
Thursday: a day to head east…

The best wind forecast for the Gorge. The best snow forecast for Mt. Hood. The best weather forecast for the Gorge.

These are ranges for the average speed reading, not a predicted wind range. =)
Your favorite launch dawn
morning max afternoon max executive
Iwash (Rooster) Rock gray above salt n’ pepper below
Stevenson 9-12 9-12 G13-16 G13-16
Viento G20-24 G20-24 G13-16 G13-16
Swell-Hood River G15-19 G15-19 G13-16 G10-13
Lyle to Doug’s 17-20 24-27 26-29 20-23
Rufus, etc: 138-181kcfs flow 20-24 24-27 26-29 20-23
Roosevelt & Arlington 26-30 24-27 26-29 20-23
River flow last 24 hours: 117-181kcfsRiver temp: 64.04F High temp: 73F

Gorge Wind Forecast

Hi friends! It’s looking different out there this morning, isn’t it? Clouds all the way to Doug’s Beach to start the day. Those clouds will stick around, which means you’ll probably be shifting yourself east of them. We’ll be back to our regularly scheduled summer setup through the weekend. Expect plenty of wind through the weekend and at least the middle of next week. Before I forget… and old friend and long-time member of the wind sports community, Tomoko Okazaki, had her car and all her water sport gear stolen on Maui a few days ago. Think about how you would feel if you didn’t have a ton of money and this were you. If you can spare some cash to help her out, that would be amazing. If you haven’t met her, I hope you do someday. She’s an amazing human and an incredible waterwoman. Please contribute to the GoFundMe her friends set up for her!

Is this feeling helpful? If so, go ahead and make a contribution using Paypal to support it. Send $19.99 or more, and I’ll send the forecast to your inbox for a year.

Back to the forecast… Thursday starts with pressures of 30.07/30.00/29.93 for daybreak gradients of 0.07 and 0.07. Westerlies were generally in the upper teens west of The Dalles and the low 20s to the east. The cloud line was at Doug’s or Rowena – hard to tell on the webcam. Clouds will stick around as far east as at least Hood River today. Under those clouds, the wind will bounce around in the 14-17ish range, although it was 17-20ish from Viento to Hood River as I was writing this. For better results, head east of The Dalles. The wind starts at 20-23 out there and rises to 24-27 from Avery to Arlington. A period of 26-29 is possible from late morning to mid afternoon before the wind drops to 20-23 in the evening. Visiting from out of town? Those forecasts are loosely based on what I expect sensors to read; a 25 reading at Swell City is approximately equivalent to a 30 reading at The Wall or Arlington. River flow over the last 24 hours was 117-181kcfs, river temp is 64.04F, and high temp forecast is 68F for Hood River and 73F for Arlington.

High pressure slides inland on Friday and knocks the wind down almost to the waterskiing zone. It might even fall to the waterskiing zone! The day starts with 10-13ish west of Hood River, falls to nearly calm, and rises back to 10-13ish from Stevenson to Mosier after 5pm. High temp: 80F.

Writing the complete forecast takes me 1-2 hours a day. If it saves you time, gas money, or helps you plan your life, please consider contributing.


On Saturday, an approaching system sends slightly cooler air to the west side, the desert heats up, and the pressure reading offshore increases. Dawn Patrol at the Hatch should be in the 21-24 range. East of Hood River: 10-13 to start. As the system exerts some influence on the Gorge, the wind drops to 17-20 from Stevenson to Hood River and rises to 23-26 from Mosier to Avery. Late afternoon wind should climb to 26-29 from Mosier to Rufus (steadiest at Doug’s – wrong direction for Rufus, probably). For the executive session, Arlington joins at 25-29 and the Hatch jumps to 22-25. All of that is subject to change as the timing of the approaching system is clarified over the next couple of days.

  Extended: Sunday starts in the low 20’s near Hood River and rises to the mid-upper 20’s between Mosier and Rufus. Stronger offshore high pressure is likely Monday through Wednesday. If that forecast holds, we’ll see reality beating the models with solid, relatively steady mid to upper 20’s in the Corridor. After that, there’s way too much noise in the models. There is a general hint of a warming trend into the July 4 holiday weekend, but we’ll have to wait and see how the models change over the next few days. Have a great day on the river today! Oh, and don’t forget to make a contribution to Tomoko!

