some sort through Thursday, after which models start to disagree on the details of the weather.

Sunday kicks off with pressures of 29.97/29.88/29.84 for gradients of 0.09 and 0.04. Prior to sunrise, the wind was bouncing around in the low teens from Viento to Mosier. It will quickly rise to 20-23 from Viento to Hood River with 14-17 at Mosier and 10ish or less to the east. Stevenson will be a couple hours behind, but with clear sky forecast, it’ll join in quickly. Given the heating in the metro area this afternoon, it’s likely Swell will drop to 17-20 midday before returning at 21-24 for the evening session. If you’d like a little more wind, head somewhere between Lyle and Avery (maybe even Arlington) for 24-27 this afternoon and evening. Rufus to Arlington: 22-25ish. Why is the eastern Gorge joining in on a sunny day? Good question! There’s a cooler mass of air pushing this way, and that motion and cooling will help the thermal gradients cover a widespread area. River flow over the last 24 hours was 130-179kcfs, river temp is 54.86F, and high temp forecast for Hood River is 82F.

At least some marine clouds should make it into the Gorge Monday morning. Models disagree on the extent. That said, high temps will be down another 10 degrees on the west side. With the aid of a moderately strong offshore high, westerlies will stick around all day. Dawn Patrol should be in the 17-20 range at Swell. By mid-morning, the wind will climb to 24-27 from Viento to Avery with 10-13 at Rufus. Depending on how long the clouds linger, Stevenson could take quite a while to build. Depending on what the cloud cover does in Portland… if it clears, Swell will drop mid afternoon. If not, it’ll build. Either way, afternoon wind rises to 27-30 from Mosier to Rufus with 23-26 at Arlington. Stevenson should build to 23-26. Swell and Hood River are the wild cards. Could be gusty 21-24 if the metro area clears. Could be 27-30 if it does not. High temp: 70F for Hood River and 76F for Arlington.

High pressure starts to rebuild on Tuesday. Any morning marine clouds will burn off quickly. Westerlies will be 17-20ish or a few mph more from Stevenson to Hood River pretty much all day. East of Hood River, with the possible exception of mid-teens at Mosier, the wind will be light all day. High temp: 77F.

Extended? High pressure hangs out on Wednesday for a shot at upper teens. Models are all over the place with the general weather picture for Thursday. In an interesting twist, the ensembles are still all in on a big day out east. They’re about 50/50 on another windy day Friday, but there’s even more uncertainty. Let’s leave it there for now. Have a great day on the river today!


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Mt. Hood Weather Forecast

Not much to talk about in the Mt. Hood forecast – just a lot of sunshine and spring skiing. No weather impacts anticipated this week, as there won’t be strong easterlies to swing the chairs at T-Line, and there won’t be any strong NW wind either. Expect a sunny, warm day Sunday. The freezing level will be around 12,000′ all day and 10,000′ after midnight. Temps max out in the low to mid 50s at 5000′. Wind will be light north in the morning and will quickly turn to NW 10-20. Monday will be sunny with max temps in the upper 40s. The freezing level holds around 10,000′. Wind: NW 15-25, strongest in the afternoon, and then N 10 after midnight. Tuesday will be sunny. The freezing level rises from 11,000′ in the morning to 13,000′ overnight. Temps max around 50, and the wind will be variable to 10mph. Enjoy the spring skiing conditions. It’s probably going to be pretty slushy right off the bat this morning with temps in the mid 40s and strong sunshine.  

Jones, Sauvie’s, Coast Forecast – On vacation ‘til summer unless otherwise noted


Very basic Hood River weather forecast. Don’t plan your life around this. You really should read Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook

Clear sky all day Sunday. Temps will be in the upper 50s early and low 80s later. Moderately strong westerlies. No rainbows. Monday will start partly to mostly cloudy and end partly cloudy or mostly clear. Temps start in the low 50s and rise to 70. Strong westerlies. No rainbows. Tuesday will be partly cloudy then mostly clear. Temps start in the upper 40s and rise to the upper 70s. Moderate westerlies. No rainbows.  

Local-ish Events

Please let me know of outdoor-related local-ish events. If you don’t tell me, I don’t know!

