
Monday: another windy day in the Gorge…

The best wind forecast for the Gorge. The best snow forecast for Mt. Hood. The best weather forecast for the Gorge.

These are ranges for the average speed reading, not a predicted wind range. =)
Your favorite launch dawn
morning max afternoon max executive
Iwash (Rooster) Rock Pineapple Express buns distressed
Stevenson 25-30 25-30 17-20 11-14
Viento 35-40 25-30 17-20 11-14
Swell-Hood River 25-30 25-30 17-20 11-14
Lyle to Doug’s 15-20 25-30 17-20 11-14
Rufus, etc: 195-233kcfs flow 27-31 30-33 30-33 26-29
Roosevelt & Arlington 27-31 30-33 30-33 26-29
River flow last 24 hours: 171-211kcfsRiver temp: 58.64F High temp: 62F

Gorge Wind Forecast

Hi friends! It’s Monday morning, and the clouds in front of my house in Hood River are zipping eastward. The whitecaps are huge! It’s going to be a windy one, but also a very gusty one. A drizzly, teen-strength wind day on Tuesday gives way to a rest day on Wednesday. After that, models have coalesced around desert heat and lesser warmth to the west. Generally speaking, this is good news for afternoon and evening thermals in the Corridor. Let’s dive in!

Monday starts with pressures of 29.70/29.58/29.57 for gradients of 0.12 and 0.01. That puts the focus at Swell early and out in the desert from mid-morning on. Expect gusty 25-30 at Swell, the Hatch, and the mouth of the White Salmon for a few hours this morning with gusty 16-20 at rainy Stevenson, 30ish at Viento, and 18-22 from Lyle to Doug’s. (in the time it took to write this, everywhere from Viento to Rufus rose to 25-30) As a weather system slides through, upper-level wind touches down in the desert and helps create lower pressure out there. Afternoon heat way out east in Idaho and Montana will lend a helping hand. All that said, expect up-and-down conditions with big gusts. Avery to Boardman until mid-afternoon: 27-31 with periods of stronger wind possible late morning. The wind starts to fade mid-afternoon. Drive pre-emptively for the best results. Today’s tricky spot is Lyle to Doug’s. Models suggest they’ll be in the low to mid 20’s this morning before fading to the teens this afternoon along with the entire Stevenson to Doug’s stretch of river. River flow over the last 24 hours was 171-211kcfs (192-211 at Rufus), river temp is 58.64F, and high temp forecast is 62F for Hood River.

Tuesday swings a weaker weather system through. This one keeps drizzle around through early afternoon as far east as Amayah’s and through the evening to Stevenson and potentially Hood River. Morning wind will be light westerly, less than 10mph. Exception: east of Rufus, where you’ll find 10-13 out of the west. Afternoon wind picks up to 15-18 from Stevenson to Viento (perhaps Swell), stays at 10mph or less from Hood River to Celilo, and rises to gusty 18-21 from Maryhill to Threemile. High temp: 65F.

High pressure briefly builds across the region on Wednesday. The wind will be calm at times and 10mph or less at times. High temp: 77F. Models then send us right back in to an extended period of westerlies. These will rely heavily on an afternoon thermal component. Keep an eye on Saturday for the potential for a big west wind day. As of right now, even through it’s a ways out, the whole weekend is looking good. Fingers crossed! Have fun out there!


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Jones, Sauvie Island, Oregon Coast

North/Central/South coast, waves (swell forecast provided by NWS). Wind forecast for the afternoon (unless it’s a storm on the coast, in which case that’s peak wind during the day). Wind direction N unless otherwise noted. Monday: SW20-25/SW15-20/LTS, W swell 9′ at 10 seconds. Tuesday: S30-35/S30-35/S15-20, W 9′ @ 11. Wednesday: N15-20/20-25/30-35, W 12′ @ 15 and SW 2′ @ 17. Jones Monday: LTW. Tuesday: 7-10. Wednesday: 14-17. Sauvie Island Monday: W 10. Tuesday: W 15. Wednesday: N7-10.