That was helpful in planning your life, wasn’t it? Go ahead and subscribe to the forecast using the fancy auto-renew option. Don’t like electronic payment? No problem! You can send a check or cash to: Temira / PO Box 841 / Hood River, Oregon, 97031. Thank you so much for supporting the forecast. I’m glad you find it helpful, and I appreciate your kindness in supporting the work I’m doing!  


Jones, Sauvie Island, Oregon Coast

North/Central/South coast, waves (swell forecast provided by NWS). Wind forecast for the afternoon (unless it’s a storm on the coast, in which case that’s peak wind during the day). Wind direction N (coast/Sauvie Island) and W (Jones) unless otherwise noted. Thursday: LTW/LTNW/20-25, W swell 4′ at 10 seconds and S 2′ @ 14. Friday: 20/20/25-30, W 3′ @ 10 and S 2′ @ 13. Saturday: LTNW/LTNW/20-25, W 2′ @ 9 and S 2′ @ 14. Jones Thursday: LTW. Friday: 14-17. Saturday: 20-23. Sauvie Island Thursday: NW 10-13. Friday: N 11-14. Saturday: 13-16.

Alan’s Sauvie Island Wind Sensor  

Mt. Hood Weather Forecast

I’m tired. It’s on vacation.  

Very basic Hood River weather forecast. Don’t plan your life around this. You really should read Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook

Clouds this morning mostly stick around. Temps start in the upper 50s and rise to the upper 60s. Moderate westerlies. 4% chance of rainbows. Friday looks partly cloudy then partly high cloudy. Temps start in the low 50s and rise to 80 or so. Light westerlies. No rainbows. Saturday will be high overcast then clear. Temps start in the mid 50s and rise to the low 80s. Moderately strong westerlies. No rainbows.  

Local-ish Events

Please let me know of outdoor-related local-ish events. If you don’t tell me, I don’t know!

There’s a weekly social for Wind Johnnies (The Gorge Wind Social) at Ferment Brewing every 3rd Monday this summer. June 30th is Vortex #3, a paddling race.

The Columbia Gorge Junior Kayak Club offers free roll sessions (gear provided) for kids at the Hood River Pool every other Tuesday from 5:30 to 7pm. Visit their website for more deets: Amayah’s offers a free meal every First Thursday from 1pm to 4pm. Regular weekly events:. NK Studio’s by-donation Tuesday morning yoga class is back. Ferment’s Tuesday night 4-mile walk/run is at 6pm. There’s meditation with monks at 5:15pm (an hour) and 6:30pm (30 minutes plus a talk) at Yoga Samadhi in White Salmon. Columbia Gorge Tri Club meets at Mayer State Park at 6pm Tuesdays. At 7:15am on Wednesdays, there’s a run from the White Salmon Bakery. At 7am on Friday morning, there’s a run from Pine Street Bakery. On Fridays at 2:30pm, there’s a free meditation and stretching class at Yoga Samadhi. On Saturday at 9am, there’s a by-donation outdoor group fitness on the 2rd floor deck about Ferment Brewing.

Sign-ups are open for the Gorge Ultimate Summer League:

Wingfoil racing starts July 2nd:

Post Canyon Junior Enduro MTB series:  


Dirt is great in post as of 6/19. Post, Whoopdee, Hospital Hill, Syncline, Columbia Hills, and Nestor are open. Eightmile, Knebal, Bottle Prairie, Surveyor’s, Dog River, SuperConnector, and Cook Meadows are open. Fifteenmile is clear of snow but has not been cleared of downed trees. Lewis River is open. I received an email that Falls Creek is open. That is USFS land, and E-bikes are not allowed. Cows are out on Hospital Hill. NO DOGS. That means you, all of you, even your dog that’s [insert adjective]. No dogs. Do not risk access for everyone. No parking at the corral.  

Sprinter Van of the Week!

  Click here for the Sprinter Van map of the world!!!  

Have an awesome day!