There’s a work party for the new hike/horse/run trail in Post. Meet 5/25 at 9am at Family Man Staging Area. There’s a weekly social for Wind Johnnies (The Gorge Wind Social) at Ferment Brewing every 3rd Monday this summer. The first is Monday, May 20th at 5:30pm. The Columbia Gorge Junior Kayak Club offers free roll sessions (gear provided) for kids at the Hood River Pool every other Tuesday from 5:30 to 7pm. Visit their website for more deets: Amayah’s offers a free meal every First Thursday from 1pm to 4pm. Regular weekly events:. NK Studio’s by-donation Tuesday morning yoga class is back. Ferment’s Tuesday night 4-mile walk/run is at 6pm. There’s meditation with monks at 5:15pm (an hour) and 6:30pm (30 minutes plus a talk) at Yoga Samadhi in White Salmon. The Tri Club is done for the season. At 7:15am on Wednesdays, there’s a run from the White Salmon Bakery. At 7am on Friday morning, there’s a run from Pine Street Bakery. On Fridays at 2:30pm, there’s a free meditation and stretching class at Yoga Samadhi. On Saturday at 9am, there’s a by-donation outdoor group fitness on the 2rd floor deck about Ferment Brewing.  


Post, Whoopdee, Hospital Hill, Syncline, and probably Nestor (you check and tell me) are open. Cows are out on Hospital Hill. NO DOGS. That means you, all of you, even your dog that’s [insert adjective]. No dogs. Do not risk access for everyone. No parking at the corral. Whoopdee flowers are in full bloom. Hospital Hill and Syncline have ticks, oaks, and flowers. Columbia Hills is full of flowers and open to your bike. Definitely got a Tack Alert going on out there right now – lots of good dirt. It’s trail-building season. Get on the HRATS mailing list if you’d like to help out. If you’re parking at Post Canyon, you will need a parking pass. Those can be purchased at many local shops or online.  

Sprinter Van of the Week!

  Click here for the Sprinter Van map of the world!!!  

Have an awesome day!


Saturday: slushy skiing. late day westerlies.

The best wind forecast for the Gorge. The best snow forecast for Mt. Hood. The best weather forecast for the Gorge.

These are ranges for the average speed reading, not a predicted wind range. =)
Your favorite launch dawn
morning max afternoon max executive
Iwash (Rooster) Rock hot day buns display
Stevenson LTV 10-13 19-22 19-22
Viento LTV 10-13 19-22 19-22
Swell-Hood River LTV 10-13 19-22 19-22
Lyle to Doug’s LTV 10-13 19-22 19-22
Rufus, etc. LTV LTV 10-13+ 19-22
Roosevelt & Arlington calm calm calm 10-13
River flow last 24 hours: 169-201kcfsRiver temp: 54.50F High temp: 88F

Gorge Wind Forecast

Hi friends! It’s a dead calm start to the day today. The river is complete glass in front of my house. For those of you who like powered water sports, get it now! We’ll be back to westerlies by the afternoon. If you’re seeking a big day on the river, watch Monday and potentially Wednesday/Thursday, although there’s a lot of spread in the forecast beyond Tuesday.

For Saturday, as I said, we start dead calm. Early in the afternoon, the heat low responsible for yesterday’s heat in the metro area shifts across the Cascades and sets up camp in the desert. Off the coast, strong high pressure persists. By 2pm, we should have 11-14 form Stevenson to Hood River. The wind builds to 19-22 from Stevenson to Avery mid-afternoon and then spreads east to Rufus in the evening. River flow over the last 24 hours was 169-201kcfs, river temp is 54.5F, and high temp forecast is 88F.

Sunday sees an approaching weak wave of energy offshore. This combines with the offshore high and inland heat low for another windy day. Dawn Patrol probably won’t be much – just 10-13 from Viento to Swell. Give it a few hours for the desert heat to get going, and you’ll find 21-24 from Stevenson to Doug’s with 14-17 from Avery to Arlington. Afternoon wind may drop to 14-17 at Swell while holding at 21-24 at Stevenson and Viento. Lyle to Arlington rise to 23-26. As the metro area starts to cool off in the evening, Swell and Hood River may bounce back into the low 20’s. High temp: 82F.