Alan’s Sauvie Island Wind Sensor  

Mt. Hood Weather Forecast

I’m tired. It’s on vacation.  

Very basic Hood River weather forecast. Don’t plan your life around this. You really should read Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook

Partly cloudy sky with sprinkles this morning gives way to partly cloudy sky in the afternoon and drizzle in the evening. Temps start in the mid 50s and rise to the low 60s. Strong westerlies early. Light westerlies later. 94% chance of rainbows. Tuesday will be drizzly in the morning and cloudy in the afternoon. Temps start in the upper 40s and rise to the mid 60s. Light to moderate westerlies. 99% chance of rainbows. Wednesday will be partly cloudy then clear. Temps start near 50 and rise to the upper 70s. Calm to light wind. No rainbows.  

Local-ish Events

Please let me know of outdoor-related local-ish events. If you don’t tell me, I don’t know!

There’s a weekly social for Wind Johnnies (The Gorge Wind Social) at Ferment Brewing every 3rd Monday this summer. On June 25th, Brave Endeavors hosts a pride MTB ride at Post Canyon at 5:30pm. June 30th is Vortex #3, a paddling race.

The Columbia Gorge Junior Kayak Club offers free roll sessions (gear provided) for kids at the Hood River Pool every other Tuesday from 5:30 to 7pm. Visit their website for more deets: Amayah’s offers a free meal every First Thursday from 1pm to 4pm. Regular weekly events:. NK Studio’s by-donation Tuesday morning yoga class is back. Ferment’s Tuesday night 4-mile walk/run is at 6pm. There’s meditation with monks at 5:15pm (an hour) and 6:30pm (30 minutes plus a talk) at Yoga Samadhi in White Salmon.  


Gonna be too wet to ride for a few days starting midday on Sunday. Find something else to do! Post, Whoopdee, Hospital Hill, Syncline, Columbia Hills, and Nestor are open. Cows are out on Hospital Hill. NO DOGS. That means you, all of you, even your dog that’s [insert adjective]. No dogs. Do not risk access for everyone. No parking at the corral.  

Sprinter Van of the Week!

  Click here for the Sprinter Van map of the world!!!  

Have an awesome day!


Sunday: incoming Pineapple Express. Windsport rest day today. Windsport day Monday.

The best wind forecast for the Gorge. The best snow forecast for Mt. Hood. The best weather forecast for the Gorge.

These are ranges for the average speed reading, not a predicted wind range. =)
Your favorite launch dawn
morning max afternoon max executive
Iwash (Rooster) Rock Pineapple Express buns distressed
Stevenson 10-13 LTW LTW LTW
Viento 10-13 LTW LTW LTW
Swell-Hood River 10-13 LTW LTW LTW
Lyle to Doug’s 10-13 LTW LTW LTW
Rufus, etc: 195-233kcfs flow 10-13 LTW LTW LTW
Roosevelt & Arlington 10-13 LTW LTW 10-13
River flow last 24 hours: 181-233kcfsRiver temp: 58.82F High temp: 65F

Gorge Wind Forecast

Hi friends! If you’ve been looking for a rest day from wind sports, you’ll get one today. That’s followed by strong, gusty westerlies on Monday as a cold front swings through in a non-ideal wind setup. Light westerlies linger on Tuesday before a potential couple-day shutdown for the middle of next week as high pressure builds and temps pick up. At some point, that heat wave will break and (probably) give us strong westerlies. As of today, the timing of that is unclear.

Sunday opens with pressures of 29.89/29.86/29.83 for gradients of 0.03 and 0.03. Not much. Lingering westerlies in the 5-10 range early go calm when the rain hits mid-morning. And oh boy will it rain! It’ll pour! Late in the day (while it’s still pouring), westerlies pick up to 10-15 west of Stevenson and 10-15 east of John Day. In other words, it’s a rest day from wind sports. River flow over the last 24 hours was 181-233kcfs, river temp is 58.82F, and high temp forecast is 65F under cloudy sky.