Wednesday: “it’s complicated” wind today

The best wind forecast for the Gorge. The best snow forecast for Mt. Hood. The best weather forecast for the Gorge.

These are ranges for the average speed reading, not a predicted wind range. =)
Your favorite launch dawn
morning max afternoon max executive
Iwash (Rooster) Rock blue above buns below
Stevenson G24-28 G24-28 G20-24 G17-20
Viento G16-20 G24-28 G20-24 G17-20
Swell-Hood River G24-28 G24-28 G20-24 G17-20
Lyle to Doug’s 10-13 G24-28 G28-31+ G20-24?
Rufus, etc: 155-241kcfs flow 10-13 G24-28+ G28-31+ G23-26
Roosevelt & Arlington 10-13 G24-28+ G28-31+ G23-26
River flow last 24 hours: 145-241kcfsRiver temp: 63.50F High temp: 74F

Gorge Wind Forecast

Hi friends! It’s Wednesday, and it’s a tricky day for forecasting here in the Gorge. Call it a high probability, low reliability day for wind. Predictability increases over the next few days with moderate wind Thursday, not much at all Friday, and stronger westerlies returning Saturday through Monday. Don’t forget about your favorite Port doing bridge lifts on your favorite old and decrepit bridge 7am-3pm today, tomorrow, and Friday.

Is this feeling helpful? If so, go ahead and make a contribution using Paypal to support it. Send $19.99 or more, and I’ll send the forecast to your inbox for a year.

Wednesday opens up with pressures of 29.86/29.77/29.75 for gradients of 0.09 and 0.02. At this point, gradients are behind the model predictions – those models called for 0.15 for dawn patrol. We’ll see a weather system move through today as a weak low moves towards the WA coast. South to southwest flow aloft gives us instability and a slight risk of thunder – there’s already a little virga falling near The Dalles. All this action makes for a tricky forecast – expect the wind to be extra gusty and unreliable today. All that said… we should see a period of gusty 24-28 from Swell to Mosier this morning (it was 12mph when I started writing and 22mph when I finished!). Briefly stronger wind is not out of the question. Areas to the east won’t be far behind.

Then you can expect a quick jump to 23-26 from Lyle to Arlington. As low clouds push as far east as Hood River or Mosier or even deeper into the Gorge, westerlies drop to gusty 20-24 between Stevenson and the end of the cloud line. By late afternoon, areas under the clouds fall to gusty 16-19. Between Lyle (probably, maybe Avery) and Boardman, late morning or early afternoon westerlies pick up to gusty 28-31 with periods of 30-33 possible. The Rufus zone does not like this sort of atmospheric action; expect it to be gusty. Arlington does better when “stuff” is happening, but the risk of thunderstorms and instability increases out there. Doug’s: probably gusty but very windy, assuming the clouds don’t penetrate that far east. All-in-all, it’ll be a windy day, but it’ll be a gusty and unreliable day too. River flow over the last 24 hours was 145-241 kcfs (155-241kcfs at Rufus yesterday with flow over 200kcfs after 3pm). River temp is 63.50F. High temp forecast is 74F for Hood River and 81F for Arlington.

Writing the complete forecast takes me 1-2 hours a day. If it saves you time, gas money, or helps you plan your life, please consider contributing.


Thursday will be a cooler, more reliable day. A weak low moves inland in the morning, and moderate high pressure builds offshore in the afternoon. Areas west of Mosier, and potentially west of The Dalles, will remain cloudy all day. You’ll have to go east for wind, unless you have the gear for light conditions. The day starts with 12-15 from Stevenson to Boardman with some drizzle possible in Stevenson. Afternoon westerlies rise to 14-17 from Viento to Mosier with 22-25 from Lyle to Rufus and 13-16 east of Rufus. High temp: 69F for Hood River and 73F for Arlington.

  Extended: As of right now, models have Friday as a no-wind day. Break out the ski boat! High temp: 80F under partly high overcast sky. a system approaches on Saturday and drives mid to upper 20s near Rowena and low 20s to the west. Saturday, Sunday, and Monday benefit from stronger offshore high pressure and a nice, tight temp gradient across the region: call it mid 20s or better all three days. Have a great day on the river!