Marine clouds push at least as far as Hood River on Monday. Desert conditions: still warm and sunny. This sets us up for dawn patrol at 23-26 from Viento to Mosier (probably gusty under the clouds). The wind just keeps building. It eventually rises to 28-32 form Stevenson to Arlington in the afternoon. High temp will be down about 10 degrees – the forecast for Hood River is 71F. High pressure builds inland sometime Tuesday for lesser westerlies, but models suggest the Hatch dawn patrol could be in the low 20s before a quick fade. After that, there’s a lot of disagreement in the ensembles about the overall picture. That said, they are hinting at moderately strong westerlies both Wednesday and Thursday. We’ll keep watching. Have fun out there today. Warm air. Cold water. West wind. Enjoy!

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Mt. Hood Weather Forecast

Good morning skiers and riders! The best part of the weather today happened last night with a gorgeous aurora Borealis over the mountain. This weekend’s snow will be slushy pretty much from the get-go. Conditions stay that way through at least the middle part of next week. Models are pretty mushy in their agreement after Tuesday or Wednesday.

Saturday will be sunny with temps rising to 60F at 5000′. The freezing level will be around 13,000′. Wind: W 15 all day. Sunday will be sunny all day with temps maxing out in the low to mid 50s. Freezing level: 13,000′ to start dropping to 10,000′ overnight. Wind: W 10 early, W 15 later, and NW 20-30 overnight. Monday: sunny with the freezing level at 10,000′ and temps maxing out in the upper 40s. Wind: NW 20-30 all day fading to N 10 overnight. Sunday, warm weather continues Tuesday. After that: a fair bit of range in the forecasts. We’ll leave it here. Enjoy the spring skiing!  

Jones, Sauvie’s, Coast Forecast – On vacation ‘til summer unless otherwise noted


Very basic Hood River weather forecast. Don’t plan your life around this. You really should read Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook

Saturday: sunny. Temps near 50 early (open windows) and in the upper 80s later (close windows). Calm wind early. Moderate westerlies later. No rainbows. Sunday will be sunny. Upper 50s early (open windows) and low 80s later (close windows). Moderately strong westerlies. No rainbows. Monday starts partly cloudy and probably stays that way. Low 50s early. Low 70s later. Open windows all day. Strong westerlies. No rainbows.  

Local-ish Events

Please let me know of outdoor-related local-ish events. If you don’t tell me, I don’t know!

There’s a work party for the new hike/horse/run trail in Post. Meet 5/25 at 9am at Family Man Staging Area. There’s a weekly social for Wind Johnnies (The Gorge Wind Social) at Ferment Brewing every 3rd Monday this summer. The first is Monday, May 20th at 5:30pm. The Columbia Gorge Junior Kayak Club offers free roll sessions (gear provided) for kids at the Hood River Pool every other Tuesday from 5:30 to 7pm. Visit their website for more deets: Amayah’s offers a free meal every First Thursday from 1pm to 4pm. Regular weekly events:. NK Studio’s by-donation Tuesday morning yoga class is back. Ferment’s Tuesday night 4-mile walk/run is at 6pm. There’s meditation with monks at 5:15pm (an hour) and 6:30pm (30 minutes plus a talk) at Yoga Samadhi in White Salmon. The Tri Club is done for the season. At 7:15am on Wednesdays, there’s a run from the White Salmon Bakery. At 7am on Friday morning, there’s a run from Pine Street Bakery. On Fridays at 2:30pm, there’s a free meditation and stretching class at Yoga Samadhi. On Saturday at 9am, there’s a by-donation outdoor group fitness on the 2rd floor deck about Ferment Brewing.  


Post, Whoopdee, Hospital Hill, Syncline, and probably Nestor (you check and tell me) are open. Cows are out on Hospital Hill. NO DOGS. That means you, all of you, even your dog that’s [insert adjective]. No dogs. Do not risk access for everyone. No parking at the corral. Whoopdee flowers are in full bloom. Hospital Hill and Syncline have ticks, oaks, and flowers. Columbia Hills is full of flowers and open to your bike. Definitely got a Tack Alert going on out there right now – lots of good dirt. It’s trail-building season. Get on the HRATS mailing list if you’d like to help out. If you’re parking at Post Canyon, you will need a parking pass. Those can be purchased at many local shops or online.  

Sprinter Van of the Week!

  Click here for the Sprinter Van map of the world!!!  

Have an awesome day!