The cold front causing all this swings through on Monday. Upper-level winds touch down to the surface in the eastern Gorge. This is a fast-moving and dynamic setup, and not ideal for Gorge wind. Prior to the front, early in the morning, we’ll have very gusty, rainy 22-25 (more at Viento) from Stevenson to Swell or Mosier. After a couple hours, areas west of The Dalles drop to 10-13 or so. East of The Dalles, expect up-and-down 27-31 with huge gusts. Peak wind will be late morning to early afternoon. Drive pre-emptively and jump on it when it starts. Rain stops after 11am or so – hopefully that helps you plan. High temp Monday: 64F with partly cloudy sky in the afternoon.

Another, weaker, drizzly system is forecast on Tuesday. Westerlies will be marginal. The far western Gorge, from Iwash Rock to Viento, will gusty 10-15mph wind. The central Gorge, Swell to Doug’s, will likely stay under 10mph. Rain falls as far east as Amayah’s Indian Cafe until early afternoon. After that, westerlies pick up to gusty 18-22 from Amayah’s to Boardman. High temp: 68F.

Extended (when things get fuzzy): TBH, the general picture (ridging and heat) is clear, but the details are not. Wednesday looks quite light, although there’s a slight chance of just-enough for the executive session. Heat builds in the metro area on Thursday for probable easterlies. After that, clarity is lacking. Let’s wait and see. Enjoy your rainy rest day. See ya on the river Monday!


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Jones, Sauvie Island, Oregon Coast

North/Central/South coast, waves (swell forecast provided by NWS). Wind forecast for the afternoon (unless it’s a storm on the coast, in which case that’s peak wind during the day). Wind direction N unless otherwise noted. Sunday: SW30-40/SW30-40/S20-30, W swell 5′ @ 10 seconds. Monday: WSW 20/WSW 15/S 5-10, W 8′ @ 9. Tuesday: S 25-30/S25-30/S10-15, @ 9′ @ 10. Jones Sunday: 10-13. Monday: 7-10. Tuesday: LTW. Sauvie Island Sunday: S15. Monday: SW10-15. Tuesday: SSW10-15.

Alan’s Sauvie Island Wind Sensor  

Mt. Hood Weather Forecast

I’m tired. It’s on vacation.  

Very basic Hood River weather forecast. Don’t plan your life around this. You really should read Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook

Clouds this morning add rain midday then heavy rain in the afternoon. Temps start in the upper 50s and rise to the mid 60s. Calm wind. 5% chance of rainbows. Monday will be rainy in the morning and partly cloudy in the afternoon. Temps start in the mid 50s and rise to the mid 60s. Moderate westerlies. 99% chance of rainbows. Tuesday will be mostly cloudy with drizzle. Temps start near 50 and rise to the upper 60s. Light to moderate westerlies. 99% chance of rainbows.  

Local-ish Events

Please let me know of outdoor-related local-ish events. If you don’t tell me, I don’t know!

There’s a weekly social for Wind Johnnies (The Gorge Wind Social) at Ferment Brewing every 3rd Monday this summer. On June 25th, Brave Endeavors hosts a pride MTB ride at Post Canyon at 5:30pm. June 30th is Vortex #3, a paddling race.

The Columbia Gorge Junior Kayak Club offers free roll sessions (gear provided) for kids at the Hood River Pool every other Tuesday from 5:30 to 7pm. Visit their website for more deets: Amayah’s offers a free meal every First Thursday from 1pm to 4pm. Regular weekly events:. NK Studio’s by-donation Tuesday morning yoga class is back. Ferment’s Tuesday night 4-mile walk/run is at 6pm. There’s meditation with monks at 5:15pm (an hour) and 6:30pm (30 minutes plus a talk) at Yoga Samadhi in White Salmon.  


Gonna be too wet to ride for a few days starting midday on Sunday. Find something else to do! Post, Whoopdee, Hospital Hill, Syncline, Columbia Hills, and Nestor are open. Cows are out on Hospital Hill. NO DOGS. That means you, all of you, even your dog that’s [insert adjective]. No dogs. Do not risk access for everyone. No parking at the corral.  

Sprinter Van of the Week!

  Click here for the Sprinter Van map of the world!!!  

Have an awesome day!