That was helpful in planning your life, wasn’t it? Go ahead and subscribe to the forecast using the fancy auto-renew option. Don’t like electronic payment? No problem! You can send a check or cash to: Temira / PO Box 841 / Hood River, Oregon, 97031. Thank you so much for supporting the forecast. I’m glad you find it helpful, and I appreciate your kindness in supporting the work I’m doing!  


Jones, Sauvie Island, Oregon Coast

North/Central/South coast, waves (swell forecast provided by NWS). Wind forecast for the afternoon (unless it’s a storm on the coast, in which case that’s peak wind during the day). Wind direction N (coast/Sauvie Island) and W (Jones) unless otherwise noted. Wednesday: SW15/SW15/LTV, W swell 3′ at 8 seconds. Thursday: NW5-10/LTN/N20-25, W 4′ @ 10 and S 2′ @ 14. Friday: 15-20/15-20/30-35, W 3′ @ 10 and W 2′ @ 13. Jones Wednesday: LTW. Thursday: LTW. Friday: 13-16. Sauvie Island Wednesday: G14-17. Thursday: LTN. Friday: 16-19.

Alan’s Sauvie Island Wind Sensor  

Mt. Hood Weather Forecast

I’m tired. It’s on vacation.  

Very basic Hood River weather forecast. Don’t plan your life around this. You really should read Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook

High clouds this morning add some lower clouds later and keep the high clouds. Slight chance of thunder. Temps start in the mid 60s and rise to the mid 70s. Strong westerlies. 1% chance of rainbows. Thursday starts with low clouds and holds on to some of them all day. Temps start in the low 50s and rise to the upper 60s. Light to moderate westerlies. No rainbows. Friday will have a few high clouds. Temps start near 50 and rise to 80 or so. Calm wind. No rainbows.  

Local-ish Events

Please let me know of outdoor-related local-ish events. If you don’t tell me, I don’t know!

There’s a weekly social for Wind Johnnies (The Gorge Wind Social) at Ferment Brewing every 3rd Monday this summer. On June 25th, Brave Endeavors hosts a pride MTB ride at Post Canyon at 5:30pm. June 30th is Vortex #3, a paddling race.

The Columbia Gorge Junior Kayak Club offers free roll sessions (gear provided) for kids at the Hood River Pool every other Tuesday from 5:30 to 7pm. Visit their website for more deets: Amayah’s offers a free meal every First Thursday from 1pm to 4pm. Regular weekly events:. NK Studio’s by-donation Tuesday morning yoga class is back. Ferment’s Tuesday night 4-mile walk/run is at 6pm. There’s meditation with monks at 5:15pm (an hour) and 6:30pm (30 minutes plus a talk) at Yoga Samadhi in White Salmon. Columbia Gorge Tri Club meets at Mayer State Park at 6pm Tuesdays. At 7:15am on Wednesdays, there’s a run from the White Salmon Bakery. At 7am on Friday morning, there’s a run from Pine Street Bakery. On Fridays at 2:30pm, there’s a free meditation and stretching class at Yoga Samadhi. On Saturday at 9am, there’s a by-donation outdoor group fitness on the 2rd floor deck about Ferment Brewing.

Sign-ups are open for the Gorge Ultimate Summer League:

Wingfoil racing starts July 2nd:

Post Canyon Junior Enduro MTB series:  


Dirt is great in post as of 6/19. Post, Whoopdee, Hospital Hill, Syncline, Columbia Hills, and Nestor are open. Eightmile, Knebal, Bottle Prairie, Surveyor’s, Dog River, SuperConnector, and Cook Meadows are open. Fifteenmile is clear of snow but has not been cleared of downed trees. Lewis River is open. I received an email that Falls Creek is open. That is USFS land, and E-bikes are not allowed. Cows are out on Hospital Hill. NO DOGS. That means you, all of you, even your dog that’s [insert adjective]. No dogs. Do not risk access for everyone. No parking at the corral.  

Sprinter Van of the Week!

  Click here for the Sprinter Van map of the world!!!  

Have an awesome day!